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Hey all!

If you celebrate Thanksgiving, I hope it’s going well! I just wanted to give you a quick update on the status of Book 3.

It’s been a buttload of work creating the framework, but that’s always the way with the first version of a Book. We’re pleased to announce that  there will be not one, but THREE main locations. This one’s way ahead of Book 1 and 2 in terms of gameplay depth, and we’ve got some big ideas about how to keep that a main focus, without making things confusingly complex.

Creating background and character art has been the main focus of the artist (though he’d much rather be drawing naked girls), and I have been putting in a bunch of mini games, writing loads of dialogue, and making  sure instructions are clear and everything syncs together. 

We also have a pretty big gameplay feature that will be a crucial aspect  of this book, but you’ll find out more about that when you play it!

A good chunk of the story is written in, but there’s not a lot of  usability/exploration yet. We’ve created a lot of different locations  and backgrounds, and most of them are visit-able, but the functionality that will come isn’t in place yet for a lot of spots. 

We’ve included some h-scenes, but there are only a couple at the moment —  once the world is properly built, it’ll be a steady stream of naughtiness, made extra fun by the gameplay elements.

This book is intended to ride the line of gameplay depth and simplicity,  and we’re working on the best way to bring it all on home. 

Creating the framework is time-consuming, but when every book is supposed to be a whole new game, almost everything is from scratch. We’ve also created a fair amount of content that won’t be in  this build yet, but is part way finished.

Hopefully this book will feel like a brand new adventure, with lots of familiar characters (some of which have been drawn but aren’t included  yet), and more canonical than the Books of the past. We’re pulling all-nighters, but enjoying creating something bigger and better than Book 2. 

We’ll send out the playtest version next week and the 5$ tier version a couple of days after that, so keep an eye out! Before any of that the artist will also release a new "original art assets"-update so don't get too excited yet when you see a new update in the weekend thinking it's the new playtest version.




Keep up the good work!

KXA Prime

Thanksgiving food is great... but this.. this is something to truly be grateful for! Thank you guys for all the hard work and have a wonderful day!


Neato. Don't forget to have Toph punch us at some point. It's how she shows affection


I am so eager for Toph! I can't wait to enslave her in the next release X3




I have a question with you saying how this one will be more canon then previous books would you ever consider doing a more serious version of the story as an option once all books are complete? I do enjoy the goofy story but it would be cool for you to try to take this story in a more canon route. Sometimes I feel the 4th wall breaks can be to much.


I hope we get another girl with puffy lips like Mai 8-)

jim b

Hey MITY i have a suggestion how about you live stream your progress

Sasaike Ruled

I hope some smalltits action lmao


We want to add more recognizable elements from the cartoon, but we'll still have pleeenty of small and BIG differences. We really do err more on the side of silly than anything else, but that's mostly because a serious (but humorous) avatar story is already out there, the real one. Okay, with less naked girls I guess :) 4th wall breaking is always risky because it's a hit or miss thing but if we're missing too much we'll have to tone it down.


I am not saying the more or less jokey tone is bad I actually like it and it does make me laugh some times, I am more saying that I think it would be nice to see you also try your hand at a version more in line with the show after the whole game is done if people want it. The story is great and sometimes does feel like an episode of the show so I believe it can be done. I do realize you would want to move on to a new project when this one is done but I think having a second mode being worked on at a more laid back pace would be nice for people who might just want more avatar. Either way keep up the good work and can not wait to see book 3