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Help pick the War movie we will react to!

Please feel free to suggest other options in the comments for future polls!

*We received a ton suggestions on the last polls, but we are trying to keep the poll sizes more reasonable. We have noted all suggestions for future polls!

NOTE: I have seen The Patriot, so this will only be Sam's first time watching and Sam has seen The Pianist, so that will only be my first time watching! 


Erwin Quiachon

Patton is a classic because it earned it's Academy Awards with unique acting and writing that became common cultural references. Francis Ford Coppola won his first Oscar for writing Patton, which saved him from getting fired from directing the first Godfather movie. It's definitely a landmark in the way it steered the future of cinema.

Odd Thomas

I would like to suggest a criminally underrated war movie: Testament of Youth (2014). Told from the female perspective back home during WW1. Heartbreaking.

Robert Cintron

Voted for "Kelly's Heroes", I absolutely love that movie. But not going to lie, so many bangers on this list.


Going to throw in two suggestions for next time American sniper with Bradley Cooper and The Alamo from 2004 I believe, I was raised in Texas and went to school in Texas so I don't know if outside of Texas they taught the history of San Antonio and the Alamo and the whole Texas Independence story

Jeffrey Miller

It's been a long time, but I remember liking 'Memphis Belle'. I'd be good with anything besides 'The Patriot' really


lol I saw The Patriot waaaay back when it came out on VHS. Was it the corniness that got you, Miller?

Jeffrey Miller

That's part of it. It's just over the top with the British being depicted as so evil it's laughable. I'm not a stickler for historical accuracy, but I think the film perpetuates some harmful misconceptions about history, especially in it's depiction of slavery. Even the Revolutionary War wasn't so clear cut. Most colonists didn't support the war. Also, I think Mel Gibson is a garbage human being.

Armchair Wizard

I just hope Fury doesn't win. For reasons I can't say as to not spoil.


The Pianist is the most underrated movie on this list. The Patriot is the most overrated


Agreed. Love the Patriot but I voted for the Pianist. Have recommended it previously in comments because it's such a great movie, and I don't know many people who have seen it. I'm not sure if they've seen an Adrian Brody film yet either.

Neal Romanek

The Pianist is more like an education than a movie - required viewing. And directed by Roman Polanski who was literally on the scene as a little kid when it was happening.

Odd Thomas

I know, right! The Patriot is soooo overrated


I think the Patriot is a great movie for all who love the USA. Really great film. Not only shows triumph over adversity but highlights the importance of guerrilla tactics when fighting against a stronger foe.


I LOVE The Thin Red Line. I'd love to see what you two think about it. But it might be a tough film to react to. Malick is one of my all time favorite directors but his style is a bit...abstract-ish... But his films are beautiful and works of art, in my opinion.


13 hours would be a great one to watch

David Wilkins

I agree with all of that. TTRL is an absolute work of art, and that’s a tough adjective to apply to the vast majority of war movies. But I do think it would work well in reaction. My opinion will probably be a hard sell, given the current vote counts, but the three that are in the lead disappoint me, and it highlights what I’ve said in the past about the nature of polls in general. The Great Escape is good for its era, but it also suffers from the limitations inherent to that era. And the other two in the lead? NO. But that’s just me.

Robert Livingood

The Thin Red Line is tremendous and so, so beautiful. You could put it on.mute on a big screen TV and it would be like a painting that moves. Every frame is exquisite. May or may not be.a successful reaction, but it wouldn't be a waste of time.

Miles E Coburn

For the next War / Military Movies Poll I would suggest adding, "We Were Soldiers" (2002).