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Version 0.7.8c:

A couple of important bugfixes and a whole bunch of new scenes to close the love route and with it book 3.

Spoiler Log:

  • Savebug fix(find shopping or slave girl in the game to apply it if necessary)
  • switching routes bug! (mixing drinks won't cause a switch from the slave to the love route anymore)

  • Couple more loveporn pages
  • Visit Sokka's mancave!
  • Suki bar blowjob
  • Suki bar blowjob repeat
  • Katara and Toph dick-scissoring
  • Scissor repeat
  • Katara and Toph blowjob
  • Ajala dunk
  • Smellerbee sex
  • Smellerbee sex repeat
  • Toph love dress (preg option)
  • Katara sex (preg option 1 + preg option 2)
  • Tylee rub
  • Appa sex 
  • New maze section
  • Cup and dice new functionality
  • Fixed dice rolls repeating often
  • Improved drink-mixing memory game
  • Find Katara
  • Say your goodbyes
  • Route End and thus the end of book 3



I'm sad to see this end but looking forward to book 4 you guys are doing great.


Appa sex? Wow.... amazing...


We're mostly happy to be able and start working on book 4, but that's probably because I've been watching the perfect youtube movie to be a bridge between book 3 and book 4. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kFQhTfL7hoGlad" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0kFQhTfL7ho</a> Happy to see you like our stuff : )


FUCKING YES ive been waiting patiently since book 1 to get my korra content. PS. Lin Bei fong as the main characters daughter?


Great ending content to this book. I haven't finished it Completely yet. Savoring it. Suki in the bj scene looked gorgeous. Great job with that. The Smellerbee scene was great to. Art looked a little different. But not in a bad way. Greatly looking forward to getting into the meat of book 4. I hope you do the slave route first again. While I don't really like that route, at least it gets you time to do the love Justice once you finished with that part. Also, good luck. There are so many characters in that book. Might as well make it as long as the first three books combined.


Haha, it would certainly fill some gaps of knowledge from the cartoon! Or is there already an officially sanctioned dad for Lin?


Suki scene was one of the most difficult ones. Took us a long time to get it like this, but we're also very happy with the result. Slave route has always been the first route we tackled and it won't be different this time. And we hope we can do all sorts of interesting stuff in it, but yeah it will probably be a hard pill to swallow for the love route lovers. Glad you're happy with the addition of the Smellerbee scene! And let's not forget.. Jet ... well let's not spoil that for anyone else.


What is the difference for katara between preg 1 &amp; preg 2 ?


Preg 2 is basically a variation of an already existing scene. we added it only during the bughunting period. Preg 1 is an entirely new scene.


How do I find Sokka (tried clicking on the grates but nothing happens) and how to trigger the preg scenes?


I enjoyed it, especially seeing Mai and Azula again. I hope they play a larger role in 4 than they did 3. If I could choose it'd honestly be Mai.


The grate next to the tunnel with the white grafitti should give you access, but only after you freed Toph. For the preg scenes it's of course important you cum inside, but also giving the correct reply to suki right before visiting the king.


glad you liked it. We didn't feel like we had a good enough angle on adding more of the fire nation girls, so we kept it at a supershort cameo.


Hoooh boy~ That was a nice and heartwarming ending. Left happy and sad at the same time. To be honest, I am a bit worried for Book 4 because of Korra....ugh. Not going to bash her or anything, you do what you do best but...this next chapter may be rough for me personally. But who knows? This may be the finale we all are looking forward to. Thanks again for a great conclusion for our favorite earthbending cutie pie.


Great ending for sure! Looking forward to book 4 excited for some (hopefully many) real hot feet scenes, maybe cumming on toes hmm(; haha keep up the good work Mity!


Omg men I hope this is no your last project because I hang me D... mean my self.

Kodi Green

I get to the toph anal part and the game crashes every time


Tylee was Adorable till the end amazing work can't wait for book 4.


Any tips on the Ajala drunk scene? She has her normal tunnel scene, and serving drinks doesn't seem to trigger anything.


i need help on that damm snake riddle , one eye is open but i can't open the other


Hi there, had to wipe my pc and so I have to redownload 0.7.7 and the links arent working. It tries to load the download page but it gives me an error saying " Site can not be reached ". I have tried this throughout the day. Any help would be good :))


Will anything be done regarding Toph's option while doing scams? For the slave route maybe? Slave route feels kinda lacking in comparison to the love routes. For the Fire book as well.

Kodi Green

Toph anal scene still crashes my computer how can I fix this it gets to where she screams survive then my computer kills itself


Thanks : ) Love reading comments like this. And we understand your hesitation considering Korra. All we can say is that we'll do our best to make the slave route interesting enough for anyone who doesn't like her as a character and we'll try to change your mind during the love route.. that'll take some work though : )


Thanks! Well, I'm getting more experience doing feet so hopefully it'll pay off in the new book.


Lol, don't worry! We still have to do book 4 and that'll be a biggie.


