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Man, it really feels like corona exploded all over the world since our last post. I mean it was already pretty horrible in a lot of places, but now it truly feels like it's gotten a solid foothold EVERYWHERE.  The emptying of stores in my neck of  the woods pretty much began the day after my earlier post. I'm still not certain why toilet paper is that one coveted item over all else, but it was the one thing I didn't think of getting beforehand. Mostly because I go through that stuff so slowly I rarely have to buy it. 

Well, I'm sure everyone has their own stories or seen/read about it all over the place so I won't bore you any further with mine.

As you've noticed our earlier estimation of a bughunt version earlier this week was a dud.  I was already concerned Rob got sick and although he does have a mild cough(me too) we're really good at socially distancing ourselves and self quarantine.  Not saying we have IT, but let's not chance bothering anyone else with whatever we have.

part of Rob's earlier reply to me:

"I actually do have a very mild cough but that's not holding me back. I realized that with so many people stuck at home our fans could really use some distraction and and I'm going back and making things more interesting I hope. I still haven't finished so  going back and editing is probably not wise but I'm trying to do both."

And that snippet is pretty much the gist of things. I'm as impatient as anyone else can be, but considering all the weirdness going on and still having a solid bit of time before April is here, I can see and agree with Rob's desire to try and create something better. 

Since I'm writing this in-between post, I'll also take the opportunity to mention I've finished the mom/daughter scene I mentioned earlier and have taken the time to improve some other things. I also have been working on something extra depraved for the last build of this route, but once that's done I'm truly finished with this builds stuff and will need to start working on the love route assets. That means new idles for new characters! It'll be nice to start working on some new faces.

Since I dislike text only posts I took some time to draw korra all better again after the visit from "plague toph" in my earlier update. It won't go quite as fast in the real world, but let's all try and do our best to keep this thing from getting to all the people who are more susceptible to suffer from serious consequences of it. 




Yea it got bad, here in north where it is cold gonna be worse if we have cold summer. TP is plenty but masks and disinfectants are running low

The Scyle

Huh, just logged in to see for anything new, talking about timing man! That being said: Stay healthy man! both of you. And give us whatever you can whenever it is ready, as usual!

The Scyle

though considering the current economic change: Are you sure you still want to be paid in USD by patreon and not just switch to the more stable and sought after currency of good old solid TP


I hope the both of you stay healthy, and that Rob gets better. At the least, you guys have a steady flow of income from us, it's not as bad where I am so I'm not taking my patron cash from you.


It's crazy. Guns and ammunition are completely gone in my neck of the woods. Lots of reports of poached deer and game fish (we are out of season for both) and grocery stores are a mess. But alas us pervs have good games like this to break the mundane cycle of Corona. Stay healthy fellas


Hey ho. I really like that you don't like "just text" posts since I always look forward to these little artworks a lot because they are great.


Where must we save this file too?


Keep up the good work. Ironically I'll be self isolating for a few weeks, and not because I'm sick. I had leave booked and now everything is kind of shutting down, so home for me. Take your time on the game and get it right. I've always got lots I'm behind on to keep me occupied.


Well, as much as we appreciate that thought, if you have ANY misgivings about your own financial future we'd want you to drop us immediately.


I'm still hoping a non symptomatic strain will pop up and start inoculating people.


Hah, thanks you too. But yeah, like I mentioned in an earlier update it's how our fellow humans react which had and has me a lot more worried than the virus itself.


Thanks, I've sorta disappointed myself because I didn't add a chibi Toph this time!


I changed it to the jpg format. The original psd can only be opened with specific software, but jpg is pretty much "legal tender" to any image viewer out there.


Over here they wont let us leave out houses


Better is of course, better. Take your time, be healthy, and do what you need to do. Your game is quite popular for a reason. And just so you know, any chance I get to promote your game, I do it. Viva la MiTY team!


No worries mity , i know were been impatient because most of us already finish the game, but healthy is number one factor here so, hope you guys doing ok

Peter Vanusanik

so have you decided who will be protagonist in Love route?


Stay healthy. And don't eat bats or other weird animals.


Pretty sure they want to surprise us. But I am a little bit worried.

Peter Vanusanik

I reconsidered and honestly futa korra with other girls might not be bad at all...


Pretty sure they already said that's a no go. No precedence and all that.


