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Good news everyone, I haven't come up with an April fools joke this year! 

Nothing, nada, zero. No fake virus attacks, accidental hdd wipes or whatever else can be used to spice up/ruin  the first of April. Everything is entirely fine!

Hmmmm well, not entirely, the reason I didn't do an April fools' joke is because I'm having one of my "everything sucks, my drawings are shit and I want to see it all burn down."-moods for about a week now. Not one of the best moments to write an update or do an April fools joke, but although I can forego our usual April shenenigans, I can't just leave you all without at least trying to inform you on what've been doing.

Btw. don't get too concerned, these moods aren't exactly a new thing to me so I'll be  waiting for those clouds to once more move on to wherever they go when they're not above my head and do what I can in the meantime.    I think I see some movement on the cloud front, which is why I felt up to writing this. 

Okay, small update on that idea I was talking about for book 4. I sent it to the coder and the coder liked it a lot. I added some changes which made it better and than I started to realize the scope of the work(possible bugfixing/artwork) which it would need and the fact it would probably just end up with the player having to do more clicking to get where he wants to be.  So.... it'd just end up being essentially... fluff .

There's these two "people" in my head, one convinced it's cool and needs to be added, and the other who feels it doesn't make for a nice addition(just more work) and is adamantly against addding it. Both are completely convinced they are right, evenly matched  and constantly arguing in my head which is tiring as fuck. One minute I'm leaning towards one opinion and the other day towards the other. 

Since I already sort of gave it away last time, I'll just tell you what it is: having a small player character walking across several screens and visiting the places you'd normally just click on from one screen. Kinda looks nice, but what does it exactly do? Only prolong the time it takes you to go from one place to another. And unlike the tunnels where you'd unlock new parts (which in general you wouldn't have to visit again) this time you'd be walking through the same parts again and again.... and again. 

Sure we could add a character here and there to talk to and maybe some other stuff, but... well, as nice as that can sound I'm having a  ridiculous amount of doubts whether we can do it within a reasonable time and whether it would actually add to the experience instead of making it a bother for the player to do.

If we really won't be using the "walking around manually"-thing  It'll at least eventually find it's way into the art assets, but I'm gonna wait till we're absolutely sure. Oh and just as a reminder, I've said this quite a few times in older updates, but the start of book is a lot of work so don't expect the new build to be done in a month. It's more likely going to be two. I know, waiting sucks. We feel the same way.

So besides getting the energy siphoned out of me because of this seesaw of yes/no in my head, I've been working on backgrounds and finished two scenes for book4(sorta). Woohoo!! Yep it's not all just gloominess, no sir, we're getting shit done!   I'm really trying to give the backgrounds some more attention than usual and  those m*thaf*kas are just bottomless timeguzzlers.  You'll be seeing them repeatedly though which means it's worth the effort. 

Since it's the final book I have this deep desire to make every picture I draw perfect, of course that's not possible and quite paralyzing when it comes to progress.  It's most likely what triggered my bad mood to begin with , but like I said I can see it starting to clear up a little(hurray for accepting mediocrity???) so onwards we go!




Aquis Hyperion

You can do it Mity we believe in you!


What if you used the walking mechanic to add in random scenes like the back alley in book one. Find korra or jenora walking down the street for a unique scene (in public ;);) ) or other stuff like that.


Would it be possible to maybe do the normal way we have it and add the walking stuff later. I really like the idea of walking to locations as you can add random scenes etc if you do. But I think maybe it would be good to keep the original system in place until you feel it’s good then switch over too it. Unless it needs to be done, if it has to be one or the other I choose the walking option


Does walking to locations fit in with the style of game you want this to be? Do you think it's a good transition from the scene changes in 1 to 2 to 3 to 4? Does it fit thematically or will it stick out awkwardly?


