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The new art assets update for this month. Hope you guys will  like this month's collection of higher res pervertedness. We're getting very close to the end of what we still have for the slave route of book 3 so next time we'll start adding some of the assets for the love route.

Take me there! 

As always the update contains a text file with links to all the earlier updates.




Well if you wanted to do something showing his size, you could have always had him licking Toph, you did have the player threaten her with letting Appa have a turn.


Did anyone ever guess what the particular scene was based on that choice you either did or didn't make? Kinda hoping it involves brainwashing/pimping out Toph's 3 bullies X)


Although the licking idea is a good one, Toph can't meet him in the tunnels since he'll be gone already when you visit him with Toph. It's part of the player choice to add some differences for the choices you make. When the player sees him again Toph will be tied down on his back so in that particular case it's pretty clear he's kinda big :)


Hahaha, those poor girls. Can't you just free them and let bygones be bygones : )


Well I was thinking more of that just being a new scene with Appa since you teased it at the end of the slave route, would be an interesting idea, and one more fetish to tick off that you did in the game.


Well the brainwashing I would imagine is only necessary if you decided not to let them go initially upon finding them under the lake. In your efforts to originally humble them after the party you either chose to expose them or let them go. You've embarrassed them once, giving citizens of the city an opportunity to spread rumors as I imagine they are highborn/nobles and this tarnishes not only their own rep but that of their families. Following that (either happening in the same night or later) they are abducted by the Dai Li at either Ajala's or Long Feng's command as they are either viewed as people Ajala is into/people who have consorted with the Avatar and have been basically condemned by the state. Upon releasing them, the girls realize that they have nowhere to go as the city they felt superior and safest in now proves to be just as dangerous as any other town. In addition to that they are nude and traveling back to the city to be seen by all is not only an embarrassing prospect but also further tarnishes their rep as well their families possibly forcing to disown the girls until they learn a little decency or you could consider that the Dai Li would have told their parents they are wanted people for escaping with bounties. With all of that established they take to the Avatar as he has not only braved the depths of the Dai Li's dungeons and have bested their warriors but is also known for having his own safe haven where those who have been targeted by the Dai Li can effectively go into hiding and be (somewhat) safe (looks at smouldering ruins that was once house). Now I imagine the decision that comes into effect here is If you abused them versus deciding to free them immediately. If you abused them what happens is all 3 go to the brothel and you either have to heavily use brainwashing or let June take them down a peg over some time before you get a payoff. Alternatively if you chose to let them go immediately all 3 girls could be split between the tavern, working with Katara and either the shop or the brothel as they must earn their keep and there is only a finite amount of space (plus it adds for some unique scenes in more diverse locations and you can make a joke about one of them not wanting to be a dentist {Christmas Rudolph movie}) Following that you can now interact with them and they may be inclined to "show their appreciation" Or you can do more brainwashing as you have the tool but it hasn't seen much action yet and would be a good excuse to use it. It would be a lighter tone for using it as you could say you have a means in which to help them better "fit in/undo the damage done". I understand if you are pressed for time but this was initially what popped into my head upon reading the post and I just HAD to ask ;x I liked how you introduced the characters and how you followed up with that interaction and giving unique aspects like this to this route really adds to a reason you would replay or create a separate save JUST for this route further extending people's playtime and enjoyment ^_^ I realize my 2 cents has now turned into about a buck fifty but I wanted to get it outta my system since you responded to my post <3


Thx! ;3 If I donated $35 instead of $20 my idea might have a chance but sadly it is not in the cards atm ;w;


Just like Aquis, we think you came up with some very nice ideas. We might actually have done something like it if it was just one girl. We certainly don't want to break them up and for example only use "mickey mouse". The strength/appeal of those three lies in their combination. But yeah, it's one of those "wouldn't it be cool if-" things which gets bogged down by the reality of the time it takes to draw/write/implement new stuff. The artist has a thing for messing with Joodee, but if the sky was the limit, he'd love to make those three part of that. Their part in the story isn't done, but it won't be anything as nice as you thought up. We just have too many other characters to take care of. But you know, we always carry suggestions like yours with us in the back of our mind so who knows what you'll have inspired us to add which we wouldn't have otherwise. Regardles of what comes of it, thanks for sharing your ideas! We like reading books ; ) (no seriously we're both avid readers when we have the time.)

Mostafa Khan

Hello, The links are broken

Mostafa Khan

of almost all art assets please fix it