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This post will have some spoilers for the most recent build so don't read this if you want to go in blind. Btw.  We've uploaded a new version(0.6.04d) with some more bugfixes so if you've been having problems this should fix them.

Well, last month was certainly pretty hectic for us! You've got your normal run of the mill thing which happens during Christmas, but the other timesink was/is the arena. It's the coder's pet(crab) project, but getting that to work took a lot more time than expected. We still have some reports about weird things happening so clearly more work needs to be done (crabs are oversized bugs anyway so no surprise there)but there's no reward for reaching a kind of crab related goal yet so don't go too crazy trying to catch them all or trying to get them to evolve! 

To be clear, that evolve pic below is just a joke. In the end there will be some sort of payoff, but not quite this. Evolving your own monstergirl requires it's own game! 

We do hope with all of that out of the way we can prevent being so late again with the next build. The extra time it takes us to finish naturally eats into the time we have for next months' update but we also simply don't like you having to wait longer than expected. Although the monthly updates do have their downsides, the feedback we're getting is a  big help to shape the experience.

One example is June's bush! We forced the players's hand in getting rid of that and although many of you will like it shaven we've received some passionate player response about us taking away their underrepresented pubes! So today I've been trying to adjust the files in such a way we can introduce choice (bush or not for June) without opening up a can of bugs! I think it should be possible but the coder has the final word on these things since it's him who has to actually make sure it doesn't turn into a burning pile of bugs.

I've been working on a new June scene which was getting close to be finished so I'll have to redo parts of that, but I think it won't be too much extra work*crosses fingers*.

Talking about extra work, the latest build focused a little more on the supporting female cast and coding than Toph. We simply had to fill out some more of the rest of book 3 first, but the next build will definitely have more of her. I've been giving the new scenes I already had done with her some more oompf by adding alternate versions for two of them.

I also have to come up with a way to degrade Joo Dee some more when you find her again :) Don't run away JD! we've got so much more interesting things to do!

The other important thing I've started working on now is the next part of the maze, or more importantly the next girl. The first part had June, this build's part had Suki and the next part will have... a new girl. The maze still has enough secrets, but that's for you to discover in the next build.

Well, there's a million things to do (minus 8 days to do them in!) so I'll return to drawing some more smut. We've received an idea from a scene ticket winner just a day ago so there's a lot to do. Btw the the raffle ticket winners for this month will be decided in a day or so. We just had too much to do this month to do so earlier. The winners will be sent a pm. If you don't receive one, sorry! We wish you better luck next time!



Gwen Evers

cant wait ^_^


anyone wanna guess the third maze girl? my best guess is Jin (from zuko and jin) or someone new.


I really hope we won't need to do a lot of crab battling to progress with the story.


Not sure which scares me more, that crab woman or June's overgrown bush lol


I can't wait to see who the other girls are going to be, and even more I'm hoping we get to use that hypnosis room on the Azula gang..and Katara only because her constant mysterious attitude irks me lol


bushy June <3


june is my new favorite character in the game, she is so HOT!! i love the gothic style with the pale skin so much! (prev favorite char was katara) only prob i have with june is her nipples look weird.

Eldon Freeman

+1 for letting the girls have have at least a modest amount of pubic hair! I'm not much for clean-shaven, baby-like girls. And June has a bad ass look, so even more appropriate for her! :-)


No worries, we'll add some rewards to it eventually, but those won't be required to progress the story.


Thank you so much for responding to the feedback so quickly and kindly! Your game so far has been very broad in scope for fetishists everywhere, and I'm proud to say you're one of my favorite creators out there! Crossing my fingers your coder can work that Compu-Magic (TM) and make us pro-pubers very happy. Good luck with the coming builds, I can safely say we all appreciate your ambition of scope, care/polish, and attention to your fanbase.


Craaab Peo-ple, Craaab Peo-ple. Look like crab and fuck like people


As someone who came of age in the 80s, I've seen enough pubes to last me forever, and will always prefer a smooth-shaven girl. A choice is the right decision.


