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I have always been a little distant or reserved about me :u, and i think it would be better if i share some little things about me. Literally have been 2 years and almost none know something about me haha, and it feels weird xD? i have always been pretty introvert so that's why :u, even if I sometimes talk with people here, i think it would be nice to know each other better :p it doesn't matter if it about abdl/patreon/likes, dislikes or other things :u you can share something about you too :D if you want. 

I share here my discord if you want to add me :P Andyabdl#1127, I use it maybe 1-2 hours per week haha but its something xD at least, i prefer to talk there because the inbox here in patreon is a little rough xD.



I thought not. It’s not a story the Jedi would tell you. It’s a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midichlorians to create life… He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. He became so powerful… the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.


Hey Andy <3 can you talk a bit about how long youve been drawing, how you got into it and early inspirations etc?


Ooh! So I remember your earliest drawings you uploaded. The Geralt and Ciri one was how I found you :P shocker I know. But the first one from what I recall was Max and Chloe from Life is Strange. Were those early uploads just art you were happy with, or do you have a connection with those franchises/characters?


Is abdl something you like irl or is mostly just an art thing you enjoy drawing


Have you ever thought about working in animation again? :)


How’d you discover this you had this kink and what lead you to pursuing abdl art if you don’t mind me asking?


what introduced you into abdl?


Even if you don't talk about yourself a lot that isn't necessarily a bad thing. You are allowed to respect your privacy :) But also if you would like to share, where is a place you have always wanted to go? Or have you already been there?


What's scenarios do you love to see in abdl art?


Hi Coxxy Babee :3, since I was 6–7 years old, watching Dragon Ball, i liked so much back then that i started drawing goku, cell, bulma etc. But was only sporadic, drawing other cartoons/series, until maybe 3 or 4 years ago i started drawing more seriously, as i said, Dragon Ball was the first inspiration but through the years, games like World of Warcraft, halo, Gears of War, destiny, League of Legends, and some others keep my inspiration to keep drawing once in a while :p, but when i decided to dedicate more time 3–4 years ago, the inspirations were and (still) artist like Ruan Jia, taras susak, Even Amundsen,Dao Trong Le and my fav top 1 :u Piotr Jabłoński! :D


Thats really interesting, thank you for sharing! Im a fan of Ruan Jia too. I really appreciate all your work and hope you continue to create awesome art for us, I can see how hard youve worked at your skills <3


Oh seeing that you are the fan #1 of the witcher :3, i can totally believe that you found me with that pic haha :D, in regard to the witcher 3, i consider that game of one of the best of the history so yes. i have some connection with that game, the worldbuilding, the lore, the 3d models of the creatures :3 besides the icredibles characters and story. ( i need to play it again now that the next gen is out :D).


I haven't played Life is strange, but i watched all the campaign on youtube soo, even if i didn't play i have some knowledge about it, i really like the relation between max and Chloé, so i decided to do an illustration about them :3 that cute couple that would fits in the abdl theme 100% haha.


Yes, i think i m 95% DL :u and 5% AB haha, well i think i would be as a caregiver i really like to help and take care of other sometimes, even i m bad in interpersonal relations haha i m very introvert ;P. But there is one problem about abdl haha and is that I still live with my parents so, I barely found time to practice something :u. And yes i really enjoy drawing some cute abdl stuff :3 sometimes i draw more kinky stuff to vary haha but it is still fun :3.


Hmm, more or less, i need first to found an art style that fits and works for 2d animation and that takes time, a style takes a long time to develop, but surely i can bring again some animation once I found the style and taken classes or at least tutorials in how to animate i good way xD, because the ones i did before were just experimental haha xD.


the first memory i had was in kindergarten, maybe with 4-5 i don't remember well, back then there was a teacher that in the case you were behaving in a bad way, she had a punishment... and was.... yes! put the students in diapers xD in the front of the class ( thanks goodness i was a good kid :v haha and never had that punish, but every time someone had to wear them, i really felt some attraction for the diapers xD, I though back then that maybe they were very comfy, beside I really liked those patterns/drawings :3 xD. years after when i went to a cousin house(i usually went every 2 weeks o at least 1 per month) to play video games, they had a shop, that had a lot of things and one of them were pull-ups and diapers :U sso i took some of them :3 i know u.u without payed haha i m so sorry xD i didnt mean to but the curiosity gained me and well the rest is history, since then i buy once in awhile when my parents are not at home xD, thanks goodness i discovered that it has a name and there were a lot of people out there with the same behavior haha, because its was strange having this like and thought that you are crazy or something like that.


And about the abdl art, it was just an idea i had while the pandemic went hard, i was working in a family business and cause of the covid the business closed, so while i was searching for others jobs, i decided to star posting some abdl pics thinking that maybe i could do some commissions later, and gain some money meanwhile :P, but i think many people liked more that i expected so i decided to give a chance a keep doing it, opening a Patreon and doing more commissions 0:.


:3 well as i said in a comment above haha, the time when i was in kindergarten, when i had to witness those punishments (the teacher put the students in diapers xD) and even back then i saw the diapers like something comfy to wear and cute :3, when i was maybe 14 to 16 i regularly visit a cousin to play video games and the had a shop that sells many things and one of those were diapers, so i took some of them and wear them :3 haha and since then i discovered that i really like them :3, so i think ,basically all my life since i have memory i had felt some attraction for diapers xD. and for the abdl itself( adult baby, dd lg stuff, little space , diaper lover, age regression etc.), when i discovered that there were more people like me 0: with those likes haha, maybe 6 or 7 years ago seeing that there are a lot of things relate to it.


