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Hey guys!

This build essentially closes out the slave route, though we've added a few other scenes as well (and we're always tinkering). In addition to the various endings, we’ve added two versions of a Lia & Azula scene (scene ticket winner request) and a new Ty Lee “evil” scene option.

We’ve already made progress on the next route, but we’ve decided to keep this build’s focus on ending the slave route, and give the start of the “love” route it’s own build.

You’re the best people. I don’t know how else to say that. I’m really happy we get to make this, and you can expect the start of a new adventure/direction/route coming next.









awesome stuff dude


Awesome work! I love this game and i really liked the ending. I can't wait for more


Great work on the ending! I wish there were more Mai scenes though and maybe a scene where one can see Rei's face while doing her... Looking forward to the next route. :)


virus protection keeps removing my file.


What does he mean by "evil" ty lee scene

L Lawliet.

How do i access the lia and azula scenes?


Good work! But an Android version were awesome!!


Is there any use for the slave collar, slave girl or slutty ear rings yet?


You guys are fantastic.


@rockD the slave girl is just used as one of the cows in the farm


So it is basically the same as the used cow one can buy?


How did i unlock the "swallow?" command with lia

Kobold Lad

I've been wondering, does Book One effect anything in Book Two?


Choices will have consequences outside the Book you're playing but that's more for towards the ending. We're making the books in such a way you don't have to go through Book 1 first if you don't want to but that also means we can't let a choice you might never have made weigh in . There are ways around that, but like said we're keeping that for later.


You need to give Lia a lot of attention and talk to her.


Thanks and you're right about the android version, but we haven't gotten it to work yet.


Thanks! Mai will get the attention she deserves in the next route :)


Very annoying and not something we've been able to solve from our side yet.


If your morality is low eventually a scene will unlock which is.... less than nice towards Ty Lee.


Everything we managed to do is in direct relation to the massive support we've been receiving from the patrons. We owe it to you guys to give it our all.

Kobold Lad

Cool, can't wait. By the way, not sure if it's a bug or not but starting a new game for book two right off the bat gave me 2000 gold.


". So, if you do decide to start over, this version will start you with 2000 fire nation gold automatically." -from version 0.4.11.


I can use previous save games?

Steven Pennesi

Do you have any idea when you'll come out with the next book


next book korra? please be korra i dont really like toph that much she is super flat in avatar..


Let's hope that there is some potion to enlarge toph's tits


How do I unlock Lia & Azula scene?


I am confused, I tried to play the new update but i can even find anything that was added?


We can't really say. In part because we don't want to disappoint people if our guess doesn't turn out to be right, but mostly because we're horrible at gauging how long things take. All we can do is keep a good pace and hope it's rather sooner than later.


Talk a lot to Lia and depending on your relation with Azula things will progress.


hey mity, i just started playing the game and i`m stuck with 15 respect for katara, what do i do?


will there be a walkthrough of each possible scene etc? Because i dont think i've got every scene possible yet despite pouring time in to the game :3


There's really no telling what to do with just that amount of information, but making sure you hit the three pillars (fighting, talking and pushing Katara's sexual limits) should help and is what in general pushes things along.


We might do one eventually, but right now we're 100% focused on putting in new ones.. and make things even worse for you :)


Love the new release! A couple things feel sort of unfinished, and I'm not sure if I'm messing up or it's just not there yet-- is there anything we can do with Mai beyond flashing? The night visitations ("wannna hang?" "No") seem like they should lead to something but I don't see any way to increase her affection. Secondly, is there any use for the slave collar and slave girl gifts? I see no way to give them to Azula.


Also, a request-- could you make it possible to buy multiple foods? The new Lia stuff is awesome, but it does take an inordinate about of clicking in the armory.


Is it a positive morality thing? I've given her a truckload of food and no dice, but then my morality is low.


Glad you liked it! We do have a few tidbits to correct and add, but when it comes to Mai, making a wrong choice or having a low morality will bar you from seeing her do more than just flashing. Good moral and helping out the slave girls will fix that. Mai is still very much underpowered when it comes to scenes, but the other route should balance that out.