Hm, in some point-and-click games, you can double-click to instantly travel to a location if you don't want to wait. I don't know if you'd be able to make that work with this engine. *shrug* It'd probably end with most people just double-clicking anyway, though... Take your time, I'm patient. :) "Eventually good" and all that. As long as you don't go DNF on it, I'm fine. :P I believe in you!


We survived this year's bulli*pepocheer*! All jokes aside as fun as a walking mechanic sounds, I don't think it would be a great fit for the game. As much as I like the difference in playstyle happens Everytime a book is released I don't think it'll be good for the progress of the game as it would be time consuming and sounds like a lot of work that could burn you out. I'm not saying you wouldn't be able to do it, I just don't want another Dual family like patreon. By the way, can't wait to start book 4 love your game as always.


That's good news! I think its a nice idea. also, can anyone help me? Even though i download new versions of the game, it seems to be alwasy the same. Nothing new.


I have those times when writing. Keep your spirits up!

Toxic FX

you got this Mity ive been with the game since before book 2 finished and i love every bit of it you jjust do your best


Fingers crossed for pregnancy along the Korra Slave Path, a change of pace from all the "love child" stuff


Your free roaming mechanic reminds me of Frank's Adventure and Foto Flash. Maybe try gauging your enjoyment of those games and if you appreciate the gimmick enough to try doing it yourself, and go from there?


Not a bad idea. More like a unique quest idea every now and then instead of a constant traversal of the same ground.


I think we'd absolutely want to keep a system in place which we could fall back on!


I think it would be a funny addition and could give it more of a feeling like you're actually inhabiting the world instead of switching between screens.


Ahhhh DNF. As far as I know the owners had a bad case of adding new stuff and never being satisfied. Not having a publisher to keep them on the ball made for a lovely never ending development cycle. It wasn't really that bad of a game, but just hopelessly behind the times when it did release.


At least one of the voices in my head is vigorously nodding his head and agreeing with you!


We always add scenes to the same route we're working on at that moment until the route is finished. So when we're working on book 3 love route, you'll only (well almost only) see stuff being added to that route.


Thanks. Realizing it's a temporary thing and not getting too worked up about it helps. When you've had enough of them you'll start noticing the pattern. I'm pretty sure it's the same for you (or anyone doing creating things.)


Thanks : ) we will. Just have to weather a bit of the blues after which I can go full blast again.


Well, at least there was some JooDee pregnancy at the end of book 3's slave route, so maybe we can do the same in book 4.


I know but for some reason nothing changes in my game. O dont know what I doing wrong . Of you could make a tutorial on how to download new versions and keep your saves that would be great for me and other people with similar issues, thanks.


Yeah, that trailer they released in 2001 looked really promising. In the end, I liked it. But then I am a nostalgic. Jon was awesome though, as always. :)

Kodi Green

Hope it all gets better mate so we can see this book 3 finish lol


How're you guys planning on doing book four? Are we going to be Bolin or Mako, or that airbender guy from the last season (I didn't watch it, so, I don't know his name)

Cliff Hanger

I would honestly set it after the show takes place so we could be Korra and see lots of hot lesbian action with Asami. That way you could also age up the airbender sisters Jinora and Ikki. There's also plenty of sexy older ladies to have fun with like Pema and Lin.


Now that's one of those questions which eventually won't have just one answer, but it's also something we want to keep a secret until you can discover it for yourself while playing.


wich are the date of the four book)


i kinda et the feeling we're gonna be a male right because of all the books we played we got to be with all the main girls and if so, we're gonna be another male who get Korra right? i mean she's another girl that's on the main menu with the others

Kodi Green

When is the next update in still on 0.7.8 idk if anything new has dropped but I hope so lol


We'll have a build containing the first part of book 4 ready in May.


With the start of a new book, which always takes a lot more more work we allow ourselves two months to setup/create the basic systems and art. Not something we like, but we simply can't do it in a month.

The Melon Man

Why would you play with my heart with no suki and ty lee preggo scenes.