I still Hope to se Korra Pregnant some day


I am still hoping for a custom character like in book 1. That would give us more options in character pairings.

Peter Vanusanik

but custom character in chapter 2 was kinda weakest and it can only work in slave route imho


Thanks and will do. I'm pretty much a recluse and easily entertained, but this kind of thing must be hell on earth for all the extroverts out there.


Heh, thanks! Make sure you also take care of yourself. It's a bit more difficult to concentrate with all of this freaky stuff going on, but we do our best.


I just want this damn corona virus to end already lol. When are you posting the new update for the game btw? tbh I want to see the love version and get married to Korra and get her pregnant hehe that'll be awesome


What's was people's response to the the scene with tenzins daughter


Hopefully none of us gets sick from it. gotta be clean and healthy always ^-^ and drink lots of hot tea of course hehe I want this game to be the best of the best


I really hope there will be more foot stuff in the live route


Will we get an update by the end of march?


Me being honest: I wish you would replace the coder with someone who's passionate and reliable. I think it's fair to say that he has been given plenty of time and space to get back up on his feet, but to no avail. You (Mezz? the artist) still seem to have lots of drive and passion for this project and your art great as always. The Coder's problems are affecting this project and you more than they should. When the deadline is fluid and words mean nothing, it's really hard to be a patreon. -Concerned fan


Not sure if that is a good solution for the whole situation, but I am kind of disappointed that delays have become the norm rather than exceptions. I still remember times when the budget was smaller, the updates came out at a consistent pace and the quality was higher overall. Would be a shame, if Mity lost the goodwill they've built over the years. In general many creators on patreon tend to work at a slower pace once financial support surpasses a certain threshold. But then again that's just human nature I guess.


It's been over a week since the last update. Mity I think it's about time that you update even your non high tier patrons. Going silent after making unrealistic estimates isn't the way to go.


I mean, the move that makes the most sense imo, is to make the protagonist one of the newly awakened air benders and having the whole love route take place in book 4 of Korra, with the whole earth rebellion taking place, maybe helping take down Kuvira in the process.


So I'm replying through the whole game and I'm now on the very beginning of book 3 and I got a crash [code] I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred. While running game code: File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in Exception: Shader error: -- Full Traceback ------------------------------------------------------------ Full traceback: File "00gamemenu.rpyc", line 173, in script File "/data/user/0/fet.start/files/renpy/ast.py", line 862, in execute renpy.python.py_exec_bytecode(self.code.bytecode, self.hide, store=self.store) File "/data/user/0/fet.start/files/renpy/python.py", line 1912, in py_exec_bytecode exec bytecode in globals, locals File "renpy/common/00gamemenu.rpy", line 173, in File "/data/user/0/fet.start/files/renpy/ui.py", line 287, in interact rv = renpy.game.interface.interact(roll_forward=roll_forward, **kwargs) File "/data/user/0/fet.start/files/renpy/display/core.py", line 2649, in interact repeat, rv = self.interact_core(preloads=preloads, trans_pause=trans_pause, **kwargs) File "/data/user/0/fet.start/files/renpy/display/core.py", line 3364, in interact_core self.set_mode(size) File "/data/user/0/fet.start/files/renpy/display/core.py", line 2007, in set_mode if draw.set_mode(virtual_size, physical_size, fullscreen): File "gldraw.pyx", line 430, in renpy.gl.gldraw.GLDraw.set_mode File "glenviron_shader.pyx", line 453, in renpy.gl.glenviron_shader.ShaderEnviron.init File "glenviron_shader.pyx", line 386, in renpy.gl.glenviron_shader.Program.__init__ File "glenviron_shader.pyx", line 338, in renpy.gl.glenviron_shader.compile_program File "glenviron_shader.pyx", line 328, in renpy.gl.glenviron_shader.compile_shader File "glenviron_shader.pyx", line 313, in renpy.gl.glenviron_shader.check_status Exception: Shader error: [/code]


Looking into this, but so far not really understanding what happened. Does it keep happening even after for example you create a savegame before the error, quit the game and start the game again?


No it didn't happen again it only happened once after I reloaded the game it didn't crash again

Dominic J Wiltse

Probably just a hickup in the game sometimes these things happen but as long as its still working great if it becomes a constant issue then id be concerned