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It took us a while, but we finally got our very own android version working! Originally we wanted to have one ready after finishing the first book, but a lot of errors which we didn't understand prevented that. We even rewrote part of the battle engine in both book 1 and 2 in the hopes of fixing those errors.  

To make a long story short, It seems uninstalling a bunch of software and installing it again was the silver bullet. It took us quite some effort and swearing but we now have a version in which you can play through book 1 and book2 in their entirety! 

We wanted to wait untill we finished book 2 before releasing this. Well, We don't really consider those first two books done and finished. There's really no telling what we'll be adding to them in the future, but at the very least you can finish the first two stories from beginning to end. 

I tried it out for a short time on my phone and it seems to work fine. I can't give it the 100% clear because I haven't played it nearly enough(actually, I'm just at the beginning.) Some enlarged buttons and pics should help out with navigation, but personally I sure do like myself a mouse to play with. 

To be entirely clear, the coder still isn't able to create these android builds. It's just me(graphics guy) who for some reason was lucky enough to get them working. That means whenever something breaks down you've got me to blame for that, but I'm hoping and expecting that won't happen too often.

We've heard there's already an android version out there made by a fan which prevents you from progressing at a certain moment because of a bug. So please be careful if you do want to tell us about bugs(for which we like to thank you!) to make sure it's actually our version! 

We intend to give the android version very low priority and only update it when there's very bad/gamebreaking bugs or when we finish a new route. We're going to keep giving the pc version our nearly undiluted attention. With that said, here's the android version for all you patrons who have been asking us about it!

Update 1: people reported there's a problem with the concluding fight in book 1 where you can't progress (because you can only pick potions)so I'll try and fix it, but just be aware it's there for now.

Update 2: uploaded a new version. I haven't reached the end of book1 myself yet(obviously or I would've seen the bug myself) and emulating the android version on pc doesn't show the bug(very annoying) so I'm working in the dark here but I think this should fix it. 

Update 3:  I uploaded another version(003).  Buttons worked in the last version, but the enemy was being reverted to a mooselion with additional weird stuff popping up when fighting the dreamstealer. I fixed it and this time also played it myself.

Update 4: Added a few bug fixes and a larger menu button when you talk to characters(grey button on lower screen). It's so that people without an overview button can relatively easily access the menu. Holding the overview button for a few seconds would normally bring up the menu.  

Not the prettiest solution, because you'll obviously have to find someone to talk to before you can open the menu, but I haven't been able to get anything else working yet.

 Android version of build 0507 (version 003)

Android version of build 0507 (latest version: 004)



Thank you so much!


Aaaand then there’s all of us iOS users. Yaaayy.. lol


How do i access the menu in game?


Sorry I meant for the Android build


Press and hold the overview button and the menu will pop up.


Fantastic one you guys are trying to support. And with a small tweaks my end its working on my Samsung VR Good Bye world ........


You can look at compiling a iOS version but you would need a jailbroken phone for it to work.


Anyone else having issues with the dreamstealer in book one. It keeps only selecting potions in battle nothing else

Leigh Robinson

Yeah same man. Needs to be fixed


Thanks for mentioning it! I uploaded a new version which hopefully has solved it.


Thanks for telling us. A new version has been uploaded. Here's hoping it's fixed now.

Sapient Monkey

For those of us without an overview button, the game is much more difficult to navigate when it comes to saving and loading etc. (Samsung note 8 here.)

Sapient Monkey

There doesn't seem to be any sound effect for when the player cums now.

Sapient Monkey

Seems maybe it's just the early scenes like Una, the mystery tent girl, and the special tent visitor. The scenes with Katara now seem fine.


I realize this has been said already, but to show that it's not an isolated case... How do you open the menu without talking to someone? I've had to commit to a choice or two that I could save at on the pc version. The answer before was to use the overview button, but I'm not seeing it on my phone. Got an LG G6 myself. Otherwise, I'm enjoying being able to play the game without having to boot up my computer.

Sapient Monkey

I am also suffering from a lack of overview button. Now that I finished one of the routes, I'm trapped at the end map screen with no way to get back to the load menu. :( again, Samsung note 8 here.

Sapient Monkey

Also noticed that one of the Azula footjob animations in the middle of the footjob uses one of the post-cumshot frames as one of its animation frames. So you oddly see cum covered feet for a second in the middle of the footjob.

Sapient Monkey

Another big showed up during done of the Lia scenes in the prison. I took screenshots and can send them if you need them. (Got a number of the crash screens. Was able to ignore and keep playing. )

Sapient Monkey

Also noticed that someone mentions Shady (main character I think) before you ever meet Shady. Book slave route. May have been the golden earrings bit. I'd have to poke around again to find it.


Hmmm, I only got an old model myself and can't really test it, but have you tried pressing one of your other navigation buttons for a prolonged time? If there's really no way for you guys to return to the menu I'll have to put in a software button for easy menu access. I *think* that's doable with my admittedly meager skills, but It would take me some time so if there's any other way you can manage to access the menu screen that'd be great.


I believe the coder has fixed some of these already, but hasn't included them in the latest build just yet. Still, there's a few among these I didn't know about so thanks for letting us know.

Sapient Monkey

I've tried everything on the phone, but I'll keep poking to see if I can figure anything else out. (Even tried disabling the extended press of the main button launching Google, but it just does nothing now or does a little vibration to tell me it's failing to do anything.) There's certainly no option on a default setup to do it that I can tell.