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Pure 0.203 -> 0.204

- added Career and Championship compatibility to Pure Planner
please have a look into the Weather in Careers and Championships.pdf

Pure 0.204 -> 0.205

- fixed Copy&Paste in Pure Planner
- fixed CM Drive wetness and water
- a workaround of a CSP bug in replays
- fixed a bug where the road is still displayed wet after a rapid weather change
- fixed a timezone bug

Pure 0.205 Update (09.10.2023)

- fixed a bug with start wetness and puddles

Landscape Shader

- Fixed visual artifacts with Triple screen and other camera modes
- Added cloud shadows

PPfilter related Pure configs

It is now possible, to export a config associated to a ppfilter. In Pure Config app – “PP” filter tab, press “Export Pure Config as PPfilter related config”. The config will be placed besides the Pure scripts with the same name like the PPfilter. You don’t even need a script to use this feature.

This is a very easy way to create a Pure featured PPfilter. Or you just use this function, to have custom Pure settings for a PPfilter. If you save the config in Pure Config app, the settings will be saved in this PPfilter related file.

Pure Controller and Pure Planner app

With this release, Pure is completely independent of Sol. It now has its own weather controller and planning app. Pure Planner has a build in help file. If you hover over the controls, you can instantly read the associated help text.

Weather plans can be more complex but even easier in Pure Planner. Slots are no more fixed. You can change their position freely in the plan.

You can do very unique random weather and the dynamic calculation of weather parameters is also reworked.

To adapt the scaling of LUA app, like Pure Planner and Pure Config app are, please have a look here:
Content Manager – Settings – Custom Shaders Patch – GUI – New UI: “UI scale”

Highres version (16k skydomes set) / 2.0GB:
mega: Pure 0.205 Highres
mediafire: Pure 0.205 Highres

Actually,   the highres skydomes have no influence on your FPS. Also, only 2   textures are buffered in your GPU's VRAM. So it will only take 128MB of   VRAM. But if you want to check with smaller skydome textures, or you   don't have the internet connection to download a 2.0 GB file, please  use  the Lowres pack (700 MB).
Lowres version (4k skydomes set) / 700 MB:
mega: Pure 0.205 Lowres
mediafire: Pure 0.205 Lowres




There is a bug with the new version, the time acceleration does not work anymore. If you want to make a 24h race in 24 min with 60x time, it stays day all the time.


Replay mode, i know it's gonna be me, but for the life of me, if i select a wet weather option, then go to something dry...the car throws up spray regardless. So, say i'm in replay and i fancy trying a few different weather options, in .2, what's the way to do things now? Have manually installed and renamed the extentions folder to build a new one to make sure....still awaiting discord to wake up and drop me the permission to post there. :)


Hey, Thanks for your hard work, everything looks great and works well for me, but I have a question. Is there a way to get more grip in the wet? Like the old SOL planner. Thanks


Hi, im using VR and selected the pure PP filter, now everything is extremely bright and overexposed, is this a known bug?`How could i fix it?


open PureConfig app and have a look at the settings check list. Is there an orange or red text?


yo whenever i try to use someones etting in pure it works for a split second then restes any help?


so iv got the newest version of everything unintstalled sol but the sky and stuff is all black....


Hey Peter, really nice work. I´m especially looking forward to the live function!

Les Young

looks fantastic. Thank you


Pure Controller work only fast race mode how to turn it on in all game modes?


It works in all game modes! But in online sessions you are very restricted. Today a release another version with some changes, so Pure Planner works better in careers and championships.


I love it! Thanks peter!


How do I persist the last weather settings including rainwater, etc'?


Thanks for quick fixes!




Alright, thanks for fast reply!


cant find pure config can someone help?


Hi, I was wondering if there is a way to add a bat file to change the weather preference for each quick drive preset to pure from Sol when you run the delete Sol and install Pure option. I have loads of driving presets, and it will take ages to change them all, and I can see myself forgetting when changing cars and running the game with Sol as weather choice but no Sol installed now. Just a thought, cheers. Great work BTW

Daniel Oliveira

is there an option in csp to use only default content and avoid incompatibilities?


made my whole game have a red tint when i installed the new update. and pure wont activate anymore. i installed it just like in the video


Please read what is written in the message at the top. You need CSP 0.1.80preview346 or later. Please just have a look in the install video. There you will see, how to install it.


