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Dear fucking god I’m tired. I just did my first guest appearance at a convention since Covid and I was quilt reminded how amazing, but INCREDIBLY draining it can be. Wearing a costume for 10 hours and having to be trapped in one place but also running around all day is too much. The con itself was fantastic and the staff were beyond amazing. My driver for the weekend was this really sweet 75 year old woman named granny and she was a highlight.

I was really struggling with what costumes to bring but I inevitably decided on cyclops and a modified Nightwing. Even though cyclops is a 3 year old costume, I was only ever able to wear it to one event before the world fell apart. I wanted to make sure I gave it another chance to shine. With Nightwing I wanted to bring a fan favourite but I wanted to add some hand made foam pieces so that if people stopped by and wanted to talk about crafting, I woudl have something to show them.

The people at the con were great. I had a lot of people stop by to say hi, I had a lot of people coming back multiple times to chat, and I loved getting to really know the folks who took the time to pop by. It was a smaller con so the sales weren’t very good, but that not really what it’s about. Just getting to be a part of the community was so fun.

I had the opportunity to judge the lip sync battle, do a cosplay for beginners panel, moderate a Q&A, help with the cosplay contest, and sit in/help some friends panels as well. It seems like a lot but getting to step away from the table for a while was nice. There’s something to be said for having a booth to sit at, but one problem I had was that people always knew where to find me. I understand that’s the exact point of the booth but there were some people who would just keep coming back and talking and leaving there stuff at my table and asking to sit down, and I just…. I’m too anxious for that. I’m not joking when I say that every time someone came to my booth I would start to break into a sweat.

Anyway… Kelowna was beautiful, I wish I could have stayed longer, it was a great convention, I’m so fucking tired, and I can’t wait to get the chance to do it all again.

Sorry for all the bad grammar, I just really wanted to get this one out before my 10 hour travel day…




As long as you had fun that's all that really matters. Tho making some dough would have made it a bit better 🤑 Have a great week!


It’s so nice to see you in costume at a con! Love that they had a Stargate there too given that they named a state on a planet in the show after Kelowna.


So glad you enjoyed! Your passion is contagious!

Gavin Lowe

I look forward to visiting you at a con one day!


Amazing I would love been there see you in there


Cons need a slice of Hamm. ‘Nuff said.


Do you list your upcoming appearances somewhere?


Cyclops is the sexiest thing you've ever done