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i have some doubts about some themes :v and for all this questions, you can send me your feedback by MD here if you don't want to write yours in the post, i ll be reading everything and answering!

1) (for this one you have a ref in the attachments). I was wondering if you want to see a change of the diaper size that i usually draw, i thinks the (1) is the usually size i do, what i can do is just to test in some illustrations, or do the both sizes (the normal) and the most popular in the poll (you have multiples votes) i ask about it because i know many people like big fluffy diapers :3 haha so maybe i can change it or add some variants.


2)The 1-minute process videos are ok, or do you want something shorter or longer? (the options are in the same poll, i can't create another in the same post and i don't want to spam it in another post xD)


3)I had been thinking about and idea for the streams, i know some people draw here, and maybe if you want to summit your draw so i can give you some feedback (well i m not a pro artist, but surely i can give you some advices :u), before i start the drawings from each stream, i could do an over-paint, it will only take 10–20 minutes depending on how many draws were summited, but i m not sure about it, I need to see if people are interested in something like this and if there will be enough to make it possible :U it's just a little add that i can do because it only takes a few minutes. So it's ok if it not a big interest here :u haha


4)this is just an if, when the rewards i removed get back would you be interested in 3d art?I would like to do 3d during this year, and obviously do some abdl stuff, it would be a stylized, not realistic (here are some examples https://www.artstation.com/artwork/oAeKPW and https://www.artstation.com/artwork/VgmyQ8, obviously they are professionals haha so i can't do those exceptional works in the first year haha, but it's the idea of that style, so i could do this instead of the drawings and things I removed, what do you think? :p i think i ll practice since the next month so i can upload some works, so you can see


5) would you like that I create a discord server? i was never sure in open a discord(because i think i won't be offering something valuable or new) but some people and interested, let's see :D. 


6)Do you like the way i post here, or do you prefer that i open a "Mega" account and upload the stuff there? i see some people do that but i m not sure if it is worth or not(obviously it cost so i need to be sure about it)


7) this is a doubt about some topic hmm and is, about doing some characters like Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi or Wednesday Adams, there is a dilemma for me in the case of Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi, where they are avatars of real people, (or i thinks they are i m not sure) but they are based on real people :u so i never went to a conclusion if its ok to draw this type of characters and the other is Wednesday, i think everyone know her as  the live action characters ( from 90's and the current version) so it would be weird to draw her? i know the original characters was a cartoon from 80 years ago xD or something like that, so maybe it is ok?what do you think about this kind of characters 0:?. Surely there are more like this characters out there, but this ones are the ones i know.


8)what do you think about my Patreon? About the prices/rewards/quantity/quality, do you consider they are ok?good?meh? Would you like to see others things?add/change other's stuff, remove, etc.?(this are open questions and very large ones so haha it's ok if you don't answer it xD)

I'm sure i forgot something else haha but anyway thx :3 haha in case you want to give some other feedback, i would appreciate! Every opinion to improve the Patreon would be well received :3 

don't forget that you have multiples votes, so you can choose the different answers of each question 

1)about the diaper size

2)process video 


4)3d art

5)discord server

6)MEGA web account

7) this one is open, so you can give your opinion :p not only for this one but for the others in case you want.




Would you be replacing 2d art with the 3d art or just putting some 3d art up every now and then?


aah the 3D would replace the extra suggestions and the characters i normally picked from the less popular characters, and the extra overall outfit, (the rewards I removed) but is just in case the people want a character in a 3d model stylized instead of those rewards, the rest of the illustrations, alts and streams would be the same don't worry :u


1) You definitely draw some of the most realistically sized diapers for AB artists. Personally I do lean towards 3, but honestly what you're doing now is good. Maybe you could ask what diaper sizes or something, idk :P 2) I don't really watch them so no comment :P 3) I'm... mixed on this. On the one hand, I do like the idea. On the other, it adds to the stream time and I don't want you to feel more rushed because you spent a half hour on feedback 😅 4) I do like 3D art :3 but I'd be a tad bit worried this would be something you'd try, realise is WAY more complicated than you first thought, then just try to brute force it in spite of your health 😅 I'd say give it a try, but recognise when you're just beating your head against a wall. 5) Honestly most AB servers I'm in are just a way for people to communicate rather than adding additional benefits :P 6) Okay, so if you're worried about people stealing your art easily on sites like Kemono. party, that's where Mega accounts come in. They're a minor inconvenience against piracy as far as I can tell. They won't stop it, but it'll cut down on it. 7) For this, it's a bit tricky. I think something like say JaidenAnimations should be avoided because the Avatar is supposed to be her. But then if the Avatar is just supposed to be a fictional character, that's fine. It's the same as other characters you've drawn, they just speak more like they would every day :P As far as characters like Wednesday go, again it depends 😅 Some people like to age the character up. So even though say Coraline or Wednesday are canonically underage, the drawings could be of a potential adult version of themselves. It could also be that Wednesday is being drawn in a completely non-sexual way. She's just a happy girl playing with her toys :3 but some people will be against either option and some both. 8) I mean... what you offer is pretty good :P Polls let people pick their favourite characters to diaper, you picking a bonus character lets less popular characters get diapered, streams lets people get some of their ideas done quickly with the potential to be turned into full drawings. The comms discount could maybe be a little higher but I don't think it's too far off what other AB artists offer. Maybe you could find a way to incorporate speech/thought bubbles in the art? Personally I've felt they wouldn't really suit your art style, but it's just a thought 😛 Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk 🤣🤣🤣


yes, maybe i should do a short stream aside from the 2 i normally do, to give those feedbacks, for the 3d art, yes i know it consume so much time haha, i need to try first during the next months, so i can have a better perspective about it 0:. And about the speech/thoughts yes, I have always thought of it but my English would ruin the pic haha, maybe if i could ask some people before publish it, so they can correct the grammar xD, Thanks for the replay Just4n0th3rUs3r :3! i really appreciate the time haha