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Boom!  And suddenly it was the 20th. Time still goes by way too fast and that's something I'm saying while we're still in the first month of seriously working on the first build for  book 4. It's only going to get worse so I'm trying to set up things between me and the coder in such a way we can work more efficiently. 

That mostly entails setting some extra groundrules and me being as anal as I possibly can in the way I deliver the art to him, very structured and no shortcuts which might seem easier in the moment but can create misunderstandings/errors down the road.

I'm feeling a lot(x100) more pumped than in my last art update. Created some(a lot) more stuff and also been reworking  some things I made earlier as I became aware of a problem.  Basically I turned Asami into "fat monica". I could sorta notice there was something off, but didn't know exactly what. 

When I showed her to the coder he was like "Hey man, that's cool and all but could you maybe make her waste slimmer?"

So I took a good look at it and yep, she could stand to lose more than a couple of pounds. I'm pretty certain a fat Asami is someone's fetish but....most will probably prefer her thinner version.

Asami has  always been a black spot in my mind. I'm sure there's a lot of people who like her, but to me she never really clicked. She was there and did whatever she did in the cartoon, but left pretty much zero impression upon me. Maybe I was unconsciously fattening her up, in an effort to give her more substance  :) ? *badumm tssssh*

I also reworked a face idle for another character. Coder thought it was spot on, but when I finally did some real screenshots next to my drawing I noticed some discrepancies. I friggin love artists how can "copy" a style/face like it's nothing. Those people are my gods.

Reworking earlier stuff is only a very small part of what I've been doing though. let me show you an idle which I've created recently. Don't expect any more of these sneak peeks in the future though. I'm having enough trouble forcing myself to show you just this much!


Anyway, I'm getting close to finishing what I was thinking would be enough for a first build of book 4, but some of the Korra scenes are a bit too.. hardcore for a first build so the coder has asked me for some other "build-up" scenes. It's not work gone to waste, but I was already planning on something else and that'll have to be put on the back burner for now.

Oh well...

The new scenes the coder has asked for included more clothes, but I think I can work my "pervy magic" on it anyway. First couple of animation testruns for the new scene I'm working on is looking pretty nice even if I do say so myself.I've also been creating slapping animations which I'm testing waaaay more than necessary...    for reasons : )

Other than that, I've got a thousand ideas and things I want to do and a milion requests from the coder to work on. He recently sent me a list with a first build plan and I immediately had to mail him back expressing my strong doubts whether that was feasible. Passion and ambition is something the coder has a lot of but sometimes I gotta put on the brakes and keeps things in the realm of what we can actually do.

Honestly, a lot of the work is deciding what we WON'T do and being sad because of it. Doing everything we want would result in a  convoluted mess.  Well.. either that or an unacceptable timespan for it to be finished. We already feel way too guilty about having the first build for book 4 to probably be taking two months and have no desire to turn that into a habit.

I'm pretty much constantly glued to my pc as it is(which I recently set up in another room). I used to pretty much always have to turn on the lights every day all day since the room  I was working in was so damn dark. Now it's in a room where I have some real sunlight! My vampiric days are over!





My niga :)




who do we play as in book 4? i missed it if you mentioned it. hope it's korra


I can already imagine the MC saying "damn I looked hot as a woman", "Man I'd f**k me" and etc etc. There's a lot of fun to have here.


I doubt we're playing as korra, since we're going to fuck korra. And I doubt people want to be fucked AS korra. Also, I'm wondering when this is set. I was hoping for a around or after book 4,but it's looking like book 1 basee on Korras hairstyle and the Equalist you showed off. Or, since this is the slave route, maybe it's set in season 1 for a shorter story and less characters, and you can choose to side with Amon and enslave Korra. Lots to wonder about. I just hope we'll see scenes with all the great girls of later seasons. Suyin, Kuvira, Eska, Ming-Hua, Juu-Lee, and of course the older Jinora and Ikki. Anyway, good luck on the build. Keep going for gold!


I feel the same as you about Asami. I think that was my biggest issue about LoK honestly, Team Avatar was pretty terrible. Bolin was a poor-man's Sokka without any actual humor, Asami was eminently forgettable and Mako was literally just the romance choice, he could have been replaced by a brick wall and I don't think anyone would have noticed, no character at all besides "brooding and sexy." My own selfish request, if it's not too late? Could we see a lot of Tenzin? Out of all LoK characters he was the only one that approached TLA levels of great character design, I'd love to see him again, maybe in the role that Iroh took in Book 3.