Not really. But the most troubles comes from old settings. So it the best way, if you experiencing problems, to reset the CSP settings. Go to /Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/ and rename the "extension" folder. Restart Content Manager.



Daniel Oliveira

I did a clean installation of assetto corsa, I installed cm from the link in the video, csp and pure, but nothing has changed, I still don't have any pure app in the game, it doesn't even appear in cm, it's as if it hadn't been installed. I'm not playing these days trying to solve this, but without success.


were is pure installation tutorial?

Daniel Oliveira

To use real local time isn't it just necessary to check the real conditions box? Do I need to go to "static:/controllers" and change it from default to pure static? and that? What about the "Actual Conditions" tick or uncheckbox?


Real condition is a static CM weather selection. Therefore you need to select a static controller in the sub menu. If you like to use Pure Planner, you need to select Pure Static controller. Real local time is in the sub menu of the CM drive time menu. And yes, you need to check the real condition checkbox, but you need to select a static controller before this, so CSP knows, which controller will handle it and which app is used to edit it in-game.


Just watch the video. I try to pack every thing in it. It seems people can't read manual today, so made a better video. Just follow the steps exactly.

Tony Bew

Always nice to witness a perfectionist at work. Can't be much left to do ?

Michael Gebhardt

Hello Peter. If I select in the Quick Menu, whether training or race, and set it to Pure clear: Does it always rain!! Can you please help me with that?


awesome update!! And I figured out how to get my weather back working!! Big Thanks!!

Holger Tebeck

One question. Can i use IT together with Assetto Corsa Evolutione?


Amazing job but now I can’t see the ghost car when I play time attack offline could you help me with that


i have uninstalled sol and installed new pure, but choosing weather is so complex now, how can i install sol planner again or what should i do to have same easy and simple availability to customise weather ON THE GO?


Just select the pure controller in the controller sub menu in the weather drop down. Then you can select the weather like before.


Great update. I love the new controller (even if he took me some time to be used to .


I have some question regarding the exposure. How can we choose the sky blue level ? I can not have a bright blue sky anymore. all is like overexposed (even if closer to the reality , i would like to know how to make the sky appear more blue ). I put you a video link here , https://youtu.be/WlG_eVMXeRA?si=khx8MP5_1GC25_Il

Jeffrey Benson

I've been playing with the new weather planner and like it a lot. There are a few things I'm trying to figure out. The planner doesn't appear to start playing automatically when the race starts. I'm having to click the play button every time. Also, I'm trying to default the planner to use the "Stamp" tab and start playing automatically, but it always opens on the "Day" tab. I tried saving the stamp planner as the "Last Used" file, but it still defaults to the first tab. "Last Used" seems to me like it should load up the exact plan as last time (without saving a plan as the "Last Used" plan), but I wasn't seeing that. Thanks for all the hard work, Peter! The aging race sim looks better and better all the time, and is the only one I race in!

Holger Tebeck

If i want to Update on the newest Version, first uninstall old Version? Thanks for your great work man


Just use the installer like shown in the video. It will uninstall older pure parts automatically.


As usual, thanks for the amazing work Peter. Just one question, coming for the Sol controller is there an equivalent somewhere in the Pure controller when it comes to wet behaviour? There used to be a 1/2/3/4/Real setting in the Sol controller and I'm wondering how does that translated in the Pure controller?


There is no thing in Pure like this. We tested the new physics in CSP p346 and they are much better now, so we decided to have a 1:1 wetness integration in Pure Planner. You can still lower the wetness by yourself. Sol Planner did nothing different than that.

Arkadiusz Cegielski

Hi! Thanks for this patch. I dont know if its only my problem in game but after update to probably 0.203 I had problem with car lights. Sometimes was turned on, sometimes not, and I dont use automatic on/off So it should be off at The beggining No mater which time is it. I will check it also with letest Pure patch later.


