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I said I was gonna talk about about my cosplay crafting, so strap in! I Also have no idea if these photos will upload in the right order so I’ll try to be descriptive enough that you know what I’m talking about (ish).

The only things I used for this for this belt were EVA foam, paint, hot glue, white glue, a knife, a measuring tape, and a little orb (that I didn’t end up using). Because I don’t love the crafting side of Cosplay (as discussed in the previous post) I’ll need you all to bear with me. I’m hoping that when you see how bad/easy this is, you will be motivated to try it yourself. Because the thing is… it ends up looking pretty darn good in the end.

My first step was to cut the shape of a belt out of foam and glue it together. I measured an actual belt for measurements.

After that I drew what I wanted the belt to look like (based on the comic design but simpler) and then did a lot of measuring for how big all the details for the belt needed to be. Once I had the shapes measure and cut out I just…. Glued them to the belt. I don’t really recommend hot glue cause I got a lot of burns and it’s SO messy. I recommend contact cement and a well ventilated room.

The thin layers of foam added on top really helped make the belt look a lot less flat. That said, look how fucking sloppy the back is. But guess what? It’s the back!

The next part isn’t shown but I “painted” the foam with a mix of white glue and water because that helps seal the foam before you paint it. I did 4 coats and then 4 coats of the yellow paint (Yellow is a fucking pain).

Finally I painted one of those little plastic orbs but then decided to use a big red gem instead. I had to go back and make the centre hole a bit bigger but I think it looked much better. OH! I also added Velcro to the back so it would attach!

So yeah, I’m sure that was a boring read but I wanted to share this with the hopes of showing off how easy (though time consuming) cosplay can be!



Gavin Lowe

It was most certainly not a boring read.. I love trading about craft stuff


I love reading that it looks grate hard work pays off 🙌


Nice 💯🔥👏 can't wait to see more behind the scenes.


Changing to the gem was a great call, makes a big difference. Love seeing that kind of process


How do you even know where to begin? So impressed


I really like this, especially that you show off how messy it is on the back side. As long as the outside looks good, who cares about the inside?


Looks great!


Your finished products always look so good that it is FAR from boring to hear you step-by-step it.


Yes please x


Keen to start making some stuff myself so this is actually fantastic