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Hey folks! It has been a  busy couple of days since the release of the bughunt version. I've been trying to add some more content and find/fix bugs in the Halloween side story which I've been creating for FET and I'm finally ready to show all of you the fruits of those insane couple of weeks. Thanks for the feedback bughunters! 

It was very exciting and I had a couple of very frustrating moments, but all in all this really helped me see things through the coders' eyes.  I think I've been able to create something interesting and I hope you'll enjoy it. Of course, as much fun as side stories can be, I (and I think most of you) am looking forward to when we can resume our normal routine. I haven't talked with the coder about that, but will soon and let you know the result of that. 

In the meantime, please enjoy this Halloween themed side story of FET.

I'll post a content description tomorrow, but will also upload the bughunt post later tonight so the bughunters will immediately be able to see what has changed in this version.

SpookTimes 1 (0.4)      -    Pc version           -    alt link  

SpookTimes 1 (0.4)      -    Mac version        -    alt link 

SpookyTimes 1 (0.4)    -    Android version  -    alt link 

Version 0.4  has a bug fixed where  you could get stuck if you flattered toph for the sixth time at the wrong moment in the game





Sorry but Avira shows a signature for a virus if I unzip the file.


I don't have Avira, but I'm willing to bet it's a false positive. I have an old pc which I keep unhooked from the internet. I'll create a new build on that and send you the link so you can see how Avira reacts to that.


So this is not the final release of the side-story.


can't believe you did this in 2 weeks. great job


Does the Anatomy Book have a use besides getting destroyed by two characters?


great work! such a good side story is such little time

Peter Vanusanik

that was a lot of fun for small project, I enjoyed it. The only thing I missed would be Korra's yell during the morning had you pissed in her bed tho :D


I admire your dedication MITY, thank you so much for this! I hope the coder is doing better. He really deserves the break! You guys have given us great updates on a consistent basis for so long to create a truly amazing game!


I wasn't planning on it. If some bad bugs pop up(which I'm not expecting) I'll fix those of course, but this was meant as a short little diversion for Halloween, not a spin-off mini series.


Thanks. Now that I'm done and looking back on it, I'm sorta scary surprised I managed to throw it together too. Corners were cut and the thrill of doing something like this for the first time did provide me with a sort of "wild" energy. Without that this would've never been possible.


It can turn an angry character not angry anymore during one of the menu choices.


A bit of luck and the thrill/energy of doing something for the first time is what made it possible. I'm seriously happy people are liking it so far.


I had totally not thought of that! That really would've made for a great addition : ) !


Very nice spin-off! Well done, mr. Artist :D


Thanks, I've only talked with the coder (I think) twice during all of this to make sure he'd get the most out of it. Not sure what and if he wants to do something in the very near future, but I'll let you guys now when I've had that conversation.

Kuzuha Chan

Honestly, i was not expecting such a great Mini-Game (by programming skills) just by the Artist. This was a great challenge, for sure. Well done, Paint-Mity, well done (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ I really enjoyed playing :) Thank you!


Thanks! I very much prefer the coder doing this sort of thing, but I'm happy it hasn't turned into a flaming pile of refuse :o


Thanks.There were a few moments when I was thinking along the lines of "oh my god what have I gotten myself into?!" , so it's gratifying to see you've enjoyed playing it. Anyone out there doing this sort of stuff by themselves all the time instead of just once... you have my respect.


Well i got to start it somehow but nothing happens ingame... all i can do is click on the locations but on none of them happens smth :/


Great side game. is there more than 1 ending depending on if you sell your soul or not? or is that just in there as a cheat?


Great job ! Thanks for the extra work :)


damn i should have saved before i sold my soul, its literally the last thing i did before visiting the spirit lol. now i basically have to play from the beginning again. thanks for the head up though. much appreciated


A small warning: the changes are text only . I wanted to do something more, but oh look it's already the 31st! I mostly added the soul selling option because the minigame to earn money was ALOT harder when I created it at first.


Mac, android or pc? I uploaded a new version with a few (minimal) changes. Perhaps that one doesn't have the problems your are having?


It was perfect i thought, it wasn't hard to earn cash, and its a nice touch to have two different endings, even if its text only. So not only did it feel like a lengthy side story, it also had replay value. very well done


Hey, I bought back my soul but now have no idea what to do. I spoke with everyone and haven't gotten any of the scenes yet. Any advice to point me in the right direction?


Yep, just Like Peter already said, start by giving dog treats to Korro, she'll dig up rewards which she'll trade for the treats. The dug up items can be used/given to other characters

John wayne

exceeded my expectations by far


That's truly good to hear. I was far from certain I could make something worthwhile when I started.


The Mac download isn't working for me. I keep clicking download and getting a .html file?


Really liked it a shame you removed the deep "sex scene" with Korro and replaced it with some lame MCU style quip fest. But in all seriousness have you ever thought about doing these side games more often. The coder does so much and it would be a good way to let him take more of a break? Maybe I am worrying to much about him.

Justin Thai

youve done a great job! playing this version rn and i found an opportunity for you, shouldve sampled the actor toph scream from the play into the batgirl scream.


Is anyone able to download this for Mac? I get "the XML file doesn't have any style information associated with it."


I cant seem to download v1


Can you re-upload this please?


Cant download it anymore it has expired


Are there any hidden scenes in this one? I've finished the game both having sold my soul and not and don't think I found any.