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Xavier smirked as he watched Justin step right back from the ledge, then everyone turned their attention onto Siobhan.

Justin was the first one to speak. “What… what do you mean, fly?” His eyebrows shot straight to the top of his forehead. “I don’t have wings!”

Howard chuckled. “That would be a sight.”

Siobhan, still with that somewhat menacing, wicked look in her eyes, turned her gaze back out to the expanse of darkness. She placed the butt of her staff on the rock. A breeze rolled in, kicking up her robes and playing with the few strands of hair that weren’t tied up into her ponytail. She motioned, with the hand not holding her staff, out toward the black. “We’re going to be on this floor for a few more respawns, right?”

Xavier nodded.

“Well, then I think we should experiment, if Xavier agrees.”

“If Xavier agrees?” Justin turned the hilt of his sword around in his hand, over and over. “What about if we agree? And, again, what did you mean, fly?”

“I did say I need to use Summon in combat,” Siobhan mused. “And Xavier has a telekinesis spell.”

Howard laughed, a little manically. “You want him to throw us out into that darkness?”

“She can’t want that,” Justin said. “You… you don’t want that, do you?”

Siobhan grinned. “Actually, that’s exactly what I had in mind.” She bobbed her head toward Xavier. “He can use Heavy Telekinesis to send you guys out to attack the enemy. Then I can Summon you back after you strike out at them.”

“Why don’t you send them out with your Summon spell?” Xavier asked. “Aren’t you able to do that?”

“The cooldown is about ten seconds. I wouldn’t want them in too much danger while they were out there. But I imagine I’ll be able to bring that cooldown lower.” She shrugged. “Besides, I can’t see where the enemy is. And, for this to work, they need to attack the enemy, otherwise it wouldn’t be considered in combat.”

Howard furrowed his brow. “Wouldn’t it be wiser to… to wait for the enemy to come to us?”

“Yes!” Justin said. “That would be wiser.”

Xavier made a “hmm” sound, running a hand over the stubble that had sprouted on his chin since he’d arrived at the tower. “Actually, I think Siobhan’s had a great idea. Maybe it will even give the two of you a chance to learn a new skill.”

“A new skill?” Justin spluttered. “What skill could we possibly learn by being flung out into the darkness into enemies we can’t see, into a bottomless expanse of nothing?”

Xavier shrugged. “I’m not sure, but aren’t you keen to find out?”

Howard, brow still furrowed, nodded his head. “I wouldn’t use the word keen, but if this will help Siobhan rank up her summon spell…”

Justin was still turning the hilt of his sword around in his grip. “Can’t we just do this on the next floor? I’m sure there would be somewhere… more grounded for this. Besides, you won’t even be able to see us out there in the dark!”

“I don’t need to be able to see you. As the spell advanced in ranks, I can now actually feel your presence,” Siobhan said. “Like, I instinctively know where you all are. I think something similar is happening with my Heal Other spell. It’s… strengthening my senses, letting me know when one of you is harmed.”

“That sounds helpful,” Howard said.

Xavier deposited Soultaker into his Storage Ring then clapped his hands together. “All right, let’s head out then back in.” He willed the floating chunk of rock to hover back toward the barrier that led to the Safe Zone, walking to Justin as he did so. He put a hand on the kid’s shoulder and squeezed. “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure you don’t get hurt. Maybe you’ll get over your fear of heights out there.”

Justin nodded, his face paling as he stared into the darkness. “Yeah.” He swallowed. “Yeah, maybe.” He didn’t sound very sure of himself. Then he sighed. “Maybe it’ll be… fun.”

Xavier smiled. Something told him it would only be fun for him and Siobhan.


Justin shook out his limbs, looking out into the darkness. I don’t like this plan, he thought. I don’t I don’t I don’t. It’s a stupid plan and Siobhan’s stupid for thinking of it and Xavier it stupid for letting her go along with it and I’m stupid for agreeing to it.

But he was also eager to do something. He felt, out of all the members of his party, he was the most useless.

Howard could tank, not that he was needed to. But he could. He even had that fancy Bulwark spell.

Siobhan could heal and teleport people around.

Xavier was, well, Xavier. That dude could do anything.

But me? I can… swing a sword.

The Warrior spells he’d gotten to choose from seemed like nothing compared to the Mage spells. Perhaps because he’d never really gotten a chance to use them. He had something called Power Strike, which made him hit hard—Howard had that one as well—and the other he’d ranked up was Haste, which let him speed up for a short time.

I can move fast and hit somewhat hard. Whoopie.

He also had his Sword Mastery skill, which was now Rank 4, along with a few other skills like Physical Damage.

Admittedly, fencing and using a traditional, medieval type sword were completely different. Fencing was a very modern sport all about point scoring. Now, he knew he would have been way better off if he’d done something Like HEMA—Historical European Martial Arts.

But who knew the apocalypse would suddenly arrive?

Not me. I sure didn’t see all this crap coming.

He stepped over to the edge of the floating chunk of rock, feeling like… well, feeling like an idiot.

I can’t see a damned thing out there. How am I supposed to attack what I can’t see?

But he knew the answer to that—Siobhan was going to send a fireball along with him, one that would hover by him as he flew, or rather was shoved, into the air. And it wasn’t as though he was being sent out to deal with an entire clutch.

Now that Xaver had gotten even stronger, he could take out seven of those Dark Wyverns using a single soul. The thought of the man using souls basically as ammunition sent a shiver up his spine.

It was also really cool. Which, he admitted probably sounded insensitive. But he called ‘em as he saw ‘em.

