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Hey guys, 

Here's the changelog of the differences between 0.6.01 and 0.6.04! 


  • Suki idles
  • Rescue Suki from the tunnels
  • Suki face-job scene in the tunnels
  • Rescue additional girl after Suki
  • Hypnosis scenes with Suki
  • Hypnosis scenes with June
  • June wench outfit idles
  • June wench titplay
  • June wench scene
  • Kyoshi Suki idles
  • Toph titjob (and pussy-rub) scene
  • Joodee bra scene
  • Joodee titplay
  • Kyoshi Ty Lee idles
  • Suki brothel scene (with variations)
  • Toph swimsuit scam progression (bikini option is down because of a bug!)
  • Teach Iroh how to crab battle (time travel is fun!)
  • Arena!
    Catch and battle crabs! With multiple rarities, unique moves, stats, status effects, items, and automatic move-learning, the arena is the ultimate crab battling setting!
  • Expanded tunnels
  • Added brothel
  • Added hypno-room
  • Added shop options
  • Shop and house can now be upgraded




Thanks for the changelogs MITY! Quick question with the scam progression and brothel. In this build, Toph will always refuse to wear the bikini correct? And there is no way to upgrade the brothel currently?

Prof. Walker

Just wanting for the lover route


I was very glad to see Ty Lee again. Hoping for some more great content with her, felt like she got a little of the backseat in Book 2. Great work all around though!


Not sure if it's a glitch or not but I found the key to the Kyoshi dildo in the tunnels but it keeps acting like I didn't.


If you keep visiting Toph for "massages", eventually she should be willing to wear the bikini. The brothel isn't able to be upgraded just yet, we only added it this build!


where is joodee

Aeryn Monet

At your house in Ba Sing Se, later on anyway. Eventually she leaves forever though.


I don't know how to proceed in tunnel in version 0.6.04. My level is 20.


Is shady girl suppose to take your money when you have to much? Cause she just took every penny i have like a b* tch..

Sapient Monkey

Yeah, I saved up a whole bunch and then she started bobbing up and down and took all of around 1,400 from me.


God bless you, you wonderful people!


Jesus, I read that first one as "Suki Dies" initially and was just like WTF?


Am I the only one wondering what those mushrooms in the dungeon might do with regards to the girls training. Also it shames me that I didn't realize Toph can't be hypnotized until the first release for her chapter came out and I remembered why lol


How come shady girl stole my monies?! I had like 900 gold haha


Love this update so far. Suki stuff is great. Same with JooDee. Not much of her. Just like the other books, I'm sure I'll love book 3 at least ten times more in the love route.


How to make Toph wear a bikini?


It's dependent on your training with Toph. As soon soon as you've progressed enough at earthbending you can break down the wall to the north in the tunnels(just keep on moving up from the moment you enter the tunnels and you'll see a wall with scratches on it).


A bug is preventing you from making her do that atm. We're working on getting it fixed along with a couple of other small things.


i can't find suki or the new section of the tunnels ? i am on 0.6.04b


What are the variations with suki brothel scenes ?


I have seen the scene using the dildo on suki. Is the sex mode also available or later? I noticed it in the images.

percy Jackson

Is any of these changes for the public release or just the patrons? I feel like I've explored everything but I don't see any of the changes listed above. Any help?


Just start a new game in the version 0.6.04


So, i just wanted to ask can only Patreons play this version, bc im not abel to download it.


I've Played 0.6.04 and the game plays great I love it but now i'm stuck where I have to upgrade the brothel and it won't let me. what should I do?


In 0.6.04 I found the key in the maze but the game won't let me use it.


Do i need a high a enough lvl to destroy the Walls in the labyrinth ? Toph wont train me anymore and i dont really know what to do else.


i also found the key but it tells me i don't have it


by the way... will we ever see jin?


Download for the PC-version seems to get stuck at 12-15 %


I havent figured out how to get suki's brothel scene, unless its the one where you make her dance


it is the final version of book 3 ?


The level only affects pvp with the enemies in the tunnel


Of course not, the book is in development


To answer myself ... I found out, that this sex mode is currently not available in the game.


