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Hey all! Coder here.  

I spent the last week in the hospital with my mum (she got a virus, which is a big deal during chemo), and that bumped FET production back. The good news is that she's finished her last round of chemo, which means I can stop spending 2 weeks a month helping her eat and use the restroom, which I've been doing regularly for the past 5 months, and is the main reason why our release schedule has been all over the dang place. I gotta say, it has not been a super-fun good time. And I feel guilty that I've been the bottleneck during FET development (although that should change now that things are finally moving back to normal). Here's Toph to express my feelings:  

Now for positive status updates! There are 8-9 scenes in this next build! Tell me that doesn't kick ass! There are also sexy side quests to the ongoing story line (which is something we try to regularly include), some humorous encounters, and a few unique character events. We'll definitely get it out within the month, and hopefully to the playtesters in less than a week. 

We love you all and there's absolutely nothing you can do about it. 



DJ Quinn

Glad things are looking up for you!

Sasaike Ruled

Tell your mom that we pervs wish all the best for her. Definitely won't be a weird situation.😂 Does your mom know what you're exactly doing for a living? Cheers

The Melon Man

Tell your mom I am happy for her recovery

Toxic FX

you do what you need to love your work MITY your awesome

Prof. Walker

Love and hope for your mother and you! No need to feel guilty, love your work!

Kuzuha Chan

Freelance Coder with nice 8k income :D This is what my Mom would hear hahaha

Kuzuha Chan

Best wishes to your Mom from the bottom of my Perv Heart. Glad you are back to business :)

Ronald Bakbacon

Hey, no big deal. I got a dad with multiple myeloma, cancer sucks. Thanks for the update, hope it gets better!


I wish you and your mother all the best! My Dad was also diagnosed this year and the whole chemo therapy just sucked! Hope the cancer will be gone soon for your mom!


Just like everyone else, I wish you and your mom all the best. Take care and thanks for being such a great coder for us. :)

Aeryn Monet

I am not disappointed in you coder, you are the best son. I am however disappointed that toph's sign isn't upside down.


Don't worry about it. Take all the time you need. Never good to stress about two things at once coder.


Family is more important 👍


I'm glad your mom is recovering. Take the time you need.


Sweet! (❤ ◠‿◠)

Josh Spicer

Will the Ghost of BIlly Mays ever make a return?


Being the bottleneck on a two-man team is easily achieved. Especially when you have family to take care for. Don't feel guilty about that, spent all the time you need with your mother. That being said it is good news to hear she is doing better!


Hey I got a question, will Ty-lee and Suki ever get real brothel scenes? I know it sounds weird but it feels kinda pathetic if I'm doing a 'total bastard' run where my character doesn't care at all for the girls... but is to insecure to earn extra cash and turn Ty-lee and Suki into real whores. I dunno, if you're worried it'll put people off even on the slave route instead of the love route, maybe make it a choice? something like Suki mentions fucking clients and you can go "no only me" or "yeah sure, but I get 90% of the profits". I'm not advocating for NTR scenes, but rather just the MC if the player chooses can be uncaring completely and not insecure about that stuff? If its way too much work for one complaint I totally get it and stuff, was just making a suggestion/asking! I wish you well since you're one of the best artist/game designers here and I hope that your family is okay... don't feel guilty about spending time with them especially when she had to go through chemo! As a 5$ donor (biiig deal right? ;p) I don't care if you take time off to spend with your family, even longer than 2 weeks, so long as your mental health is okay and your family is OK and you do eventually get to work on the game when things aren't as crazy for you! This comment is a total mess but thank you if you took the time to read it, I hope you have a good weekend and that things go well!


MITY, I have a question about the music. I'm currently playing the Love route of Book 2 and I can't get enough of the Azula rub scene. Where is this music from? I was watching a YouTube video and I heard this exact music playing in the background of his video. Is the music on a music site or is it from somewhere else? Wish your mother well!


I agree it was kind of disappointing and would have liked it to be a real brothel but that’s up to them


Wish you all the best and hope your mom makes a full recovery


Hey man dont be too hard on yourself, i think its commendable that youre still releasing content somewhat consistently even with whats going on with your mother. Cheer up :)

Kuzuha Chan

I really want to see an Artist Update with a Teaser pic, hihihi :3


Don't feel guilty about it. Comparing family to a video game, I think all of us can easily say family matters more. Hope your mother recovers and can start putting this part of her life behind her.


I agree with Sasquatch2099


Heh, we have no real plans for doing so, but seeing him mentioned again in the comments does make us feel somewhat nostalgic.


Thanks, it'll be awesome when all of this is well in the past.


Thanks! Just look for "unwritten return" and you should have no problem finding it. That's at least the song I think we used for that part.


Thanks man : ) The worst of it is hopefully over so we're looking forward to the future.


(artist here) That's what I've been telling him(the coder) too. He'll probably be more accepting when hearing it from you guys though so thanks for commenting.


I'm getting the feeling I'm not picking up on something...? I might just be readin too much into this or I'm just having a brainfart. Both perfectly possible options!

Kuzuha Chan

Hahaha I'm just kidding around because it's delay and coder needs time. So maybe time on the other hand. Don't mind me. I'm just excited for the next release 😉


Thanks and you're absolutely right of course, family trumps a video game every day of the week.


is there any way of saying when the next version will be out? the progressreport got me curios and i want to know if i should wait till playing through the game again or not.

Kuzuha Chan

Bughunt maybe end of week (19.10.) if Coder finds time. Early Release maybe a week later.

Kuzuha Chan

Soon...sooooooon <3 <3 <3


Bughunt in this weekend? Yyaaaay! We're counting on you!


gib ples ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ


i'm so excited to play this build


Any news?


Darn was hoping to play this before I went away oh well I will try to look for bugs as best I can with the limited time I will have this week if it comes out. I totally won’t be playing it for the new scenes and suggest an appa scene


Is new update released soon or the info from before wasnt true (that said 19th)? :o

Kuzuha Chan

I guessed 19th because Coder says Bughunt approx "in one week" after the Progress Report. It still depends on the Coder and his time. As mentioned often before, his personal life is priority ;) Just be patient


Am I the only one spamming F5 all day?