Not sure what it is, tried, deleting ini settings in documents and appdata and uninstalling/reinstalling but cant get the Pure Planner app to show up in content manager/ingame. It shows in custom shaders patch and the drive screen


Pure Planner is not an python app like Sol Planner. You should see it in CM in CONTENT - miscellaneous - LUA APPS


good evening with sol 2.2.9 using the sol planner it was possible to configure the car's grip on wet roads. Is there a similar function with the pure planner?


Hey dude great work as always!! Question-When I enable rain(Hurricane or Thunderstorm) with Pure Planner it's like goes to maximum extreme levels, How to make it start gradually like when done with Sol planner? Also when can we expect lightning in Pure, missing it from when I switched from Sol to Pure. Thanks for making Assettoo awesome


Thunderstorm sounds are already in it. Lightning will come. Just make a slot with a less extrem weather and then a slot with Thunderstorm. If you play the weather plan it will have a transition.


Hey Peter, great work! just curious if it's possible to set the water on track dry gradually after the rain instead of disappearing immediately


Do you mean Pure Planner?! Just make 2 slots! One with rain and the other one with try weather. If you hover a slot, a little toolbox appears, just press the "+" button to add a slot.


Hey peter, i have a problem, i just installed pure and csp 0.1.80 preview 346. my cm is the last version and i don't know why but i don't have the pure apps, could you help me ?


yo yo, i got this installed, but the pure apps arent popping up both in game and in content manager. not sure if there's even supposed to be apps, but if so, how do i fix this. thanks.


The latest updates of CSP and Pure makes it impossible for me to drive in the rain, or any kind of track wetness. (driving Formula cars, with full wet tires) This was entirely possible -- and highly enjoyable -- on v1.80p218 and Pure .180. I've already tried un-checking 'Use extended physics' but it makes no difference. Is there a way to turn rain physics OFF??????


just set the wetness to 0 then. There is no way to scale the physics for now. Do you use rain or street tyres if it rains?


i am having huge frame drop and i keep having my planner flicker on and off


Why cant I change the weather in both solo and online session?


Do you already use Pure Planner and set the Pure controller? If so, in online session you can just change the weather look, bit not in races and qualifyings. You need to activate the pure direct mode in Pure Planner then.

Daniel Oliveira

Previously, when selecting a rainy climate using the sol planner, the rain would start slowly and gradually increase, and, in a more realistic way, raindrops, a humid appearance and puddles of water would appear. Now, with pure planner everything appears in a fraction of seconds. Is this really the case or am I doing it wrong?

Rian syah

Thunderstrom/lightning does not appear, need more fix/update


I am not entirely sure why, but swapping from Sol to Pure seems to cause my game to incorrectly render shutoko revival project. https://imgur.com/a/vCK4xUz is all that i see when loading in.


Though this has nothing to do with pure, whenever I load into a track, on the menu screen where it shows the car on the pits, there is a faint red bluriness on the outside of the car and track. How do I fix this?


I see there is no "wet difficulty" slider in the Pure Planner App, or have I missed it?


i want to uninstall pure by using the bat file, after i open and locate the folder the bat file closes insantly and nothing happens what should i do


eu tenho um problema de quando ativo o "MSAA" no ultra ou seja "8x" ou anterior os espelho e camera traseira ficam preto, oque devo fazer


it would be great if this worked with 1.80 p218


the pure weather planner won’t work for me

Maximilian Hartstock

can u make a public zoom or skype call so we can discuss problems to fix them?


CSP preview 218 is the latest showing. I replaced the extension folder and dwrite file per the video.


You could also link Patreon and Discord and then you are automatically connected to Pure Discord Server. It's on Patreon settings - apps .


Hi I’m new and can’t figure out how to turn on my wipers In game🥲


the install is stuck on the skydomes what should i do


Do you still have Sol installed? If so, deactivate its wiper control. Set it to -2.

kenny moss

Hi Peter. Tried to install Pure 205 manually. Dropped in all the files but in game it still shows 204 in weather fx section. I also couldn’t get the uninstall pure bat to work. Any help please. Cheers.