Justin turned and watched as Xavier sent a Soul Strike out at the enemy. The apparition sprung to life, soaring through the Dark Wyverns and killing them like they were nothing. The spell didn’t even leave a mark. Something he’d noticed the first time Xavier had let some come along. Soul Damage really was something.

At least those wyverns are only level 14. I mean I know they’re twice my level, but I should be able to take one with all my titles… right?

Not that he had anywhere near as many titles as Xavier. Still, even if he couldn’t do much of anything to one of those beasts, Siobhan could Summon him back instantly and then heal him.

This is a bad, stupid, dumbass plan.

“You ready?” Xavier asked, a smirk on his face Justin wished he could wipe off.

“Yes. No. Maybe.” Justin shook his head. “Fine.” He nodded. “I’m ready.”

Howard stepped up beside him. “You know, if you like, I could do this first.”

Justin shook his head again. “I’m not afraid of doing this,” he lied.

Howard clapped him on the shoulder. “All right, then.” He stepped back. “Have fun.”

Why’d I have to go and say that?

“Don’t worry, Justin. I’ll bring you back,” Siobhan said. She didn’t look quite as gleeful as she had when she’d come up with this plan, which to Justin was the opposite of reassuring.

I’m expendable. If I fall to my death Xavier will just find someone else to fill my shoes. Not that he needs to. He shook out his limbs again. All right. Enough of that self-pity. It’s not endearing, so says my mum.

“Let’s do this.” Justin held onto his sword for dear life. “Let me at ‘em.” He took a few steps backward, then ran to the end of the platform and leapt straight into the darkness.

A split second later, a ball of fire appeared to his left, then he was thrust forward by an incredibly strong invisible force. Suddenly, he was moving at what felt like thirty, forty, fifty miles an hour, soaring through the air.

He let out a less-than-endearing scream.

Siobhan, at least, had been true to her word. The fireball lit up the darkness ahead of him.

Thank god she has some range on that.

He soared through the air, holding his sword up behind him, ready to let it fall down onto the enemy when he came upon it, poised to use his two spells.

The fireball shot ever forward, just ahead of him, keeping apace. And out in that darkness beyond the fire’s light, beasts unleashed screeching roars that made fear bubble up in his chest.

Justin held his breath.

Then he saw the first Dark Wyvern. It flew straight at him, its maw open wide, ready to consume him. Justin let out a battle cry. At least, he hoped it was a battle cry and not, instead, a most unbecoming high-pitched scream.

Let’s go with battle cry.

He activated Haste. As he did, his heart felt as though it were beating twice as fast. Time slowed, and everything came into complete focus.

This is probably nothing compared to how Xavier feels every moment.

He activated Power Strike, slamming his sword down onto the head of the Dark Wyvern before it could clamp its massive teeth about him. The sword, miraculously, cleaved straight through the centre of its head.

Through its skull. Through its brain.

Dark blood spurted from the wound, covering Justin.

You have defeated a Level 14 Dark Wyvern!

You have gained 1400 Mastery Points.

You have gained 1400 Spirit Energy.

Justin laughed as the notification appeared in his vision. Then, he quickly plunged into the darkness, and the laugh died and was resurrected into a horrified scream.

The other two Dark Wyverns that remained alive in the clutch screeched and roared from either side of him. He heard their wings flap. Could practically feel their ragged, disgusting breath on him as they neared.

Crap, crap, crap!

Then a bright light enveloped him, and instead of falling to his death, he fell two feet to the floating rock where the other members of his party had been watching.

Just as he landed in a crouch, his Haste spell deactivated. He heaved in a long breath and looked up at the others.

“You killed one of them,” Xavier said. “How did it feel?”

Always to the point, that one.

Howard stepped closer. “You look really pale.”

At least he cares about my wellbeing.

Siobhan had an innocent look on her face. Like, sorry this was my idea and I know that must have been scary but at least you’re not dead! Though maybe Justin was reading a little more into that look than was actually there.

Justin stood, straightening out of his crouch. He looked down at himself, covered in dark blood, his sword held tight in a death grip that was hurting his hand. He blinked, threw back his head, then let out a loud whoop! “That was awesome! Oh my god.” He shook his head. “My heart is like, trying to explode from my chest.” He grinned. “Can I do that again?”

The others glanced at each other. Xavier shrugged. Siobhan grinned. Howard shook his head.

Then Justin went out for a second time.

Then a third.

Then a fourth.

They kept on sending him out, over and over, Siobhan’s Summon spell gaining ever more ranks, while Justin’s Power Strike and Haste spells ranked up too. Justin even gained level 8 while he was out there.

Each time he soared through the darkness it felt equal parts terrifying and exciting, but at some point—he wasn’t sure how many times he’d done it, he’d long lost count of how many Dark Wyverns he’d killed—a notification sprang up.

You have learned the skill Aerial Combat!

Aerial Combat – Rank 1

A student of fighting in the sky, you are one with the air. You aren’t afraid of heights as you have mastered the art of falling with style.

+15% Speed while in the air.

+15% Physical Damage Dealt while in the air.

+50% Manoeuvrability while in the air.

Holy crap. Xavier was right. I did gain a skill. Though he had no idea how useful it would be in other situations.

Once again, Justin plunged to his death. But he no longer feared the fall—he trusted Siobhan to bring him back. As he fell, he took a deep breath, and basked in the feeling of weightlessness, wondering how the skill he’d gained might affect his future class.


Kory Smith

With Justin unlocking Aerial Combat, it makes me think of classic Final Fantasy games and the Dragoon class. He just needs a super jumping ability/skill to get himself airborne, or a flight spell/magic item.


Good for Justin. Was feeling kind of bad for him what with his age and not really having anything to contribute. It would be sweet if he did get wings with his class and become some kind of speed-based aerial swordsman.