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Hi All! It's been a year, almost on the dot, since we've needed to make a post like this, which I'm pretty proud of! But, it is time for another reminder. Please be kind to one another. If someone has a difference of opinion on a film and you wish to respond, it HAS to be done in a respectful manner. We love this community that has been created here and we want everyone to feel welcome! Unfortunately, we don't have the time to police the comments & Patreon's comment notifications are garbage, so it's very difficult to catch everything, so we're really relying on you all to keep this community a welcoming and fun place to be to discuss movies and our reactions!

Most importantly, Patreon also gives you the option to block other patrons. Please utilize this function! It's the quickest way to de-escalate and step away from the situation.

We're always here if you have concerns! Please DM us as we won't always see the comments but let's all do our part to keep this a respectful place!

-Daniel & Sam



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