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It's art update time!

Man I'm writing this update so much later than intended I feel annoyed with myself, but I've had a couple of really frustrating days. Let's start with mentioning some nice things first though! 

When I sent off the first batch of new scenes to the coder he got back to me telling me he really liked what I did and suspected it took me quite a while to get it done.  Well, that that's true(the long time it took me). As for the result being nice; the coder's blessing is the second line of defense against feelings of my-stuff-sucks so you can bet your behind that was a major relief. It usually is! 

Oh and if you're curious about my first line of defense, that's me thinking: "I'm sure the coder can work this into an interesting and funny story. It's about the entirety of the experience/game and not about the single brick in the wall." 

My satisfaction wildy swings between the different stages of creation. It's like a sine funtion. If I'm lucky I end at the 1 and if unlucky I'm dipping down through that x-axis into the negatives... I don't really understand math and probably screwed up that comparison.

Anyway, coders says good = me happy!

First batch was pretty much the brunt of what's needed for the next build, but I still had to do some maze stuff and an extra scene. And it's that extra scene where things got wild.  Let's just say I pretty much wasted several days trying to whip something horrible into something at the very least passable. 

I really dislike  leaving or deleting scenes I'm halfway through to start again from scratch. It's a bad habit and if I let myself I'd redo scenes forever. But...I still had to chuck out a bunch of stuff this time because it was just... poop. 

The entire proces felt much like trying to strangle a boa constrictor with my bare hands while it's squeezing the life out of me in return. I did end up with something decent (at least I think I did, but won't feel entirely safe until the coder agrees) and pretty much finished it today.

The new maze part is also finished although that has little new surprises for anyone who has already played book3's slave route.

I did encounter something else slightly bothersome, born out of frustration while working on the "boa constrictor" scene. Do you know what's worse than accidentally deleting your workfile/image? It's saving it, but saving it at a lower resolution than you're working on. 

If you delete an image you can go to your recycle bin or if push comes to shove, install some software specialized in retrieving deleted files. If you're lucking it might still be there. If you resized your image from a high resolution to a low resolution and save it, you could still try to ctrl-z (undo) it. If however you close the program thinking all is fine and come back to it another day... hahahaha.. ha.. Actually, you won't be laughing at all.  

When resizing work 99.9% of the time I copy the files and resize the duplicate file to prevent accidents like that, but this time I opted for the 0.1% and took a shortcut I normally wouldn't have. Long story short, I luckily had a slightly older file(made 20 minutes earlier), which saved me from face-desking. 

Making backups is important. Even quick temporary ones evidently. Buuut I sometimes can go hours without making any so I got lucky!

Btw. I'm never afraid my pc will blow up except right before making backups to my external harddisk. Is that just me? 

Anyway, with those things  out of the way and in a far better mood I started working on a scene for the next build! Gotta get in those hours to hopefully make it something befitting the end of this route. That means we'll try to fit the end (please take this with a healthy serving of salt) in two more builds. That includes the one we're working on now. I think that would make the total amount of builds we need for this route close to (if not the same) as the number it took us to finish the slave route of book3.

Normally we'd like to have a solid two months, without a build in between for the endings and the beginnings. That's because the end and start of a route usually have their own difficulties to consider. When it comes to the beginning we don't really see another way considering our books have steadily been taking on more characters and there's nothing (or at best precious little) we can reuse when starting a book.


However I think we can do stuff in two, monthly spaced, builds for the end of this route. who knows, we might leave you with a horrible cliffhanger this month! Nah, I don't think so. Just remember I suck at predictions. For the love of sanity, don't take me serious when I start giving you predications. 

So I'm currently working on an important end(ish) scene for Toph. Not sure if the coder is going to want to change some stuff for better effect, but I'm creating this as the last sexy scene with Toph and adding in some more options. So far so good and I'm really liking this one (I'm on top of the sine!  Woohoo!!) 

Since We've been hinting at it with the subtlety of a brink through a window, I can safely say one of Toph's new scenes will be all about putting IT in her waste disposal unit. 