Currently as follows: 1) first final menu options: suki wearing kyoshi outfit or nude 2) using dildo on suki (with key - which enables vibration - or without) and "exit"


You need the key later in the brothel to use it with the "kyoshi statue" for suki


You need the key later in the brothel to use it with the "kyoshi statue" for suki

Anthony Michelli

You can't upgrade the brothel in this build. Hopefully it'll be in the next one


can you add a fuck scene with Joodee?

The Scyle

I feel cheated, I trained my crabs without coming to the idea of talking to iroh, I was almost strong enough to beat the beast... I was at level 29... only from wild crabs. It took a while. Now I see you have updated to version D... I do it and the beast is three time it's previous level.... why you do this brah? it aint cool


I hope to see more footjob scenes, specially with Toph, because of her story. I also don't know why the footjob option was removed from Azula endgame when you "argue", the option is gone.


I found the triangle key but Suki story will not advance.


give us some joodee sex scenes

Nasi Bungkus

Please make for Android platform sir... Thanks

xRed Games

This game keeps getting better and better. 👍 keep up the great work! I hope one day my game is going to be as awesome as yours. Cheers!


YThe Joodee scenes are awesome!! if you ever want to translate it to spanish just tell me, it will bring more patreons in here!! just send me a mail farfan_parkour@hotmail.com


where the download link is the new version


really wish you guys could port this game on android really would love that


i just start playing and i find a bug a not a bug a line that with katara when is doing the handjob the line is when is says to talk dirty and say no the after 3 line its repets the done 2 times and 1 is if you go to the shop book 1 at daytime and exit its turn night


When will you release this version to non patrons


Are there cheats for the game?


Hey Mity, if we find errors or bugs, is there a space for us to report those to you? I figure we're all testers here as it's an alpa release.


Dudes i love your game and work that you did, and because of work that you did i found new fetish and i started love Toph more (xD) When ill get sum money i will become a patreon to help and appricate your work! :) (Sorry if i had any english problems) P.s. thats because im russian (^-^;)


