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Art(ish) update!

Damn, I'm a bit behind of where I wanted to be by now content wise. I always had a sort of okay handle on how longs things would take me to finish, but I've slowly been increasing the content with each scene over time. Not that bad when everything goes exactly as you want it the first time, but not when you have a few bad days when you feel like you are drawing with your left foot (and aren't even left handed). I was basically working for a  couple of days on a simple animation, feeling "meh" about it and the next day I worked for only a couple of hours on another which surpassed the other easily... talk about being happy and annoyed at the same time  :\  !

I still find it fascinating what seems so natural to my right hand is a complete mystery to my left. 

But enough about that, I'm gonna talk a bit about our first book 4 build so if you haven't played it yet and want to know absolutely nothing about it, you've been warned.







Our choice for the protagonist's "meatsuit" during the slave route is something we thought long and hard about, but Tenzin essentially provided us with a running start when it comes to setting things up. There's a lot of girls we can pick from and we don't like leaving girls behind which means we needed a point from where the player can get into women's panties quickly. 

With Tenzin, we had relatively easy access to Pema and Lin story-wise. Man, we had it easy with the whole hypno sessions thing during the slave route of book 3! 

Personally I've always liked Tenzin....  which is why we reward him by using his body for a joyride?!  Sorry Tenzin! 

Anyway, we have a shitload of ladies we'd like to put in scandalous situations. In fact, too many and certainly too many for one route and not turn it into a silly carousel of:

"who's next? Hurry, hurry! You're holding up the line!" 

Which is why we've decided to make the slave and love route very different from each other. If you're not particularly fond of body snatching Tenzin that might come as good news. It'll be different enough to the point where you won't see certain canon girls in one route and will in the other. We figured this is the only way we're going to do this and not take an ungodly amount of time to finish a route while still providing you with a fair amount of different girls from the cartoon. Not the perfect solution, but one which we think will work out best in the end. 

Back to the art, despite not going as fast as I want, I did finish a bunch of new scenes for the coder who has left me in charge of things while he's away visiting family and do a short recharge. He's a laptop guy so it's not like he's on a vacation. Let's just say it's a good thing he has that foil on his screen which severely limits the angle at which you can see the screen. Still, not the best circumstances for sure!

So yeah, I finished most of the art needed for the next build and the coder could in theory create a new build with what he has. So yay for that! Especially since we're back to our theoretical monthly-build schedule. I say theoretical, because try as we might, we did drop the ball on that for more than one occasion.  

Besides drawing I've also been doing some light bug tracking. There's always stragglers, ones who fell through the cracks earlier. I discovered an annoyingly elusive bug with the help of someone sending us a pm. Always makes me feel better when we can track down an older one(and sad it was there to begin with!) But I could never fault the coder. I'd go insane with stress if I'd have to do what he does.

I help the coder out a lot (with you guy's help) during the bughunt phase, but never get to see the ones he has to work his way through before we get a taste. Might be just me, but I'm usually pretty impressed with how he manages to keep things reasonably working.


And before I forget, my mom's biopsy came back clean so that was quite the relief. NOT having to worry about whether someone in your family has cancer does wonders for your concentration. Who'd have thought!

So although I started this post saying I was a bit behind content-wise, that's more of a thing I had planned on than which might become a problem. In fact, I've already started working on a scene planned for the one after the upcoming build! More as an on-the-side-thing, though.  Putting down some rough basics enable me to correct mistakes easier down the line. Whenever I start and finish a scene within a few days it's always a crapshoot whether I drew something too big/small or has another problem.

Things are progressing slow(ish) but well. We released the last early access version this month, so expect the next one next month.  Every day has once more become a precious gift of development time and that's how we treat it!  Talk to you all later!





Good to hear about the biopsy! Also, I was looking forward to this book for quite a while (I'm a stickler for Korra), and I have to say I'm very satisfied with the result. Keep up the good work, both of you!


I personally love the choice of who the player controls in this book. Hadn't even crossed my mind, but it's such an excellent choice now that I see it in action.


I'm very glad to hear the good news from your mom. Don't know about the others but I'd always wanted you to take your time to recharge and keep a social life and don't worry about timelines too much. As far as I'm concerned you're one of the top developers regarding frequent updates. (You're top in many other fields too but I hope you know that.) I wrote in an earlier comment I watched the LoK series recently and contrary to others I found it not too bad. Not nearly as good as Aangs adventures but still enjoyable. The great thing with the original series was the continued story from episode to episode, like being part of one big adventure with interesting characters. LoK misses to take time for good character building I'd say. But there's still enough to put some of them in a porn parody I think. I'm glad you choose Tenzin, he's one of the more interesting characters and I'd like to see two family members with lewd scenes. The only character I'd like avoid seeing is Meelo, he's such a creepy kid, it's rare a comic character annoys me that much. That's all for now, keep doing what you do, you guys are the best.


You're breathtaking! You're all breathtaking!


