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I proudly present you Sol 2.1. After 5 month of work, a nice collection of new features was added to Sol. If you don't like to download from Racedepartment here is a direct link:
Sol 2.1

Please read the install guide and follow the steps:
Sol 2.1 install guide
Sol 2.1 installatiehandleiding (by jfeelders)
Sol 2.1 guida di installazione (by Roberto Geminiani)

For an overview of the new features, you may have a look here:
Sol 2.1 new features

Sol 2.1 complete changelog
- core:
# many improvements off the code to speed up calculations
# core: checked complete code for division by 0, to be sure __sane() check isn't needed anymore
# improved sun-ambient-light system, to achieve color neutral filters

- core: added Track heat calculation and set ac.setTrackHeatFactor()
# to see visual effects, activate:
# "add mirage-like effects" in CSP settings->weatherFX
# "fog blur" + "include heat distortion" in CSP settings->extraFX

- core:
# added read out of graphics.ini

- audio: added rain sounds, just to kill the time for CSP rain sound release
# rain sounds are dependent on rain amount, camera type (interior or exterior) and camera speed
# wiper sound is not activated, because there is no synchronization possible yet

- apps:
# added Sol Planner app (new way to create dynamic weather in a UI)
# new Sol_config 2.0 app, based on interface communication and new UI library
# new Sol_custom_weather app using new UI library

- 2d clouds: fixed weather transitions
- 2d clouds: switched to global cloud storage
# This prevents generating of AC cloud objects while weather transitions.
# Its more efficient. AC cloud objects are recycled for usage.

- 3d clouds (skysim):
# many improvements off the code to speed up calculations
# fixed position and scaling in 3d space
# fixed shadows and shadow scaling
# improved lighting, especially with twilight
# better projection of static distant clouds (better lighting as well)
# fixed wrong movement for tracks with TrackHeadingAngle modification
# using a non elegant way to force cloud map settings (to be sure cloud's look is always right)

- filter: changed weather__HDR_multipier functionality
# Its now a fixed core based function to change the difference between sun and ambient light, clouds and sky.
# So its possible to adjust HDR (or the dynamic of the scenery) just with the weather components.

- filter: removed AE functionality of weather__HDR_multipier
- filter: added a new variable to store the AE value
# !!! use weather__get_AE() instead of weather__get_hdr_multiplier() !!!

- filter:
# fixed wfx_LIGHTS emission

- night light pollusion: fixed some bugs

- interface:
# Interface is a new Sol library to communicate with Python apps
# Communication is done via shared memory data
# Before files where changed, therefore weatherFX was restarted, Sol initialized again
# With this new interface communication, Sol runs continuously and changes the parameters while runtime
# This also leads to a continuous weather progression with rainFX

- sol config manager:
# Sol config manager is a new system to handle Sol's settings
# Sol's config file is no longer delivered with Sol and it is now placed in the documents folder
# The system is much safer in combination with custom configs (scripts loaded with a ppfilter)
# sol_config.lua is no longer used !!!

- custom config:
# new system of accessing Sol's parameters
# much safer and now this system gives feedback to Sol_config app, to show custom config changes
# added call of "update_sol_custom_config__every_frame()", this function is called every frame
# added some function to retrieve rain parameters:  weather__get_rainIntensity(), weather__get_rainWetness(),  weather__get_rainWater()

- custom config: weather__get_cloud_density(), working correct for all cloud render methods
# with render method 2 (skysim), this function returns the calculated clouds light bounce, which is quasi the cloud coverage

- custom config:
# use "weather__get_Graphic_Settings(key, parameter)" to get the values of the \assettocorsa\system\cfg\graphics.ini
# use "weather__get_Video_Settings(key, parameter)" to get the values of the \Documents\Assetto Corsa\cfg\video.ini
# use "weather__get_PPFilter_INI_Settings(key, parameter)" to get the values from the used ppfilter

- custom config: updated "custom config example V2.lua"
# using weather__get_Graphic_Settings(key, parameter) and weather__get_Video_Settings(key, parameter)
# how to use LUTs (Look Up Tables)
# how to use LUTs with color information
# using colors and color transformations (rgb, hsv)

- PPFilter/custom config: reworked __Sol_Extra
# better AutoExposure logic
# better lighting
# better colors due to special color-grading
# better way to calculate emissive and bounced lights

- ppfilter/custom config: added "__Sol_Extra_Reinhard"
# constrast is lower in mid and high tones
# overall look is "moderate"

- PPFilter/custom config: __Sol_fakeHDR
# some tweaks with lighting, bounced light control and overall look

- weather files: removed custom particles

- controller (2.0) - old Sol controller (weather plan scripts)

- controller (2.1) - new Sol controller (Sol Planner app)
# this uses the new interface, it directly communicates with Sol Planner app
# continuos weather/rain calculation
# much advanced weather progression (fog after rain, humidity progression)

- files: added "__Win7__DocumentsFolderFix.lua" to define a custom documents folder:
# With Win 7 some strange bugs with finding the "Documents" folder happen
# So if you already use Win 7, open this file and add your Documents folder location manually:
# add it like this: __CustomDocumentsFolder = "C:\\Users\\xxxxx\\Documents"



G. Yam

I only tested it briefly. But at first glance, this is a milestone update. Everything seems to come together here and work very well. I'm slowly not believing in an Assetto Corsa2 anymore .... the guys from Kunos will never catch up with you again. 😅 Congratulations Peter, a legendary patch.


Thank you so much for your work. Just installed 2.1 :)


fantastic, thanks for all your work on this!


Thanks a lot, Peter.


Tks Peter, you are the Best !!!


Awesome work Peter!

G. P.

I can't use the weather planner : "sol 2.1 controller not running or replay model" ?? Does anyone get this error message ?


You need to change the weather controller to "Sol 2.1" in weatherFX. Please read the "Sol Planner manual", it is included in the install package.

G. P.

Ok I will, thank you Peter and congrats for your work !!!

Magí Fabregat

Where I can find pure config?


If you installed Pure, go ingame and move the mouse to the right border of the screen. The AC apps menu opens. There search for Pure Config.