Post them here until they decide to make a seperate bug report/Discord


Also there are a few different glitches I noticed, but the main one was in the crab arena I got to where I could get Shady's crabs count to negative values allowing me to instantly kill any crab he had allowing me to gain a lot of points. Then after defeating him I challenged the girl in the arena, but my crab was not strong enough. So proceeded back to the quicker battles again, and I was facing the girls crabs this time, and they too were able to be defeated instantly. Allowing me to make the girls crab count to negative values. Which allowed me to gain 10000 experience or more boosting my crab up a lot. I could also keep clicking the grapple attack with my crab and it would keep incrementing the death count. Making my crab gain numerous experience in one shot. At one point I gained 360000 experience after clicking multiple times. So my crab is currently at around 145 rank. as a rare grapple. I never fought iroh if you can? *edit* also when I bought more saucy trapped crabs, I had over 12 of them, after I went to the arena I could see the crabs in manage, but could never switch to a different crab in battles. not sure if I did it wrong but it always only showed my first crab as my only crab to use. I think there was a conversation glitch with katara somewhere but dont remember at the moment, would need to go back to my saves. Also in one of the last sections with judee when she is supposed to be braless, after you tell her to put her clothes back on, for an instant you can see the bra being put back on as well. I didnt know if it was just part of the animation cycle or if you wanted to remove that last bra put on out for that sequence. I cant remember any other bug at the moment. Some of the bugs above could be due to my recently installed Solus Budgie linux and have been using it, but it does not recognize my AMD gpu graphics, so I think it is only using the cpu because it gave a warning when I first opened the app. So I dont know if the following errors from the terminal are because of that, or if it is just in general, but figured I should post it here incase it helps you any: I was playing just book 3 from a fresh install: (I sorted these based on alphabetical so that it was easier to see what files had errors. Also this was the entire terminal error output for all I played of book 3. I am not sure if I did all the available outputs but it got to where scenes repeated themselves so I think I got to what has been developed so far): *edit* also even though most of these say memory leak errors, there is at least one undefined variable and a couple of other logs that I think are worth checking out. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/ast.py:144: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/ast.py:166: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/ast.py:178: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/ast.py:291: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/encodings/utf_8.py:16: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/re.py:155: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/lib/pythonlib2.7/string.py:572: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/audio/audio.py:96: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(MusicContext, self).__init__() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/color.py:158: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. return tuple.__new__(cls, (r, g, b, a)) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/behavior.py:418: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(Keymap, self).__init__(style='default') /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/core.py:1131: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.shown.predict_scene(layer) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/core.py:302: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.style = renpy.style.Style(style, properties) # @UndefinedVariable /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/core.py:750: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(SceneLists, self).__init__() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/core.py:759: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.at_list = { } /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/core.py:781: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.layers[i] = oldsl.layers[i][:] Can't find a place to rollback to. Not rolling back. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/core.py:786: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.at_list[i] = oldsl.at_list[i].copy() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/im.py:477: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. rv = renpy.display.render.Render(w, h) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/image.py:696: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.shown = set((l, t) for l, t in self.shown if l != layer) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/imagemap.py:223: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. return render(self.cache, width, height, st, at).subsurface(self.cache_rect[index]) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:101: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for i in args: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:1020: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(Window, self).__init__(style=style, **properties) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:104: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(Container, self).__init__(**properties) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:1081: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. st, at) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:1109: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. back = render(style.background, bw, bh, st, at) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:322: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. rv = renpy.display.render.Render(surf.width, surf.height) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:63: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. rv = renpy.display.render.Render(self.width, self.height) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:667: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. iterator = zip(self.children, csts, cats) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:669: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. rv = renpy.display.render.Render(width, height, layer_name=self.layer_name) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:689: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. sizes = [ ] /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:693: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. surf = render(child, width, height, cst, cat) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:946: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. children_offsets = zip(self.children, self.offsets, self.start_times) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:97: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.children = self._list_type() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/layout.py:99: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.offsets = self._list_type() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/screen.py:623: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. child = renpy.display.render.render(self.child, w, h, st, at) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/swdraw.py:249: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. return rv.subsurface((2, 2, w, h)) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/display/transform.py:559: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(Transform, self).__init__(style=style, focus=focus, default=default, _args=_args) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/easy.py:200: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. prefix_d = list(zip(prefixes, rv)) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/easy.py:203: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for prefix, d in prefix_d: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/exports.py:633: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. if not base.find_target() and renpy.config.missing_show: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/loadsave.py:45: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. cPickle.dump(o, f, cPickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/loadsave.py:59: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. return cPickle.loads(s) Can't find a place to rollback to. Not rolling back. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/minstore.py:60: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/object.py:33: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. rv = vars(self).copy() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/object.py:35: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for f in self.nosave: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/python.py:119: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.old = dict(self) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/python.py:704: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. list.__init__(self, *args) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/python.py:897: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. object.__setattr__(self, attr, value) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:109: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. self.use_index = collections.defaultdict(int) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:397: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for i in self.keyword_children: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:695: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. ctx = SLContext(context) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:722: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. keywords = ctx.keywords = self.default_keywords.copy() /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:725: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. ctx.uses_scope = [ ] /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:851: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for i in self.children: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/sl2/slast.py:911: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for i in ctx.children: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/substitutions.py:64: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for c in s: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:1303: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. super(Text, self).__init__(**properties) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:1310: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for i in text: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:1784: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for b in oblits: Can't find a place to rollback to. Not rolling back. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:1831: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. b_y + yo + layout.yoffset - o - layout.add_top) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:534: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. par_seg_glyphs = [ ] /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:537: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. lines = [ ] /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:659: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. l, y = textsupport.place_vertical(par_glyphs, y, self.scale_int(style.line_spacing), self.scale_int(style.line_leading)) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:747: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. for ts, glyphs in par_seg_glyphs: /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:821: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. paragraphs = [ ] /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:822: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. line = [ ] /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:824: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. ts = TextSegment(None) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:835: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. def push(): Can't find a place to rollback to. Not rolling back. /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/text/text.py:867: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. line.extend(tss[-1].subsegment(text)) /Four_Elements_Trainer_v.0.6.04e-pc/renpy/ui.py:951: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2. text = renpy.text.text.Text(label, style=text_style, substitute=substitute, scope=scope, **text_kwargs) amdgpu_parse_asic_ids: Cannot parse ASIC IDs: Resource temporarily unavailable sys:1: UserWarning: Memory leak via Surface in pygame_sdl2.


