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It's time to close up book 3 with the latest build for it's love route! The early access version is below. The spoiler log will follow in a separate post shortly. 

FET 0.7.8c - Pc version    -   mirror 

FET 0.7.8c  - Mac version   -  mirror 

Unfortunately the coder is not in the opportunity right now to pilot this release to safety which means I (the artist) will try my best to keep you free of turbulence. 

The bughunters helped us out tremendously(thanks guys!), but a bigger crowd will most likely find things we didn't notice so I'll be on the lookout for any problems you might still find.  

Once it looks like no big problems are present anymore I'll start work on the android version. I'm flying mostly solo at the moment so please be prepared for things to take longer.

Besides a bunch of new depraved scenes and hopefully closure, this build also contains a couple of extra important bugfixes which I want to mention in more detail.

- No longer will mixing drinks in the tavern send you to the love route while you're on the slave route! Sure we like the love route, but not to the extend we're willing to force you to play it!

- For anyone with a savegame which, once loaded, won't let you save anymore there's the nudist/shoping girl and Shady's lackey(slavegirl) whom you can ask to try and fix that from their menu options.

A quick note for our playtesters 

We added an extra scene which wasn't present yet in 0.7.8b  If you made Katara pregnant you'll have the option to see a different scene with her now. It's an adaptation of an older scene so not entirely new.






I'm currently doing this solo(artist speaking) so I'm going to wait a bit to see how stable this build is and if I don't end up having to fix any big bugs, I want to create an android version first thing in the morning. Sorry for the wait!


I'm hoping I can get it done a lot faster than that!


Currently only focusing on FET. Whatever happens after happens after.

Daniel Everest

hi upload files has been offline for the past hour is there an alternative way to download?


Could you try again? I tried it myself a second ago and they seem to be functional.

Daniel Everest

nope nothing. might just be me though


Okay, uploaded a mirror for the pc version. Hope that one will work for you. Mac is still uploading.

Calle larsen

Any ETA on the Android?


It depends on what kind of bugs(severe or not) might pop up in 0.7.8c A larger crowd almost always manages to find something we didn't. But if nothing crazy rears it's head. I'll try and have it ready tomorrow.

Daniel Everest

there seems to be a problem with uploadfiles.io specifically the entire site has err_name_not_resolved.


Checking it. Have you been able to use the mirror though?

Daniel Everest

It's working now thank you very much


Do I still have to deal with that stupid volleyball "twitch" game? I gave up and stopped playing the earlier versions and really want to know what happens with the rest of fire nation and after


I find it easier to hover over the ball with the mouse cursor and keep pressing enter, but I can understand you just don't want to deal with it at all after getting so frustrated. I'll send you a pm with some extra personalized help in a moment.


When is the android version coming out


You did an amazing job! I haven't even finished the part yet and I am already amazed! So much quality content!


Always great to hear people are enjoying a new build! Thanks : )

Kurtis Hazzard

I seem to be stuck in the game. I am at 22/24 talk with Toph have done the public scene with Katara and can't figure out where to go from there. Can't seem to find panties for Sokka either. Help would be awesome.


I forgot who to talk to persuade Toph to allow a brothel? And im stuck.


The panties search was intended to entail far more than what we ended up with(just one pair!). Might add some at a later point. But as for your 22/24 problem. Try visiting the hospital and see if you can ask Katara on a date.


@ Marinecoco the arena! Quite a devious place right : ) ?


Am i screwed with these scenes if I did the slave route?


Well, I am at the part where once you click the Palace, you leave the Earth Kingdom. I have a save game right before this but I have no access to any of the scenes from the newest version. I'm not sure if I only get them during the love route or if there is a way to get them in the slave route.


^ Both routes are separate, what you do in 1 does absolutely nothing in the other. If you saved at the ending of slave route, you need to finish it and/or restart book 3 and choose the love route. All the stuff in the last 5 or so builds have been for the love route and nothing to do with the slave route

Kodi Green

on the azula love route who am I suppose to talk to?

Kodi Green

Who must I talk to in the azula love route after returning from ember and talking to ty lee

Kurtis Hazzard

Ahhh already did that and went on the date, just cant seem to do anything after? Toph says give her time tk think for new training and no chatting at night, but katara doesnt say anything.


Helping TyLee with bar shifts(5 or more times if I remember correctly) after coming back from ember island will convince her to give you tips on how to proceed.


Hmmm, can't think of what's missing atm... Gonna pm you and see if we can figure this out another way.


How do I enable the console without causing a syntax error?


I'm not sure, but I assume using a simple text editor, saving it as a .txt file and manually renaming it to .rpy should work.


I'll give that a shot! Before I was just clicking save on the same .rpy file and it kept giving me a syntax error for something that didn't actually exist in the document and I couldn't fix it lol

Kobold Lad

Hey, pretty sure I encountered a bug in Book 3. After meeting Feng and deciding the route you take I can no longer build or upgrade the village.


Ohh damn that doesn't sound good at all... what route did you pick or was it on both routes? I did a quick play through and the slave route has the option to start upgrading almost right from the beginning, but the love route unlocks the upgrading more gradually. I played till Shady asks you to upgrade the shop and had no trouble doing so. Was it different for you ?

Kobold Lad

I picked the love route. I tested it out again and made sure that the options to upgrade the tavern and house were available before meeting Feng. After meeting him they became grayed out and after advancing the story some more they stayed that way. Also, when the brothel became available to build that to stayed grayed out. I haven't played any further then that, I assume I've run into a bug and it's not just the natural progression of the story.


Mity just finished book 3 and i cant help but feel so sad every time we leave the girls it hurts no kidding and also i wondered for some time will we see some Avatar state action in book 4 cause that would be amazing actually. i dont know if you showed any before in the previous books but i would love to see what you could do with it just a thought i been thinking.


I hope this isn't a spoiler for anyone. I'll try to keep it vague. How do I gift MAI?


Okay, so here's what's going on. The whole upgrade-whenever-you-want during the slave route brought the coder major headaches so he decided to be in control during the love route. However since love and slave share a good chuck of the start of book 3 the problem you mentioned occurs. It's not pretty, but harmless. So you can just play on without problems. When stuff is needed it will be unlocked. Coder has been hard to get hold of this week or I could've answered you earlier.


dude I can't crabfight


Like it just errors


Do I need to start a new game with every new release? or can I load an old save and find the new updates?


I can't find toph in toph rescue mission