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Help pick the "Golden Age of Hollywood" movie we will react to!

Please feel free to suggest other options in the comments for future polls!

*We received a ton suggestions on the last polls, but we are trying to keep the poll sizes more reasonable. We have noted all suggestions for future polls!


Kurt Yost

I am glad The Maltese Falcon did well. It's a great Noir film, even genre defining, but also a good mystery where the pieces fall into place slowly. So, I think you will enjoy it. It was one of Bogart's favorites. He later said of this film, "It was practically a masterpiece. I don't have many things I'm proud of but that's one."

Odd Thomas

Hitchcock & Grace Kelly, nuff said!

Mike LL

That being Rear Window, Dial M for Murder, and To Catch a Thief (with Cary Grant), the 3 films they made together.

Robert Cintron

Voted for "Duck Soup" cause I want more people to react to that movie. Altough "King Kong" and "The Maltese Falcon" I would also love to see.

Future Boy

Bad Day at Black Rock (1955) is one of my favourite 50s films. A great, tense little drama/mystery, with a fantastic cast. It probably deserves more attention.

Robert Cintron

Since I'm at it I would like to recommend "Jason and The Argonauts", 1963 version. I believe it falls under Golden Age of Hollywood and I highlights the talents of Special Effects master Ray Harryhausen. If you're going to watch only one of his films then that's the one I would pick.


Hitchcock " To Catch A Thief " Trivia : Cary Grant was an acrobat in the circus before doing films and did almost all his own stunts. Grace Kelly met the Prince of Monaco while on location for this film and they were married 7 months after shooting. She became Princess Grace and retired from film at the age of 26.

Neal Romanek

Duck Soup, then Night At The Opera, then Horse Feathers - everyone needs o be seeing the Marx Bros.

Neal Romanek

You could just do a Cary Grant list - Philadelphia Story, Bringing Up Baby, Charade, Arsenic and Old Lace (they've already seen North By Northwest)


Gunga Din too., but Charade known as the best Hitchcock movie Hitchcock never made, with Audrey Hepburn!

Demos Samolis

In all honesty its so much better when you guys just pick the movies yourself based on friends and whats popular among everyone around you. Im sorry but these movie polls are just ridiculous with what everyone chooses and just gets into so many disagreements with whats winning!!


A Streetcar Named Desire is a great film for men to watch to see how to act around women in general. Specifically where Marlon Brando comes home and finds the woman at home, and he doesn't hesitate to go and do all the things he needs to do when he gets home. Still talking to her, but he doesn't let her affect his routine in any way. Then the scene with the cat. Very powerful. Very iconic scene.

Robert Cintron

"A Night At The Opera" is my favorite Marx Bros movie. "A Day At The Races" is also pretty good.


Not one of the films I voted for ever came close. So I gave up on this. LOL 😄

ron clint

Just a few suggestions for future "Golden Age"... "Night of the Hunter", Inherit the Wind", "Touch of Evil" , "The Big Sleep", and "Freaks". There are others of course, but this is a good group to consider. THANKS for all the work you put into reactions, and keep up the stellar work


You really need The Thin Man on this list


I sincerely hope you guys consider the runners up in the polls that got almost much votes as the winners. "Dial M for murder" got over a hundred votes and is great classic. Alson on other polls, "Dark City" which has been on your polls for about a year finally got over a hundred votes. And also Batman with Jack nicholson in it got almost 180 votes in the poll it was in. You do these 3 movies you will make us very happy people.