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Hey guys, how's it going? Here's a small update to let you know what to expect of us in the coming week(s) etc.

Despite the people around me coughing and wiping their nose on a regular basis, I've still managed to somehow avoid getting sick. Maybe it's because I got sick earlier this year or maybe I'm in the incubation phase. Or maybe it's because I've been taking some apple cider vinegar which is supposed to help against viruses etc. God that stuff tastes horrible... 

Now of course with all this Corona stuff going on in the world it's a bit more of an eye-raising experience to get the sniffles than normally, but looking at how it is popping up just about everywhere, and containment of it pretty much failing I'm expecting a lot of us will get it sooner or later.

I'm actually surprised the coder didn't get it yet! He's usually the first to catch whatever is going around when it comes to viruses *knocks on wood*

Serious talk for a moment, a few weeks after I heard about what was going on in China, I've been slowly buying some extra groceries each time I went to the store. I didn't go out and start panic buying, but over time I made sure I have enough to get me through a couple of weeks if need be.

I'm not so much concerned over the virus itself, but I am wary of how people at large can freak out and empty stores in a short amount of time. I'm not trying to be dramatic here , but any sort of supply chain hiccup can cause problems and, well I think it's better to be safe than sorry.

But you might be more interested in some FET news! Things like how far along the current build is etc.  I got a new estimation from the coder. He thinks he'll have the bughunt version ready sometime early next week. But Let's not forget he has a strong tendency to overestimate the amount of things which can be done in a day. We're also doing something which makes it a bit harder to keep things from turning into a bugfest and could cause some problems(not a minigame). So consider that an optimal estimation. 

I was hoping we'd have something finished by the weekend, because I'm really looking forward to everyone's reaction to the next build.  We decided to add the scene which let's it end on a more upbeat cliffhanger instead of the sad one which was just downright depressing. Having to wait for more than a month when the story ends on a really sad note to get some closure is asking too much of anyone.

While Rob's trying his best to finish the build and also add the "happy" scene, I'm working on the last scene for this route. It's a shared experience between mother, daughter and the player. A bit like the Poppy and Toph scene(s) during the slave route of book 3. It's too bad we couldn't do something like that for the slave route of book 1 or book 2, but things get slightly more complicated with Katara and Azula's mom considering they're dead or missing.


I've also finished (re)watching the third(my favorite by far) and fourth season of "The legend of Korra". I started watching the second season too, but the amount of unlikeable Korra moments during those first episodes makes it a lot harder to get through so I haven't finished that one. On a positive note, it made the guilt I feel for some of the more darker scenes in the next build a lot less!!

And that's already it for this small update right now. 


ps. I've been trying to come up with a pun using Korra and corona, but I got nothing! 

pps. I managed to ram a sharp object in between my thumbnail and flesh... no serious damage but damn did it hurt!




I ‘m from Italy and here the situation is dramatic , we are all locked in our homes . Fortunately I have this game to finish 🤣


Corona is just short for Korra anal


Dont get Corona until the game is finished. 😂😂 haha, just kidding. Thanks for the Update :)


The cruise ship stuck here in Singapore seems to be okay. Though the people looked bored the other day 😂


Sounds like this next update is gonna be a hell of a doozy! Can't wait to play it!


The Beer Virus is pretty bad, so stay healthy guys. I mean, its mostly just like a slightly bad cold for younger people, but you never know. Just avoid all together! That goes for everyone! Be careful! I look forward to the update. You made me happy when you said mother and daughter but then I realized... wait, I am thinking about something else (facepalm) bad me. I can't tell you how much I look forward to beating the game now. Your game is so fun and quite frankly, an inspiration for people who want to create in Ren'PY. I will follow you through any game you want to create. Viva MITY team!


Korra, time to make you more of the slave you deserve to be. XD I had to go love route through books 1 through 3, I just love the characters so much. But with Korra, I can't find anything about her to like. 😅 Sooooo slave route all the way for that one. 😂


So when someone says they want Corona, they're not insane but just horny : )


Is this going to be the last build for FET? Cause if so, it's probably going to be a huge update. Cause Korra's restraint and morality are still pretty high, at the lowest they can possibly be right now.


Right. But at least for the slave route, is this the end of the line?


Hopping J gets scenes since we are almost done with this Route


Yea korra is probably one of if not the most unlikable character in all of the avatar series. She has manny mary sue characteristics and even when she should be wrong (like when she refused to learn air bending from her master) she just unlocks it randomly without or turns out right for bad reasons. Even the villains themselves are underwhelming.... but at least she is not as bad as Wan and its retcons.


The "shared experience" sounds promising. Not enough of that sort of thing out there :-)


Including this upcoming build the slave route will be two more builds. Korra's restraint and morality were originally going to be much more of an integral part in getting the game to progress, but it started feeling a bit too grindy and more importantly, with the coders' problems it sorta got left by the wayside.


Gonna have to disappoint you on that account. At least for the next build. We're considering having more of her during the love route though.


Is it still gunna be a part of it then? Like are we going to get a small chat with Korra, acknowledging what happened at the South Pole, and both her restraint and morality just plunge drastically?


There's people out there who barely suffer from any ill effects of being infected so if we can have that and be inoculated... fine with me!


Yep it does seem to be pretty benign to most of the younger people. But I think most of us have some family members who are getting up there in age and I certainly wouldn't want to be the person infecting anyone else. And just like you already mentioned, you never know, so I try to be careful regardless.


While watching season 3 and 4 I honestly wasn't that annoyed with Korra, but season 2... is challenging at times.


Maybe so, but I'd already eyerolled myself into giving up on Korra by that point. 😄 I just couldn't stand her anymore. I found the supporting characters (yes even the masked deux ex machina. 😂) more likeable and relatable than Korra, not a good sign. 😅


ooooo nooooooooooo lots of peeps were looking forward to J


I heard in the comics there's a side story about how Zuko found his mother.

Jonathan W Bain

Corona can also mean Crown, so if she's completely ignorant on Chakras. A maybe dummy thinks there's a virus that affects the crown?

Toxic FX

glad your well looking forward to more of the game


I'd have to ask Rob, but I agree it would probably be better not to just leave it hanging.


Maybe use the docks that are always closed at night, or the tower that's just an accidental click every single time at this point? The tower and the meditation were really abandoned along with the whole system of it morality and restraint.


tbh, when i’m playing this game, i never touch the Slave route and always play the Love Route, i might be never try the slave route because when i play it, i felt pretty bad with the character (yes i know its just a game, but i just can’t). and im also never touch the book 4, because i just love the Book 3 story and toph 🤣


And would you agree if Maybe, Just maybe MITY can add interaction again with old Toph where tenzin met her in the swamp and old Toph realize when she meet with tenzin, is actually the MC and reunited again once more, just like you did with katara in the Slave Route. i just love the interaction between the MC and Toph


Glad you are doing fine. Wasn't the biggest fan of the slave route and the last few updates in particular (though I understand the circumstances), but I am hopeful regarding the next updates and the end of this route. Looking forward to the love route. So much potential there!


I only did the love route in book 1 and 2 played the slave route and the love route in book 3.


'Early next week'


They're never on a consistent schedule. Every date they tell you just add a few weeks to be safe.


You'd think they'd learn to estimate better after years of consistently never delivering when they say they will lol