Hope for a yuri love route still remains lol

Toxic FX

you just keep up the great work im excited for book 4 and ill wait however long it takes to finish


Glad to hear your Mom's doing ok, that's such a scary situation. I'm also very glad to see the meatsuit for the slave route. I've mentioned it before, but Tenzin is my absolute favorite character from LoK, so I'm glad he gets to (sorta) get a important part. I was wondering if that's how you were going to do it...I think Korra definitely needed him to dominate her just a BIT more in the show. It's been awhile, but I'm pretty sure most of the trouble she found herself in was because she was a bit of an idiot. Anyway, can't wait to see the next build!


Shame on me I didn't mention the chibi girls. Great humor and soooo cute! <3

Wellington de Oliveira

Tenzin generates the problem that in Patreon's current rules he can not relate to Jinora and Ikki (something we certainly want). Will the protagonist of the love route be another? I'm asking why you said something about it and I did not understand.


Thanks! We... are never satisfied... but are glad you are : )


It's not something everyone will agree on but besides adding some difference it just turned out to be very practical during this route.


There's a vast collection on youtube talking about the differences between tLok and atla of which I watched a couple. Really makes me wonder how tlok would've been received if atla wasn't there to compare it to. I'm most definitely a (far)bigger fan of atla, but tlok has it's charms. And yeah hearing about the biopsy really made my day! Meelo becomes less horrible as he ages, but when he's still in his "chin-chan" phase.. oh boy.


Lol, well, that's great and thanks! But we feel not making you guys wait for too long is also part of the package : )


Thanks! Yep, Tenzin is one of the better characters imo. Korra was raised in a very protective environment so I'm guessing her slight "denseness" can be explained by that, but it would've been nice if Tenzin slapped her in the cartoon : )


We like being vague when it comes to future developments, but yeah tenzin as a meatsuit is a slave route thing. As for the other point you mentioned...hmmm we'd like to not endanger the project, but we have some ideas on how to deal with certain limitations.


I’m concerned with how you’re characterizing Korra. She is bratty. Like super bratty. She was hotheaded and rash in the show, but she wasn’t bratty or entitled. She wanted to get out there and see and do shit, but couldn’t because she spent her childhood in a remote white lotus compound. It makes sense that she was resistant to being cooped up AGAIN— by airbenders no less, who are supposed to be freeing. I hope she gets more consistent with her actual character, because she doesn’t feel like Korra. Katara and Toph obviously weren’t sluts in the show, but your versions still felt like them. Korra feels... off. I love pretty much EVERYTHING else so far though.


Some characters are a bit harder to get a handle on than others depending on how we feel about them. This could very well be our personal bias blowing some of her character traits (too much) out of proportion, but we're nothing if not willing and eager to course correct so we'll be looking at this with more attention.


Thanks for responding. I didn’t mean to sound harsh if I did, but I do tend to feel passionate about Avatar. Any aspect of it really. I kinda liked Korra a lot as she grew. I feel like I understood her starting point too. I am of the camp that loved toddler Korra’s opening scene. Lol To reiterate, I don’t mind the Slave route being the Slave route, I would only advise that you and whoever else writes for FET remember that if the character isn’t accurate, then we’re not really breaking Korra are we?

The Scyle

I actually disagree with this statement a lot. Yes, she does not feel like the later season Korra, but in the first season especially she was acting very much exactly this bratty, entitled and childish. It was somewhat of the point of the first season to show that behaviour. So in my book you are spot on with the character


It was mostly the line about how Korra was expecting to be worshipped that bothered me. That is something she wouldn't say. She wasn't outwardly demanding to be treated like a goddess or anything. She was cocky, but she treated people like people. I don't really see even Book 1 Korra as the type to be like, "I'm the Avatar, worship me." More like "I'm the Avatar, I can do anything!" And that sense of her wanting so badly to be an Avatar full-on without properly understanding how SERIOUS a job that is was what got her into trouble.

Wellington de Oliveira

Just adding that she was rather impulsive, but she was competitive, cheerful, enthusiastic and adventurous. And a little futile. (and the co-optation of all bureaucracy by her, including part of the council), and the rise of a Radical Counselor as leader of the latter who believed in the superiority of the benders and in the hierarchy of masters for apprentices to non-benders (three extremely serious problems) their biggest concerns were the pro-doubling tournament and love intrigues....


when will be the next update ? in the beginning of July ?


Are you really complaining about a porn game not representing character personalities correctly? We're here to watch her get fucked dude, not write a compelling narrative about her attitudes and behaviors as a person. But for the record, no, Korra was a gigantic fucking brat, and dumb as a box of rocks to boot. Challenging Amon to a 1v1? Opening the spirit portal despite literally everyone she knew aside from the obvious bad guy saying not to? Trashing a street on her first day in the city and then acting like it was the police who were at fault for arresting her? Storming into Tarrlok's office in the middle of the night to throw a temper tantrum? She was a child in an adult body.


Are you saying we WILL play as Korra?