Gonna pm you later to see if this is something we can fix. If I forget, please pm me later to remind me.


Thanks, Tylee has gotten a lot more attention than we had orginally planned because of the general high demand for her.


Once you've rescued Toph you should visit her from the menu in the top left corner of the tunnel screen. good luck dunking : )


Second eye during the love route is r-r-r-l It doesn't do much though. It only raises the wall which trapped the two guard girls. It's perfectly okay to leave it closed since the badgermole already dug you a new escape way.


Looks to be in working order now, but just in case it still doesn't work for you, here's a mirror for the pc version. <a href="https://mega.nz/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://mega.nz/</a>#!WjYxUIaY!tmmWSoNFrKle8hNfu-jWRJgPUFcXSVmmYscE2s0ZeuI


Hmmmm, to be honest probably not. What kind of addition/change would you like to see again? You're right about the slave routes feeling lacking compared to their love counterparts. Most of it is because we're still adding to our own experience with each route/build and of course when we already have a good foundation to work off (when we finished the slave route of a book) the love route becomes easier and thus we're more inclined to add things to it.


I can't pm you so instead I'll just see what I can do from here. Can you clearly describe what exactly happens? Do you get an error report? Could you perhaps show us what that says? Have you tried a slightly older savegame and tried to reach the point of failure again? Did it fail again after doing so?


Smellerbee! &lt;3


Wow....sounds amazing...


So, have you decided whether you're gonna do book 4 as a separate game until it's finished or just add it to the current stuff?


Really enjoyed this chapter! Can we get the ability to repeat the Smellerbee scene? You can repeat the mean girls at the fountain but currently there's no way to replay Smellerbee and I think that's a shame :(


hey guys, i got a quick question i forgot how to max out the broken status from toph in the slave route. can anybody help me?


It's actually a chance based encounter. If you freed the mean girls you'll sometimes get to meet them, sometimes smellerbee(blowjob) and finally sometimes smellerbee(doggystyle) Try visiting the fountain repeatedly and if the preferred scene doesn't activate, leave and come back again.


Repeating the last five or so sex scenes with her should get her there.


It's been an amazing ride, here's to the finale!


Loved this update! Every time I see you update this game I get hyped. Really the only thing that disappointed me was that you couldn't get all the girls pregnant, (especially Tylee because her sex scene would've looked perfect with a pregnant belly). I'm a huge fan of choices having "consequences" and knowing that cumming inside of a girl could get her pregnant and gives you the option of getting them all that way is definitely something I hope for in a game. So while I was a little let down, was still hyped to play it and still excited for more!


Everything since book 1 was always in the same game, dunno why they'd change that after 3+ years

Kodi Green

I cant visit azula on love route anymore I maxed out her sluttiness and war everyday I visited ty Lee and fucked but now it keeps saying you gotta talk to someone else but I have tried everything what do i do


It's a bit hard to tell from your description. It's been awhile I played it myself, But visiting people/places during the day or night can make a difference. Otherwise, can you give me a precise quote of what's said? That can give me a better idea of where you exactly are.


Jet is in the same place you freed Toph, just walk around, see if you missed a turn and look for a closed door with a note.


It took us a long time to get here, will probably take us quite awhile to finish, but yep we're gearing up for the last book : )


Our regrets are pretty much filled with scenes we would've liked to add but couldn't. Time is a harsh mistress and we don't want this project to go on forever.. if we'd put everything in we'd want it certainly would. Anyway we're glad you liked it in general : )

Simon Barkhuizen

MITY: Appa Sex Me: What?? Oh probably near him or after finding him reward MITY: No WITH Appa Me: *spoits tea* Downright hilarious though! Completely lost my boner


when is the public release? cant wait :)


I can't have sex with Ty Lee in route Slave of the book 3 :(( Can you help me, please :((

percy Jackson

maybe found a bug. not sure. so aparently I may not have activated certain events in tunnel. and as soon as Toph got taken I went down and was met with Sokka giving me directions to the secret tunnel. immedietly after that Ajala asked me to find the two masked girls. I also started the snake ladies end event with out first meeting her. hope this helps


Thanks percey, definitely bugs. At least not the kind which prevents the player from progressing in the story. It messes up the order, but that's something the coder will have to deal with once he's back in the saddle. I(artist) would probably create worse problems if I try and fix these. But yeah, thanks again for your feedback!


Once Skye comes to work in the brothel she'll be able to instruct suki and Ty Lee. Don't forget to upgrade the brothel to make room.


With the release of a new early access build we release the older one to the general public. Sooo.. once the new one is done, we'll make this one public.


I'm quite surprised the appa sex scene was in the love route and not the slave one. Plus, the sex on appa in the slave route I would have thought belonged in the love route!


With Toph's incredibly stubborn mindset we figured making a hardcore domination slaveroute just wouldn't work with her character. But I can agree we did end up with a too soft approach overall. Well at least Appa got some "love" out of it.