Not gonna lie, sorta glad to see the back of book 3. Not that it was bad or anything, I'm just not at all attracted to Loli's.


as long there's some zhu li i'm happy :)

jim b

So you what plans do you guys have for after book 4?

Kuzuha Chan

Pls don't forget us flatlands friends :D


That's pretty much our biggest secret we don't want to tell anyone about right now : )


You mean the equalist? Honestly speaking I'm happy with how he turned out.


The possibilities are virtually endless. A reason why I've been looking forward (and fearing!) to work on it. Especially since it's the final book.


I'm trying to think of anyone who I liked more than Tenzin , but if there is anyone I can't remember. Certainly one of my favorite LoK characters. One of the characters I actually cared for what happened to him!


Lol... let me tell you about Jinora an Ikki... just kidding : ) Four very different characters is what makes it fun to start working on a new book and Korra is decidedly not loli.


Coma? Lol, I'm planning on doing nothing for awhile when that happens : ) No plans yet.


Something tells me Tenzin wouldn' t like you very much : )


Thank you Guys for all the hard work the past year(s?). Now we can finally give Korra some real Lessons with the Rod! Hopefully we can go a little bit more "Hardcore" on that booty, not only with your hands.


Tenzin has enough on his plate to think about what his daughter's are up to. And hey, monks need to just go with the flow.

Jordi Roy De Groot

Hey there! I just wanted to inform you that there is these people who are uploading your content, probably without you wanting to: <a href="https://porno-apk.com/game.php?i=253" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://porno-apk.com/game.php?i=253</a> I just want you to know so that you could potentially take action if you see it fit.

percy Jackson

hmm does that mean your new chibi is now korra? I kinda miss toph as your chibi.


yes! i found this also, i hope you can stop them @MITY !!!!


Technically it's a bug, but please don't fix it: <a href="https://i.imgur.com/NwGCe9k.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgur.com/NwGCe9k.png</a>


Well this is the internet and inevitable really. Still surprises me slightly because we release the previous build publicly whenever uploading a newer one for just the patrons.... oh well. Still it's bad optics to have a link in our comment section to a "bootleg" so could you edit your post to remove the link?


I'll try and keep chibi Toph as a guest character as long as possible. But yeah, I was planning on switching to chibi Korra. She slowly snuck into the art updates so entirely dumping her cold turkey is something I can't do : )


Lol, no she's going on the list! ... but our list of things to do is loooong so she's probably going to be there entertaining you for awhile yet.

Wellington de Oliveira

Is there no possibility of a book 5? The book Spirits? Even if you do not reach a collection goal? Because I believe that this would solve all problems, the Avatar has two attributes to control the 4 elements and to intermediate the spirits (which implies spiritual powers). This would divide the four seasons of Korra and her women into two books. And there is the North Pole as Unexpected Territory. Eska has a very high profile of Main Girl (as well as Katara, Toph, Azula and Korra) and could include Princess Yue who missed book one. In addition it has the theme of learning the "fifth element of the series" which is the spiritual link and use the elements for it.


Although we will have some part where we tie things together it won't be even close to something the size of a book. We're still following along the lines we set out a long time ago when it comes to the overarching story, but we might surprise you with what we'll add to book 4 so the need for your suggestion(a 5th book) might not be as pressing as it seems.

The Scyle

I feel like there either is a bug or stupidity on my end. I wanted to replay book 3, and noticed I didnt have the most recent version (0.7.8c)... so I wanted to download it, but your page still only has the 0.7.7 version as 'most recent' listed. Which does not include the end. Am I stupid and not seeing it, or did someone screw up here?


That is most likely due to the fact that the front page is always one version behind. The most recent version is found in one of the posts.


It's just like OJ already said. We update the public version when we upload a new early access version for the pattrons and since we're taking longer this time (because it's the start of a new book) we haven't updated the public version yet.

The Scyle

Okay, I got that part, but following that, I went looking for the post where you shared the new version and didnt find it either. So I assume I am just blind as to not find the version (did look again just now and again didnt find it)

The Scyle

Yup, just double checked. In the last posts I see the android version - before that its the Spoiler log for the new version - and before that is 0.7.8b for 20 bucks donors only, which I cant access.


I hate Asami and her ending with Korra out nowere it did not help probably why Korra is known as the worst avatar


Pm us if you still haven't found the version, but isn't this link <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-0-7-25625950">https://www.patreon.com/posts/early-access-0-7-25625950</a> what you need and can access? I might be misunderstanding, but in that case pm us. You'll have a better chance of us seeing it.