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Hey folks just a quick little "how are you doing?" - update.

But first, if you're a patron in a tier with bughunt perks, don't forget to download the Halloween side story project which I uploaded today and please let me know about any bugs and or other weirdness you might encounter.

So I finally finished the Halloween side story and uploaded it today. For the next couple of days, I'll be killing bugs and hopefully adding/improving some things.

Finishing the bughunt today, felt a lot like coming up for air after diving. Wonderful!  I've just finished answering a bunch of pm's which were all gathering dust.  

I haven't done nearly the amount of stuff I wanted to, but that doesn't mean I'm not happy with the result. It was a crazy couple of weeks and I had a couple of bugs which were absolutely horrendous and at one time had me doing little dream tests. 

That means I seriously wondered if I was dreaming and this was one of those unsolvable dreambugs which I encountered in my sleeping stages.  So I tested whether I could do things I can't do in the real world, like breathing through a closed nose.   I've never seen 3:00 AM (and later) appear on this much of a continual basis on my alarm clock.

I also started doing exercises before sleeping which someone told me would cut down heavily on my sleeping time without feeling sleepy the next day. Maybe those exercises are working or maybe I'm just on a weird sort of high, but I'm feeling dandy.

More importantly, the few times I talked with the coder is leading me to believe he's really been perking up.  I'm still not 100% certain I can trust him on his word when he says he's doing great, but I'm feeling reasonably good about it. 

I asked  whether he wanted to play an early version of the bughunt build, assuring him it was entirely okay if he didn't feel like it yet, but he was all into it and sent me back a truly endless list with spelling mistakes. That's a good sign. Not for my spelling abilities, but it is for his energy levels.

Sooo I'll try and cross the t's and dot the i's of this mini side chapter and in a  couple of days it'll be ready for a proper release! Just in time for Halloween.

The great thing about having to do this by yourself is, one:  your really appreciate the stuff the coder has to go through. And second, when we're going back to our original routine where the coder codes and I just draw...   it'll feel like a vacation to me : )

So yeah, sit tight until I can get all of oddities flattened and maybe add some stuff.

I'm feeling good, coder is feeling better and I hope you all feel awesome.  Have a great (what's left of it anyway) weekend and talk to you later!



Allright, don't forget to rest and eat properly guys! No need to destroy your health over a h-game really, great as it may be ;)


Make your time bro


I sure hope the coder is actually feeling better since we all are certainly eagerly waiting for the next update! Remember to take care of yourself too. :)


Glad to hear you are doing well and coder is on the mend. Please take your time.


When you think the coder is OK again, he should have a vacation he can enjoy properly without being sick. And you should have one at the same, time so you don't try to do both jobs. You'll still remain some of the most consistent game developers on Patreon!


No worries and thanks. I'm (artist) doing just fine and I'm happy to see the coder is at least telling me has really enjoyed not having to worry about FET for these last few weeks.


It's what I've told the coder : ) I'm feeling as perky as ever, but I've never really had the hard part of creating FET to begin with.


Me too man. Me too. As ridiculous as this may sound. I'm also looking forward to a return to the main story. Not at the cost of the coder's health, but when he's ready to rock again, I'll be right there.


I was and remain pumped : ) Once the coder is too , we can blast of again... however most likely with some more vacations in between so we can prevent a repeat of this situation in the future.l


Thanks, I find it a lot easier to care for someone else's health than my own, but I do try and not overstep my boundaries. Looking very much forward to the continuation of the current route myself!

Lil Pump

make sure its worth the wait


taking time to look after your and the teams health I will support and greatly appreciate as a patron, especially after the horror stories from bioware over anthem crunch that you have delivered quality content before and I appreciate your honesty for the delay enjoy the break


You guys have been going so fast you deserve to take a break. One of the advantages of Indie game development is that you don't have a big publisher breathing down your neck forcing deadlines on you so use that advantage


Can't wait to see more of this game I first saw it like two years ago, and loved it; and when i finally got my hands on the every bit of free time was spent this game in the last week. I love the stories, and how you've come, with the gameplay, and with the two different routes for each characters; it's amazing. So oncei can't wait


When will the people with the 10$ tiers get this update?


I'm going to ask him about things like that very soon. I wanted to leave him mostly alone for the first two weeks to see how that works out. Thanks for your feedback.


We've always tried our best and I'm not planning on changing that.


Thanks, when you're your own boss you tend to overwork yourself easily, but at least the fruits of your labor are all your own. With bioware etc that's not even the case!


I'm perfectly willing to do whatever it is the coder needs. I'll talk about how he sees the future soonish. I've been holding off on that for the first couple of weeks to give him some breathing room.


It's always nice to hear people have been enjoying FET. It was a project born out of our love for the ATLA universe and we've been very very lucky and happy to be able and work on it for as long as we have.


I just uploaded the early access version. Hope you'll enjoy it!