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The main page were i host the Modpack "LL" is having some issues. So, i prepared a plan B in order to make the content avalible + other new cool improvements.

These features are hosted on my server (for now) :

+On the Channel nsfw-content i added the latest version 1_0_20 of the modpack + 2 fixes (I do expect LL to work normally again, this is just a plan B)

+Made a new channel called "Install-devious-valley" it contains step by step on how to install and/or debug a proper setup for mods on stardew. (With images ofc)

And well... We know twitter loves to butcher video quality.... so
I bought some Discord Nitro, for one benefit in specific  : "Download limit from 8 to 50mb"
So :

+I made a new channel called "Valley-Cinema", so i can upload old a new videos of the gameplay or WIP features. Now with increased duration+quality for you to enjoy.

And other things i am checking to improve the overall experience.


At this point, i have ALL the Barry content script done, with 80% of the needed new animatios and npc sprites.

So i tought in adding another small questline for another npc. It will involve a very popular "Monster-catching-show" aired in the valley :D

Once i have more of this shaped, i´ll post some WIP spoilers of it here ; )


Thank you for your support! you are helping the project/s grow and evolve.
i´ll do my best to have a new content update soon!

Stay safe!



Hayden Hayes

Can’t wait to see what comes next!