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Hey all, time for another art update! I've been putting these off because I wanted to wait for the new build to be ready, but it's really time for me to write at least something to give everyone a short heads up  of what's happening in the background. Here's hoping none of you are too disappointed this update doesn't have a link to a new build. 

Honestly, I'm looking forward to a new build as much as anyone else out there. That may sound slightly weird considering there's nothing graphical in there which I haven't seen already(to say the least). 

The best way I can explain it is to compare it to me making the parts of a puzzle without ever having seen the entire picture beforehand. I know what the single puzzle pieces look like and have a description of how it's supposed to be when it's all done, but it just doesn't come to life until you can see everything put together into a single entity.

I try to help out as much as I can with other stuff but when it comes to pulling it all together into a funny coherent story, the coder is pretty much on his own. He absolutely has the hardest part of it all if you ask me. If I accidentally put my hand in a meat grinder, things will come to a halt for some time, but as soon as a new artist is found who'd be willing to fill my place it's go time once more. If the coder/writer has to stop... well that'd be a lot harder to deal with.

Anyway, what have I been doing? Working hard to make sure I got enough stuff lined up for the next build! It's mostly Toph scenes I've been working on but that's because I've made an extra version for some of the same scenes. That's quite a bit of extra work, but it always feels good to put in the extra effort for the love route. 

I've also been busy working on the other girls and creating new stuff for the new maze. 

That's right, we wanted to keep this a surprise for you to discover yourself, but I'm going to let this cat out of it's bag early. We're putting in a new outlay for the maze. Ajala won't be your ally anymore in your quest to hypnotize the girls you free and that needed some changes in the maze. 

We figured while we were at it we'd might as well change up the maze some more. Afteral it won't be much fun to walk through the same maze doing the exact same thing as you did during the slave route. Naturally some elements will be the same, but there'll be more than enough new stuff to keep things fresh.

Btw. you might have noticed you never got to do anything  at  the fountain in Ba Sing Se so far. I'm currently working on the background for that one. It's giving me a really hard time, but it'll make a nice extra addition to the uniqueness of the love route once I get it done.

I think I've done a nice bit of work already(enough for a new build), but delays always take me out of my workflow. Communication between me and the coder becomes minimal when he feels  stressed out and being late with a build always does that no matter what reason we have for a delay. I can't blame him. I'd feel stretched out at least as much if I had going on what he has going on. But anyway, when I'm this much ahead of the current build  I start to miss the synergy of having a day to day interaction so that's another reason for me to  look forward to the new build.

Actually I think One of these days I might have to force the coder to take a break unless things get a lot better soon. He hasn't taken any since we started FET and he has had some trouble switching between responsibilities.  I mean, I'd rather have him take a break and be at full power again(or at least somewhat recharged) than keep doing this thing where he slowly gets drained a little more each day until he simply can't do anything anymore. 

There's really not much more I can tell you right now. An estimation of when the build will be ready would be putting the coder under more pressure and I really don't think that's what he needs right now. 

Not much in the way of an interesting update, but I hope this at least satisfies some of your curiosity of what we're doing.

ps. some of the raffle ticket winners haven't replied to our pm's yet, so don't forget to check your message box if you haven't in awhile!

That's all for now. I might be ahead of the coder in the way of content, but that doesn't mean I'm taking things easy.  There's always something to touch up on or add to and I just can't sit idle when I know the coder isn't either.

Having said all of that, we hope to have something a bit more interesting for you soon(ish)!



Always nice to get an update just to know you haven't forgotten us. I'm getting WAY ahead of myself here but when the game is essentially "finished" are there plans to go back to the earlier books and use your newfound knowledge and skills to touch up the paths and improve them? Not to say I'm not happy with the game, far from it.


Again, I don't think I'll speak for only me if I said you're more than encouraged to take a break and deliver anytime in September. Everyone is entitled to a bit of summer vacation. Thanks for the news, as always.


Glad to see you guys checking in again, in all honesty if you guys need to take a break that's completely fine with me, it's nice to see the builds reguarly but I don't think it's entirely fair on you guys if it's running you ragged. Plus it'll be neat getting the love route in time for my birthday next month haha. Take care regardless.


i can fully understand this. But can u make a picture like in the other art updates? And GL for the coder


Always happy to see an update :) I agree it is disappointing not to se a picture in this one but I know you guys are working so hard :)


Looking forward to a new build in September.


Just put the payments on hold and take a break guys. Sounds like you guys need it.


What coding language does FET use?


I believe its all python


It uses RenPy, which is a Python-based visual novel engine. It also has a full Python implementation, so you can assume lots of those as well.

Prof. Walker

Take a break as they are needed. I happy that you care for the Love Route as much as I do, I still play Katara's from time to time and looking forward to Toph's!


your game makes me moist


i have a question is there a way to delete the saves because mine are full


Yeah, put your mouse over a save and hit the delete key.