Just watch the install video. If you use the install_pure.bat, it will be unisntall before. Please do it exactly like it is shown on the video. You need to extract the whole Pure 0.205 to Desktop. Then you run the bat on that folder.

kenny moss

Hi Peter. All sorted. Somehow I downloaded the wrong file.


Just downloaded it. WOW! Amazing work, it looks incredible. Thanks for all the hard work that's gone into this.


I have a problem with the rain when it rains my car slides a lot and I can't drive much how can I fix that?


All the lights look very good with Pure! Nice work


hi yes there is a simple fix where you can turn the physics off and still have all the visuals or you can dial in dial in the level of slippage/traction you want george burrell 2d at the start of the race on your screen go to the menu on the right scroll down to weather fx debug open then scroll down to rain debug open that then go to override thickness override thick and check the box...bingo done! you can also set the thickness mm there to tailor make the conditions you want. then collapse the weather debug menu with the arrow leaving only heading and place it out of the way until you need it again it will stay there forever. The thickness debug will stay in effect for the race. next time it will take you only 3 seconds to set the thickness. I am working on a permanent fix for this. i will let you know. Pass this on I know that there are always others that have the same issue...enjoy!


installing the latest lighting patch .346 makes my screen go black with all GUI still on screen. No car no sky just the buttons to start race. Any idea what could be happening. Ive done a clean install yet cant get it to work. please help.


How do I get the controller script with pure?


Please watch the install video. If you use careers or championships, please read the linked pdf in the update post.


Please reset your CSP settings. Rename the /Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/extension folder .


ive followed the instructions on the video multiple times, but when i load into ac the pure apps will not show up and the apps are in the lua folder


It could be another app prevents the loading of the Pure apps. What folders do you have in /apps/Lua?


I have a problem where when I activate "MSAA" on the ultra, i.e. "8x" or earlier, the mirror and rear camera turn black, what should I do?


Is there anyway to turn on wipers in Replay Mode???


It's not a Pure problem. It is related to AC or CSP settings. Just try to reset your CSP settings: rename the /Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/extension folder. Restart CM. It will generate a new one. If it is solved, you could look in the renamed folder, which setting it caused.


A message appears in replay mode and I cannot change the weather. What should I do?


Hi Peter, im from south africa, and my power went out while playing single player, and when the power went out i was using the pure planner for the weather, now this morning when i open pure planner to fiddle the weather the whole block is just blank, and ive uninstall pure and just reinstalled it . but still blank. any clues to what could of happened? and the pure weather doesnt work even if it set it to rain or something in CM before launching the game


Please open CSP Lua Debug app and switch to the tab with the red dot. Expand the error and tell me what is written. Or make a screenshot.


Hello, I bought pure and installed everything fine, but everything looks red and it tells me that I have to have csp version 1.180 346 and I have the version (full paid) 1.80 243 or something like that, what can I do?


You need CSP preview 346! It's a work in progress. You need that particular version. Please watch the install video.


Wow, let's see, I paid for the full content version the other day, and now I have to pay again to update? Ok I will lower pure 0.190


to channel? or to the patreon? Honestly, this month I have paid for a lot of things and I am already tired of paying so much for everything and I am not going to pay for an update when I just bought the full version of content manager... I will download the oldest version and that's it, thanks for your work. there is no link apure 0.203??


I just installed everything correctly. cm+pure+csp all the latest versions i.e.: lights-patch-v0.1.80-preview346-full - pure 0.205 - CM v0.8.2569.39678. I get black roads and sky plus the tracking shot doesn't work


Thank You Peter, You did Very good job for this game, I appreciate.


Been using Sol for ages but finally took the plunge on this. Excellent work. Instruction video was clear to follow and everything went perfectly. Looks amazing and getting improved FPS in VR so really happy.


