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My dear Patrons,

You will see Pure on sharing sites in the future. There will always be people, who take the work of someone and share it for free. Thats an old behavior and actually, i don't think its stealing.
Because you are not paying for a product, but you support the development. And i wanted to say thank you, for that support and for your trust in me.

At the end, pure will be a free software, but as long as it is in development, i don't want to have a too big support work (its already big enough).
And if you support its development, i feel i have to give you something back and this are quasi milestone release versions, which have already gone through a debugging phase.

The AC 3rd party development is not my main job, i have a 40 hour work to do and the Sol/Pure coding takes the same, if not some more time. But i enjoy it very much.

So there will be always people who don't want invest in a development, they even don't want to buy a final product. But it could also be, some people don't have the money to do that.

So please don't feel robbed, if Pure is on sharing sites. I think its a wasted time to do something against it. I prefer to use my time to develop and invent new things, to make AC better and better.

So again, thank you for your support and your trust.

best regards



I started off with mirror site hosting some old versions of sol/pure when I got first got AC. But later on through the AC modding rabbit hole, I found your patreon and realized you are constantly updating the mod. Many of the people, including me, who just jump into AC and modding have no idea the environment and at first it seems like people just make it for free. A couple things stand out to me. If you're able to support financially, I think people should. I hope if they make AC2, there is a modding marketplace so people can be rewarded for their work.


Pure was is and was always in activ development. Please remove your copies of it and please don't share it! The subription fees are also taken for a better support! There is a tremendous amount of time and work put into this project.


Just wanted to put in my thanks for all of your hard work! I have never commented on any Patreon post and only use it to support you and IIJA, but felt moved to tell you just how much you do for the guys who know nothing of how this all works but is so thank full for the time and effort you put in!

gonzalo minguillon

Siempre existirá gente que valora el esfuerzo ajeno, usted Peter hizo y hace feliz a mucha gente, esa felicidad no se paga con nada. No nos debe nada, nosotros le debemos a usted, no sienta presión de los ciegos del esfuerzo. Gracias por todo Peter! Espero que sigas bien y feliz. Abrazo.

Martin Hardi

I am thankful that you make this great addition to AC and happy to support you ...


Top its a grat job👍

G. Yam

There are dozens of good people who would like to support you but lack the strength. You do the job Peter, we support you here.... and in the end we all celebrate this get-together under a unique pure sky.


What you do is pure art! Chapeau


You're one of the reason why I'm on Patreon, and I'll support your work at 100% !


I'm sure the fix is easy and ill feel dumb when I realize the issue but can anyone help me with why sol planner 2.2 doesn't work when I use pure and I'm using the sol planner that came in the pure install anyone know how to fix this

Max S

You are a wizard Peter and its an honour to be here

Benjamin Hansen

Maybe you could make a key system so once you buy you get a key and the key can only be used by one person one time use for each release and then you paste it in to assetto corsa and it will download the pure mods for you and the files are locked