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Now that we can finally really focus on book3, all the bad parts about starting up a new book which I had forgotten are coming back to me :0

I'm not very forgiving when it comes to my own drawings and when it's time to draw those idle pics of important characters I'm very hard to please. A couple did go really well right from the start, but others are a lot  more demanding when it comes to pouring in time.  Yep, Toph with her none light reflecting blind eyes is really showing me all corners of the ring... how appropriate of her :)

Anyway, if you've been a long time patron of ours (high five!) you'll know I've been redrawing those idles even after already releasing a few builds with them. But.. I'd like to get it right the first time now, sooo.. redrawing redrawing redrawing redrawing etc.

We're still talking with each other (coder and I)about all the things we want to do in  this book and well... the coder/writer is very much like a kid in a candy shop, seeing all the colorful wrappings of different brands and flavors and is ready to empty out his pockets to buy them all.

I'm usually more like the grandpa sitting on the porch screaming it'll rot his teeth. So here's hoping we can find a happy middle ground where things are fun and different, but still doable!

I swear to god he's just adding extra stuff as bargaining chips to drop when I start complaining so he can "compromise". 

I've been busy drawing some new backgrounds and new user interface stuff, but we first have to find out whether something new we want to do is possible before I can really rip into it. I'm really eager to get going and if his idea works out it could be really interesting/fun, but we'll need a  proof of concept before jumping in with both feet.

Things are also slightly harder because he has to use code which will work with the android version, but I'm positive he'll be able to pull it off.

Also just as a reminder, don't expect too much out of the first book3 build just yet. I know it's still some time away and who knows maybe we'll surprise ourselves, but setting up a new book takes quite a bit of preparation. It's preparation which will hopefully pay itself off in the long run. We know a lot of you are (especially) looking forward to book3 so we need to give it our best. 

I guess this really isn't much of an art update, but more some sort of general "what's going on" -update. Well, I hope you like it anyway. We've got lots to do so I'll leave it at that for now.




KXA Prime

No matter what kind of update it is, its always good to hear from you and the team!

Kuzuha Chan

100% agree with KXA Prime. Every update is a good update :)


You guys are awesome, Loving the work, proud to support it :)


I keep getting impressed with how professional you guys are, as some creators on here barely keep their patrons up to date at all. :P Good work. :)


Not going to lie, Toph has always been my favourite by a long stretch! I'm just keen to see how book 3 goes... You guys seem to exceed expectations every time anyway (not that I have any clue what to expect atm)


Thanks! We really hope we can keep going strong if only because so many have helped us among the way.


Sounds good Did you guys ever decide how toph was going to be? Like younger or older


Well, we've had our short spells of downtime, but we do try to correct ourselves. Honestly, I like telling people what we're doing but find myself biting my tongue mostly because not everything is set into stone(and don't want to create false expectations) and I don't want to spoil any possible surprises!


Glade to hear my vague blabbering isn't a waste of time :)


Toph is certainly popular! With us as well so we do hope we can keep exceeding those expectations. Not sure we can, but damn it we'll try!

Kuzuha Chan

<a href="http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/toph-beifong-the-legend-of-korra-21.1.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/_img/chars/toph-beifong-the-legend-of-korra-21.1.jpg</a> hahahahhahahaha


Erm well it will be to some peoples tastes. Everything not matter what is a fetish. No exceptions!