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Hey folks! Did you have a nice Christmas/end of the year/something else ? No accidents, drunken mishaps or anything else of the sort? Good! As long as the damage is restricted to a slight headache from partying too hard all is fine  ; )

It's a new year and we're slowly waking up from our short break. We don't have a lot to say right now and might do a bigger (art) update a few days later, but right now we're Just checkin in on you and getting that first post of the new year in! Here we are 2019, please be nice to us and everyone else!

I'm currently busy spanking a couple of new scenes into graphical submission. I have been very busy these first days of the new year and will be for the next few to make certain the coder has what he needs to get started.   Yes..  I wasn't entirely truthful when I said we were slowly waking up : ) 

I'm on the cusp of sending the coder his first buttload of new stuff for the new build, but I need to make certain it's good to go because things always get messy when I need to force in new stuff later. 

I can remember when we retroactively had to make June have a bush (depending on player choice) and that was quite the headache. It was worth it in my opinion,  but it's better to prevent repeating something like that. 

We do have a new small android update so if you've been using the latest 076 android version read on. Otherwise, talk to you later!


The 076 android update(and earlier ones) might have given you some trouble when it comes to savegames.

I(artist) have been using an older version of the software we're using to create FET which can lead to incompatibilities between the pc and android version savegames. I simply kept getting errors when using the version the coder uses so I had to use an older one which for whatever reason didn't constantly whine and dine me with problems.

It was a small Christmas miracle which at long last made me find the cause of the errors. So I made a new 076 android version using the same version of the development software the coder uses. I tried it out and it looks like you can now simply take saves made on the pc and use them on your android device.

I updated the link in the " Early Access Version 0.7.6b!!!" with the new version, so if you feel like copy/pasting saves from your pc to your android device, you know what to do.  Just as a reminder, things can go south quickly when you start copy/pasting savegames so make backups and all that.

Oh and when messing around with the android version I also noticed I couldn't delete savegames from within the game and now added a "delete savegames" button. On the pc you can simply hover over a savegame and press the del key, but of course something different was needed for the android one.  Hopefully this makes things a lot easier.

That's all for now! 




That's terrific, merry Christmas/New year.


Seems like since late Nov, I never receive notifications about new posts on Patreon ..... Dunno if it's my account or Patreon just getting lamer the more time you spend on it, but missing releases and stuff cause nothing told me so is starting to feel bad :/


Hmm. As far as I know a new post should automatically get you a notification unless it's maybe an edit of an older post. I dont'remember us changing anything which could've caused this. Anyone else out there with the same problem? Please let us know.


I've never had that problem, whenever a new post pops up I get a notification almost right away.


How much longer do we have on chapter 3?


Happy New Year!


Happy New Year. Wishing all the best for 2019.


Me niga,,I love you guys,,, HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! HOPE THIS PROJECT GET HIGH!!

Peter Vanusanik

I was just thinking how sadly book 3 slave ended since Toph being blind couldn't see you how Katara saw you :(


That's why Katara is there, to make sure Toph isn't left all alone wondering! I mean.. sure it's the slave route, but we aren't monsters.


Right back at ya ! Happy new year and all the best!


Hard to say. We're getting close, but the next build won't bring closure to this route.


Do you think we're gonna see a KataraxToph lesbian scene at some point in the love route? It's been hinted at a couple of times, but I can't tell if it's just talk or not.


First new person to your series and I have actually heavily enjoyed it, and have found myself laughing pretty hard at some of the stuff. Question though: It seems like the slave content is done quicker, but I've also noticed the slave content seems to be shorter(with book 2 and currently book 3's love route still in progress), is there a reason for this? I like the love routes better anyway, but I was just super surprised when I did book 2 slave route first and then did the love route, and it seemingly had much more content.


I think there are two main reasons for that. First is that the slave routes are developed first. So a lot of the world-building for that route is done in that part of the chapter. That frees up work time to flesh-out characters, story etc. Second, if I recall correctly MITY stated that they enjoy the love route more than the slave route. And with a personal preference it is no surprise that there is "more" to the love route. Just my observations and speculations, tho.


Don't work yourselves too hard, excited to see what's next for the love route!


What are you thinking in terms of number of updates left before book 3 is wrapped up?


I can't really answer this without spoiling, but we aren't averse to foreshadowing : )


It's pretty much what OnlyJustice already said. personal preference and the time we don't have to spend on creating the world gives us a far better starting point for the love route.


We'll try : ) thanks for your concern. It's mostly during the end of the month things get less than healthy so we're still good for the moment.


We wrote an art update about that just now. Long story short, two. Of course with the usual "grain of salt" caveats.