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In the last weeks i reworked many parts of Sol. I was on the hunt for bugs and possible optimizations. Many redundant calls could be removed and often called functions were shortened. The result is a much better running Sol, which gives you 20-30% more fps in comparison to Sol 2.0.2.

AC is very CPU intense. So i put the CPU in energy saving mode for comparison, to simulate slow CPUs.

Sol 2.1 alpha 10 will be released soon.  


Sol 2.1 development (performance comparison)

A comparison of Sol 2.0.2 versus Sol 2.1 alpha 10. Due to many fixes and optimizations Sol 2.1 runs much better. CPU: Ryzen 9 3900x (in energy saving mode), GPU: RTX2080 2560x1440, PP:"default bright", 4xMSAA, 8xAF, World: max, Shadows 4096, Refl. 2048 2 fpf, mirrors 256x1024 high Replay of a 10 AI race Red Bull Ring, 31.05.2020, 12:00 weather: "Windy" ("ultra" clouds) Music: "Ether" by Redshift Album: Ether https://redshift2.bandcamp.com/album/ether



That's pretty impressive.

Callum McGurk

Incredible work. Thanks for the update :)


Would like to use it ASAP :)

Paul Tomlin

2.1 alpha 9 is available on Discord (see the link posted a few comments back)


I know, but well - BETA would be betta :)

G. Yam

Great news


Impressive gains in performance, thanks for the update!