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If you use Sol and Pure, please install Sol 2.2.5 on top of your existing Pure.
I prepare an update of Pure with all those changes and some other bug fixes.
I hope i can release it in the next days.

Sol 2.2.5 download links:
mega: https://mega.nz/file/tWlR1QRL#XmGxRtz7TlxsNJT7VwnIzSS9-CRcu921D31cIZCnNEQ
mediafire: https://www.mediafire.com/file/a7qwmnn8txfwxzx/Sol_2.2.5.7z/file

best regards,




Hello Peter, life can be so simple ;-) Unfortunately, I hadn't configured anything in the game, only in the CSP. With your tips everything is fine. Thanks a lot for this.


Any idea why after I instal and drop the files into the Assetto corsa route folder the new 2.25 doesn’t show up in game to change


What do you copy ant where do you copy it? The install guide shows you what exactly to do. Please have a look. If you followed it and it does not work, please report back.


Something I do not understand I have use this your pack Sol 2.2.5 and Pure... Copy those files in AssetaCorsa root folder... I see under whater now Pure and also Sol 2.2.5 ... so this mean that is no need to run Pure_Install inside Asseta Corso root folder or do I have to... please for explanation... also how to come to the old Sol Wheter Planer to control it... in all your manuals is mentioned but I can not find it... after all yours and Ilja files I have put in I still cant setup the thing that I would just once play in rain... :( ... what is better to setup under WhetarFX Pure or sol 2.2.5 your opinion... to get as real as much picture during the game


Just install Pure 0.142 and then Sol 2.2.5. Sure you can always copy the main folders (apps, content, extension and system) to AC root folder. I made the pure_install.bat, because it made some things easier. If you install both you have the newest version of Sol Controller and Sol weather planner. You can use this to set the weather. As weather script, you can select Pure.


I copied all the files to the game's root folder, but it was the same as the image that follows the link there! https://mega.nz/file/8Y9mRYzC#Ku8LqMP7wt7UMNrV_HAeHIXVOUDZCr4V3XtPX5WYBvo I already did the tutorial and even so I can't update the version because now my application from sol.config doesn't even appear anymore! I'm sorry if I'm making a very simple mistake, but I did the same procedure as in the tutorial! thank you very much in advance!


Hi Peter, not direct an idea where to post it , but some reason huge vr performance drops with pure 1.42b Fresh install windows 10 Fresh install AC AC on single screen on 2k resolution ( default ac video settings ) = 400 fps FPS: AVG=317 MIN=60 MAX=397 VARIANCE=13 CPU=88% ac + csp = 40 to 50 % vr headroom average = constant 90fps without fps drops or stuttering ac + csp + pure = 30 % to -10% every few seconds it drops from 90 to 87 fps and "stutter"


Great stuff Peter! Thank you for your work :)


did you already select the skydome clouds in Pure Config app "clouds" tab (clouds render method = 1)?


Just to be sure, you copied 4 folders (apps, content, extension and system) to AC root folder and overwrite the files?


Hi Peter, It improves a little when i change it from 0 to 1 but still huge headroom drops, this time not under 0 but still fps drops and stutter and application frame drops also changing from low quality to high quality has no effect cpu in use = 13% 8700K @ 4.7ghz gpu in use = 39% 2080TI temp gpu = 57 degrees default ac videosettings funny thing = gpu runs at 1500mhz need to crank up videosettings to let it run at full speed (1920mhz) but have allready no headroom :D

kenny moss

Hi . Downloaded latest version but says it’s 2.2.4 not 2.2.5 . Is that correct . Cheers.


When did you download this. I already change the version number inside the archive. If you redownload it, it should be right then. Just forgot to change that number.

kenny moss

Ok. Great. I downloaded as soon as I got the link in email. I will drop it in again. Many thanks.


yes yes mr. peter I copied the same as I always did, but it was the same in the photo that I put the link there! And after copying it there, the sol.config app simply disappeared so I could configure it the way I like it! That's why I'm surprised, because I did the same as usual, because it was always simple to install, and it was the first time I had a problem related to this !


Ingame, if you open the CSP python debug app and switch to "log" tab, are there red messages?


Hi Peter, think i found the culprit after testing the whole evening , reinstalling game - csp and the new pure 1.48 , had always the same results did a deeper dive with render csp and noticed in the main render - active car - the gpu render time was more than 1 ms. in short and can reproduce it over and over = when i put static frame to 1 or 2 the gpu render csp stats go crazy with thoose huge fps drops. I set it to 3 = three faces per frame = the gpu renders 0,4 ms the whole time and frames stays more stable in the high 380 fps ( single screen) tomorrow further testing with the vr Regards


Peter, is it correct that after installing 2.2.5 the Controller Script is still 2.2.1 and for the Weather Script i can choose between Pure 0.148 and SOL 2.2.5?!


Alright thank you! But we still have to use pure 0.148 and not SOL 2.2.5?


Hi Peter, i can reproduce it in vr also = setting 1 or 2 = gpu render csp stats = like a heartbeat single screen default ac video settings weather = light rain ( sol ) render cps stats = final image - main pass - opaque - active car setting 1 = going crazy from 0,600ms tot 0,800ms ( heartbeat graph) setting 3 = flat line 0,550ms oculus rift vr setting 1 = 0,550ms with light spikes each few seconds setting 3 = flat line 0,550ms no spikes set it to 3 and almost the whole time just a flat line single screen default ac video settings weather = broken clouds ( sol ) render cps stats = final image - main pass - opaque - active car setting 1 = going crazy from 0,600ms tot 0,660ms ( heartbeat graph) setting 3 = going crazy from 0,600ms tot 0,700ms ( heartbeat graph) oculus rift vr setting 1 = 0,550ms with light spikes setting 3 = flat line 0,550ms spikes every few seconds single screen default ac video settings weather = Thunderstorm ( sol ) render cps stats = final image - main pass - opaque - active car setting 1 = going crazy from 0,500ms tot 0,800ms ( flat line and heartbeat graph) setting 3 = 0,550 ms almost whole time flat line with a few light spikes oculus rift vr setting 1 = 0,760ms flat line setting 3 = flat line 0,850ms spikes every few seconds no matter what i try with video setting from lowest to maximum setting on single screen or vr ( oclus rift ) the moment i set it on three faces per frame = mostly all normal and no stutter or heavy frame drops Seems setting 1 - 2 - 3 and weather depending can cause heartbeat or light to no spikes :) Regards


Hey Peter, im new here and i already wasted my weekend trying to get pure to work with sol but nothing works. You say to install SOL on top of Pure and you also say here to install Pure first but everytime i do that my game crashes. I already tried the older Nvidia driver but that didnt help. Now i have seen a youtube video and the dude explains to install SOL first and Pure after that and his game works so what it is?


Just install Pure 0.148. It was only for a short time where the new Sol 2.2.5 was newer than the latest Pure. But with Pure 0.148 you only need this. Be sure you select a ppfilter in CM - settings - Assetto Corsa - video.