Can i get some help im stuck where u can get a bj from katara and her mom and i don't know what to do plz help


omfg smellerbees scene&lt;333


Such a shame we cant see Ajala,Suki,June any other girl pregnant,atleast we know they are impregnated

Wellington de Oliveira

Book 2 and Book 3 are perfect. I really miss Princess Yue in Book 1 (a diplomatic visit could be interesting and would keep the only canonical girl from being the protagonist of the book). But Book 4 worries me because it is based on a very large material (there are four drawing books condensed into one, with all the characters involved). Maybe dividing it into 2 books would be the best choice.


Thanks! My personal favorite(artist talking) is book 2 because of the inclusion of ember island. Book1.. well it's our "firstborn" so has a special place in my heart, but is lacking in more than one aspect. Book 4 has a ridiculous pool to draw from when it comes to girls and things we can do so there's no doubt we will be disappointing some of the players when it come to girls we choose to focus on, but having two routes does give us some leeway to add to one route which wasn't added to the other.


A patron inspired addition : ) Our original plans didn't include her aside from the appearance in pornlove!


Doing our best to make sure the airbenders won't go extinct ; )


this might be obvious but you know suki's blowjob under the counter where she asks if she can keep her tips to save her friends, is that possible or is it just story line. if you can save her friends can someone tell me how.


Hey there mity. I'm very interested in your project and have been following its development over the last year or so and have been recently wondering if you wanted to translate the game into other languages. If this is the case or you consider doing so please write me and I could lend you a hand.


Do you guys take suggestions? If so, my suggestion would be a naked version of Rei's blowjob. I think that would be a great addition too book 2 :D


Hello, I have a question: How do you unlock the sex scenes with the three bullies in book three love route?


I couldn't find drunk Ajala :/


after the initial encounter with toph you find them in the maze. If you treat them nicely they reward you. You can find them to collect said reward at the fountain in town


Please tell me we get to play as Korra in book 4


Thanks for your offer but right now we're only concerned with getting the current version finished. As soon that's done we'll think about things like translations.


Thanks for the suggestion, but right now we're entirely focused on book 4 and well... we could include a naked version of Rei's blowjob in that one, but she'd be like 120(?) which would make for one very nasty blowjob : D


how do i open this game on pc?


hope not. i want it to be a male character hopefully.


Hi Mity! Thank you very much for all the hard work you've done for us. I just wanted to thank you for this masterpiece (since I couldn't find you on twitter, etc.). Since I found this gem I've spent like ~4 hours a day playing and enjoying it fully. I can't wait for the next updates and see where the journey goes. The slave routes are my fav, what about you? :)


Hi Carl, simply unbox the winrar file and start the .exe data.


Can you please add way more public nudity, always nude/forced nudist, exhibitionism, animated public nudity ( walking/posing nude in a crowd/public with feet visible) Also the ability to repeat Toph drunk or more drunk exhibitionism.


How to Find Toph in Tunnel??


Spoiler: Go front, front, right. Then click on the wall.


This is pretty funny


1st and foremost, this is one of my favorite slave training games. 2 slave path needs more punishment and humiliation and the punishment would be amazing if interactive. 3 how to "proceed with Toph"? No new options ever appieared. 4 loved how there were "2/4 sex showing how they go from hating you to ravaged slut, was dissapointed when i saw Toph (#1 Slut liked ever thing about her) didn't have that. 5 would buy complete version 👍


Do not cease to admire your talent. Each of your work is something new and original. I am very interested in what you did before and how did you come up with the idea of creating such a game?


Just want to say you guys are doing a great job. I don't have the money to put up but wanted give my thanks and hopes about who I assume is Korra in book 4, those being that she has abs and that there's an option for pubes for her like June in book 3. Though I know the latter would take a lot of time considering you need would need to add them to the plethora of art assets for the main girl.


Still can't trigger the pregnant scenes in the love route :(


Could tell me where i can find Long Feng after Ajala lock him in final?


and what can i do with 3 girls in cell if i keep them till final?


Do you know roughly when book 4 will be playable?


I wanted to know- if there was any possible way of saving the data online and not just in the game,


How to upload saved world to the new version ?


And how can I unlock fountain and maybe play with katara or suki


Hi dev ! i just came across this project and i really like it ! can i ask a question ?


just wanted to ask how long is the game planned to be ? seeing as how we're on 0.7 right now

Luke Mundy

Wow I can't wait for Appa sex


I can't download. it always immediately says there is an error. perhaps mega would be better?


also. how long after early access version, does it become available to the public? 3 months?


The early acces version becomes available after the next version is done. And MITY is working on Book 4, so it'll be some time untill the next update.


How long until 0.7.8 releases to the public??


i hope Kai will be MC in Love Route Book 4


I can't figure out where is Sokka's cave


Appa sex wtf and there are no more 3 girls that buried toph?


ok how to get katara sex

Luke Anstett

Tried to download with link and it crashes my computer....anyone know what's up with that?