It's been a good update! Anyone think it was odd that toph read a letter from her family wanting her back home on her own? I mean she's blind


Also I don't mean to criticize your art but the big breasts look a bit strange when they are standing and the breasts are together as if they were in a bra. Breasts natural position curves smoothly from the center of the rib cage and the breasts fall a bit more outward. Basically they don't touch each other as if being squeezed together even if they are big so there wouldn't be such defined curved lines between the breasts. But other then that I've never had a criticism about your art, and even this is more of a general knowledge comment just to improve human anatomy if you want. It's not like the current large breasts are even bad the way they are so if they remain as they are it's not a big deal because they still look good. Overall I've been really impressed with how close your artwork resembles the original show it's part of why I really like this game. But again just general breast knowledge for you, to look more natural


Yeah, we should add something like "Katara read it for me." to prevent that weird "Hey, wait a minute..."-feeling.


Good criticism is essential to improve so thanks for telling! Having said that, sometimes it's indeed just me not drawing them right(I'll be more aware of that) but other times it's because a lot of scenes are build up out of layers overlapping each other. When a clothes layers goes on top of the naked layer and I spread out the breasts too much they'd peak out from under the clothes layer. there's ways around this though and I'll try and use those more.


android version pls:(


So, I have been supporting your game since around 8 months ago because I happened to come across one of your older beta in one of those 'not-so-ethical' game sites. I played them, enjoyed the scenario with Katara greatly, and saw the progression within the game as I followed the update within the site. (Sorry.) It a little weird for me to say it because I wasn't the one behind the coding and programming and etc, but I felt like I was in a journey of some kind, since I was experiencing the changes that you and the other devs have been making. Eventually, I guess I wanted to be somehow part of your project, because you sort of inspired me with my own personal work. I guess what I want to say is that I am glad that your project is coming together, and it is a surreal and exciting to watch the growth of your game, and I am glad I am part of this growth as well. Please keep up the great work you are putting in for this game, and thank you for reading this long-ass comment.


That's so wholesome :) I'm sure they can forgive you since you're paying now, haha. And I know exactly what you mean, I played one of the free development versions they've put out and eagerly refreshed their page for days when I saw they released one to the $5 tier but not yet to the public. Finally got impatient and made a Patreon account - I think it was a great choice


I'd say ditch ironing-board Toph and focus book 3 entirely on the MILF-tier tits of JooDee ;)


It's always great to read these stories :) And we absolutely get where you're coming from when saying you felt/feel part of the journey. Although this game is meant as a way to inpire you to create "moist" tissue's we couldn't be happier if it has also helped in other areas. We really hope we'll be able to keep doing so!

Gundam lupus

more bush options for all the girls, its a decorative option.


Keep them down man, Defiantly need some variation, Love Summertime saga, but the continuous massive tits make it much duller than i hoped, Variety is the spice of life! Keep it up MITY you know you love it ;)


Man, hopefully we get some new scenes with Ty Lee in the brothel, she got potential ;) Love the crab fights though!


I have the Key but for the statue but it keeps saying i dont


Get the latest 0.6.04d version, they fixed the key fucking around in the latest build

Zack Hackett

i guess no update for a while


When will the next update roughly be


Every day I come by to see if there is a update

Victor Lewis

About 9 to 11 day from now


Not sure if this is the right place to ask but here goes. How much content are you planning to put into book 3 per character. I ask because after playing i'm getting into the idea of seeing more of Suki, but at the same time i realise that you allready have a huge amount of characters to do scenes for. So i guess i'm asking how many scenes/content we can expect from the characters you have in comparrison to book 2. Anyway you're doing an awesome job and i'm looking forward to the next update.

marcus knight

wherer is the download link its anoying to find it


Currently bugfixing the latest build. We'll have it ready in a couple of days or sooner for the $5 tier people. If you haven't played the 0604e build yet, you can find the links to that on the top of the page.


Sorry for the late reply. We can't really say because we also look at the general opinion. If the patrons like a character more than expected we'll try and add more of her, but yeah at the same time....there's a lot more ground to cover in book 3 and we don't want development to take forever so "sacrifices" will have to be made.