Great work, but when I install the next version of pure, should I delete all the existing files or just replace them with the new ones ? Oh and for some reason, driving in the wet is impossible in any conditions, even with wet tyres, so I just use sol planner instead and the physics work well ! ;)


Just use the Pure install bat. It will do the uninstall. Sol Planner just uses lower wetness levels with the difficulty slider. You can still use Sol Planner then. But actually I tested the rain physics in AC and it's really great now.


Hi Peter i had this problem for about 1 month or so i did reinstall pure completely i launch my game normal but the pure config and pure planner do not show up in the your apps section i have it activated but dont know how to fix it now thanks if u would help


Hello, Unfortunately, I don't have version 346 available, it's simply not available to me. Is there anything I haven't updated?


After my install there was no weather controler in weather effects,and screen in game has red background.


i am currently experiencing an issue where upon installing 0.205 (CM version 0.8.2569, CSP version 0.1.80 preview 346), and uninstalling sol, in my drive menu , in the box for where you select pure under weather, the weather box is grayed out and i am unable to select anything. if i am missing something please help, i just hope its not a situation where i need to uninstall and reinstall everything. EDIT: I am also curious about when uninstalling SOL if i will have issues joining multiplayer lobbies that require it. is there a disadvantage to not uninstalling it? if so, is there a way to have it available for when playing in those lobbies? thanks.


The weather selection is blocked, if you select ideal or real condition. Just unselect those!


Yo this reduced my fps from 100 to 40


The pure planner app doesn't appear for me


Please install it like it is shown in the install video! The cause of the fps loss is an error. If you open CSP Lua debug app in-game, you will see a red dot. This causes CSP to slow down and therefore the fps goes down. You only need to install it exactly like it is shown in the video!


Just did everything in the video and all i get is game crashed. any help would be great!


Reset your CSP settings: rename the /Documents/Assetto Corsa/cfg/extension folder. Restart CM. CM will create a new one with default settings.


hi, the fog in game is red. help would be appreciated


Please read the message on the screen! You need to install CSP 0.1.80preview346 at least. That's why I made BIG disclaimers on the Pure update post, that you need to update CSP to this last preview version.


Just rename that folder to anything different. CM will create a new one at it's start and therefore all CSP settings are reset.

Vini V82

no still doesn't work, now i am getting crashes even with stock game cars so it's worse now, what can i do


Hi, how do i use the windshield wipers?


You can map them to keys or buttons in CM AC settings. If you still have Sol Planner installed, please deactiavte it ot deactivate its wiper control in the Sol Planner settings. https://peterboese84.tinytake.com/media/152fc22?filename=1697041751863_TinyTake11-10-2023-06-28-54_638326385480519110.png&sub_type=thumbnail_preview&type=attachment&width=799&height=316


I need a PP filter can someone provide me


bonjour et good job fonctionne super bien et cumuler avec vision reality v1.3 le top

Marco Fabro

When can we expect sun glare? I'm really looking forward to it.


Hello, i got red and green terrain maps when it rains lightly and heavily, using preview428. Using preview346 it works fine


Sorry, but this is no Pure problem... Turn off dynamic shadows in LightingFX. It is a debug feature, which left on...


hello i cant use my pure planner in game


hey i paid you, now you want me to pay csp 0.8 too????


If I uninstall SOL, will it affect my ability to play on online servers at all? (seeing as it's a very common mod)


All good here, but as soon as I enable rain I drop from solid 90 FPS (Reverb G2) to 2 FPS and crash + need PC restart to play again.


it keeps saying cannot perform cyclic copu


Please install Pure exactly like shown on the video! Extract the whole Pure 0.205 folder to Desktop and run the installer inside this folder!


Hi Peter, rain fx seems to have stopped working for me despite fresh installs of pure and csp and it being enabled/active. It worked in the past but recently I can not get it to work.

Juan jr Acevedo

@peter boese is there anyway i can hop on a discord call with u I'm confuse on how you got pure_0.190 highre.7z im watching your cm/csp/pure-installation video


Just go to the Pure 0.190 development post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/84656023?utm_campaign=postshare_creator Installation is the same.


im having this exact same problem but i followed the video step by step exactly.


Same here!! The video just doesn't match what my pc displays. I have given up.