I’m also a HUGE Witcher 3 fan, favorite game ever. Just FYI the next gen update is by all reports a disaster full of game breaking bugs, at least on the PC. I’m so glad I didn’t download the update. Don’t know if the Xbox and PS5 versions are OK, or which system you play on. EDIT: really hope we get to see you do more Witcher 3 characters, in full render with alts, etc… Ciri, Yennefer, Triss, Priscilla, Shanni, maybe others as well. The polls are gonna go the way they go though…


I get that. I live with 3 people so it's hard to find time or privacy


Hi Stars&Stones! Thanks :,3 yep i think i needed to share something more about it, 2 years haha and almost anyone knows nothing about me xD, the place that i really want to visit someday is Egypt :3 i really love that culture, seeing their architecture, customs, food, and of course the things about the Ancient Egypt. The second one would be Jerusalem Even if I don't believe in anything xD, the history about that place and everything around it, give me goosebumps, to visit a place that was (and still is xD) so important for the occidental culture, a place that influenced so much our customs, ideologies, beliefs and many more in so many ways 0:, and maybe a third one would be china xD, just for curious, how that culture, people, system really are and not the propaganda that our occidental world sell us :u haha


Hi hi K skullgirls! :3 hmm the scenarios i love the most i think are, the ones that involve the submissive age-regressing, allowing themselves to be taken care of by a dominant partner :3 haha that's why my 2 OCs are like this example, the cute babe Aurora and momy Dasha :3 xDD, but in general the cute stuff relate with age regressing or child-like state of mind :p


Thx <3 o yes Ryan jia is a prodigy 0: or I don't know haha(maybe just 15 hours of drawing per day for the last 15 years? Haha, but he has my age or maybe 2 years less and have one of the most insane skilled artist out there 0:, thx :3 i ll keep creating more pics :3 and improving to bring more quality in my work :3


oH... haha i didn't know that, well i think i ll just reinstall it with mods then?xD and the end are the same, i think the next gen were coo produce with some comunity modders right?


haha yep, but in the future surely ;D we are going to enjoy it! haha, just with time :p


Hell yeah for a padded future. Diapers all the way down


I don’t know if community modders were involved but I could be wrong. Maybe the update did include some content that was originally modded, but I’m not sure. What I have heard, unfortunately, is that most of the original devs who made the game have left the studio after it became a lousy place to work and the people who are there now don’t have the same level of talent. I hope you’re able to reinstall the classic version of the game and don’t get stuck with the next gen version.


What's your favorite piece of art you've made for the patreon?


When is your birthday if you don’t mind me asking? :)


What is your favourite type of diaper?


Oh i see, well it's similar to blizzard :v, the people that made those games quitting over time :v, now they are in other projects or companies xD, even now they are really talented people in blizzard and cd project red, but maybe there are not good leaders or people who know how to lead big projects and people,and obviously the pressure from the publishers :u make it worse


Wow, I've not gotten any game breaking bugs on PC :P although I also did a completely fresh install, so that might have some effect on it. As for modders being involved, there absolutely were. Halk Hogan with the 4k textures mod was the main one. There were also other modders like the guy who made the combat overhaul mod. Basically armour and weapon damages and resistances have been changed. All the Witcher armour isn't as good as it was pre patch to try balance it, though it's not a great change IMO. Hattori and Crach's swords they give you now scale with your level, so they aren't useless when they're given to you :3 Most of the original devs have formed a new studio. That new studio is actually the one doing the remaster of Witcher 1! A lot of the talent has definitely left though. I play the standalone Gwent game, and since Jason Slama left, the game has gone downhill to the point that CDPR aren't going to support it after this year. They want to hand it over to the community to balance cards, and no new cards will be made. The problem is that in the world of game dev and software dev, the best way to increase your pay is to move to a different company :P New employees come in earning more than the old employees, so there's no reason to stay longer than like 5 years. Source: Me, because I work in tech


Oh, that's difficult xD, almost pretty impossible to answer haha, but i think are between "Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls" :3, Zelda and Link, and Tsuyu. And of course the one I used as a banner, with my two OCs :3


If you mean between disposables, cloth and pull-ups, i goes for the disposable, but not completely as a plastic surface, i like the ones like l"little lion" or bunny hopes" and yes those are my 2 fav diapers design too if you mean about he diapers patter xD


lol you definitely are well-informed about the game and Cd projekt red :u haha, i didn't know that they will stop supporting the Gwent game :/ i don't like card games, but i still appreciate the illustrations, like magic the gathering or legends of Runaterra, i think those card games have the most inside illustrations in the industries :u, hmm i didn't know about that cycle of changing jobs so often haha, it has sense yeah, so we cant expect much about the new IPs?XD like the Witcher 4 i think? with ciri as a protagonist and others spin offs, i think the unnecessary cyberpunk 2 :u I would have preferred that they will keep updating the current game.


Oh wow I didn't realize the original devs were the ones doing the W1 remaster. That gives me some hope after all. Anyway, I'd rather not take over Andy's Patreon space, but Just4... you and me should talk Witcher & ABDL themes sometime :) Back on track... Andy, it's definitely nice to know you're into the Witcher 3 as well. The pictures of Yennefer and Triss you did previously are some of my all time favorites :)


Did you ever hear the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the wise?


haha ii have never heard of it but I just googled it and is a character from star wars 0: why you ask?xD