I can't imagine this being a surprise to anyone. This was actually the one scene which I talked about a long time ago while still working on the slave route. If you remember I talked about a scene I didn't use because the coder had a cool idea and the already existing scene just wouldn't fit that idea anymore so I made a new one and shelving the other one for later use.

Well, I still had that old one lying around so I took it and have been heavily reworking it. In fact I reworked it twice. Since my first attempt felt weird.. man, I've been redrawing far too much stuff this week. I really don't like being this inefficient, but I'll be damned if I'm putting something in there I can't at least be somewhat happy with. 

Kinda made me wish I had kept on working through our little Christmas break, but taking some time off was also super nice. 

Actually I have been trying my hand at some more 3d modelling during the Christmas break. It was relaxing and I just couldn't sit entirely still. You might remember I made most buildings in book 2 and the tank in book2(!) partly using Blender. That's a software program for modelling.  My biggest problem is when I don't use software like that for longer than a week everything I learned quickly sinks back into the swamp I call my memory. I really wish that was just a joke.

My longterm fantasy is making characters which could actually be used in a game. I'm calling it fantasy because I don't actually ever expect to get there, but fuck it, fantasizing about it makes me happy :) so every now and then I try to regain what meager "skills" I had. 

Some examples of how far I got last time below. 

That's all I have for you this time. I'll be replying to some pm's and comments before I'll go back to working on the new scenes.  There's  a lot to do!




Improved is care for your work, good job


I really like working with 3d models myself, but I am unsure how to do original 3d models. I just do things on the equivalent to SFM or more so Daz3d. Still, I can feel you on wanting to make characters for a game. I want to do that too. You are so transparent, I appreciate you and the team for that. Thanks and keep up the good work~!


I honestly don't think I'll ever get there(creatting a competent 3d character), because creating something in 3d feels a lot like drawing while wearing mittens and standing on your head, but it's just really satisfying to be able and rotate the camera around something you made yourself. Seeing some people create 3d models out of nothing is like watching magic!


Watching some youtube movies of creators who are really good at it can be downright mesmerizing!


Agreed. Its like... "Hey, they started with a ball and they just made a 3d person from that ball... what just happened." O_O


soo is the game going to be 3d or just art?


You sound like you missed the ~ 3 years of (free) playable stuff we've been getting and/or just woke up from a coma for the same amount of time ...................................................... Try downloading 1 of the builds and witness for yourself


You already thinking about last book? Will you use characters like Kyoshi and Yangchen later?


Just real quick, I'm trying to play on my Android and I cant get past the naming part on book 1 🙄


3d stuff is just me fantasizing, FET is completely 2d with just some behind the scenes 3d help from simple models I made. But like Omnikuken already suggested, just try out 0.7.5b if you haven't already.


Normally we don't give out any sort of hints to what you can expect to see in later books, but characaters like Kyoshi and Yangchen will most likely only be mentioned or seen in a very fleeting/obscure way. Like for example the dildo/statue of Kyoshi in book3.


I always try out the build on my own phone and it has no problems at that stage for me so it's very difficult to figure out what might be wrong. I'll try and add a choice to future versions though where you can choose between a standard name or create your own. Not a pretty solution but the only one I can think of. If you do somehow manage to get past the naming, please let us know.


Update, for some reason I tried it before work but instead of typing I noticed a small magnifying glass symbol instead of my enter symbol and it worked. 🤷‍♂️


Is there an eta?


Yeah. starting to worry about what's going on over there.


Don't have an exact date for you (we're in crunchmode) but so far things are looking good sooo... in a couple of days perhaps(crosses fingers)

Kurtis Hazzard

I love that you guys habitually comment back to your fanbase. I think out of all of these types of games, how honest you guys are as creators makes things enjoyable. Keep on keeping on.


Mmhh, we probably could do a lot better on the replies side of things(more, faster etc). But we do try to be as straightforward and honest with you guys as much as humanly possible, simply because we enjoy it ourselves.

Lemon Life

I completely agree. We appreciate the time you take to keep us in the loop! It's really cool to hear that youre in good spirits too.