CAn you help me please. I cant progress in the game at book 3! I cant train anymore with toph because it says i should try that carck on the wall to break trough but when I try it says I am not strong enough! I dont know what is the problem here...


Hello i love this game i wish i could become a patron, but i don't have a creditcard so i cant donate :/ so that sucks but i also have a problem with the game, the game tells me to upgrade the brothel buttttt there is no upgrade option for the brothel so im kinda stuck hope you read this and fix pls


also thanks for all the hard work and releasing the game for everybody, whenever there is an option to pay without creditcard count me in ;)


hey the link is dead for the new build


The conversation bug was not katara but actually ty lee in the crystal catacombs. In one of the first lines when she says you are slipping theif it has the name of Toph not Ty Lee Also I did go against iroh after talking to him, and afterwards his crabs in the battle arena I could beat instantly too, but battling him in the cafe was normal


Hellot MITY. Thanks for your hard work in creating this game. While I am not a big fan of "The Last Air Bender" world, I am appreciating your game. However, on Windows 7 x64 it is crashing every 15 minutes or so, forcing me to save very very often, otherwise I lose all progresses.


They work fine for me atm. Can you try it again?


Wow, that sounds horrible! I honestly have no idea what would be causing something like that. I've tested it on a bunch of different systems but haven't come across anything like that yet. Maybe change from playing in in a window instead of fullscreen or viceversa? I really don't know, but maybe a future build will turn out to be more stable for you.


It's one of those "we didn't include it yet"-things Crispy. From the outside a month looks like an eternity to put in new stuff but on the inside we're always scrambling and still end up not able to include half of what we wanted.


There's more than one crack, try finding another if the current one doesn't allow you to break it down.


We certainly don't advise playing it on a cpu only system, but yeah the Arena still needs a lot of work regardless of that. We think somehow it's the culprit for most serious(and less serious) problems. Thanks for taking the time to mention these things.


People saying they found a new fetish because of this game is pretty much the best thing to hear :)


hmm for some reason i im stuck on toph because i cant break anymore walls in the maze since im not strong enough. problem is toph's door is locked during the day so training is out. am i supposed to keep on fighting the warriors in the caves to level and progress? im also not sure when that chick will show up to help me with hypnosis again.. hopefully i don't have to completely restart. also, i have an issue with walls i broke still being able to be broken again.


Just a question... have you ever thought of having Katara have her sex scenes available during book earth? since she stays in the hospital it could work like in the water tribe village. it shouldn't be too time consuming to make a couple of different room backgrounds for the scenes because they could be pretty bare bones and still work. is this a possibility

Gwen Evers

thats where it ends thats why need to wait till next patch sadly also i found it can bug out if u didnt start from the end of the fire chapter instead of a little into the earth chapter


Can I not use it on laptop? Ive downloaded and unzipped it and when I try to run it the window comes up but all i get is a still image of whatever was in the background when i pulled it up. Is it just not laptop compatable?


ROFL aside, this is pretty weird. Tried to alt+enter ? Or you can Google around for the standalone Renpy engine and try installing it. Otherwise, dump that laptop and play on PC master race


I have a pc and it works fine on there but I want to jack off in bed damnit.


@Omnikuken PC is Personal Computer which counts for desktop, laptop, mac, smartphone etc regardless of operating system. As for the issue. @Gavin James im not sure, did prior version work? Maybe try redownloading it. When I first downloaded it, I had an error, but on the second download it worked fine. Or maybe try disabling any antivirus you have they can cause an issue sometimes too.


Can't seem to open it either... re downloaded twice. Bugged ?


nice work!

Brandon Wolford

please add in a pregnancy system with jin on book 3 i am a huge fan of the porn they do of her and i like how beautiful she was