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---------WIP Content------------------------

Been able to do more art for the new town, aside from more event scripting for the Barry content. (Npc sprites/anims/events/mapping/tiling)

There is also a mini side questline about a "Monster catching show" i would love to add too if have the time.

--------- An update on my life situation ------

At some point during this month, i wanted to give up on modding. Not by loss of interest but for frustration. HAving to take care of someone ill 24/7 prevents you from...  feeling everything but stress and depression.

I was told i am was going to get some help.. but that hasn´t been the case.. everyone is bussy it seems.

(Above : WIP artwork for the main building of the new town.)

I have been able to do some work on weekends, very little, but some. I am still looking forward to a more extended "vacation" to keep doing the things i like. One can hope for.

---------- Future ---------------

I won´t stop. 

I have been doing maintenance, fixing and of course, content making for my mods and the whole modpack. I can say that i am getting a "bit" used to this routine, so i hope i can balance things more evenly at some point. (If this is not the case,, i´ll notify you all about it)

Thank you for your trust!, i do really look forward to deliver some spicy content for you to enjoy!.

I have been uploading some animations + movies to my server (Things i know Patreon won´t allow.. ofc). So, go and check some if you have time :)

Have a nice day, and i´ll see you around!



Hayden Hayes

I hope things get better for you! It sounds like you could use a break. And I definitely hope you can keep doing the things you love