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Hey all, got another video ready for ya. This one was inspired by a dream I had a while back. I liked the concept so decided to give it a little more narrative for a video. Was trying out some new video effects and even tried to give the voice a little bit of an echo effect. I think it turned out well for not knowing what I'm doing. 

This one was a lot of fun to make just cause I don't see a lot of corruption style video where you try and fight back a little. I think the pointless struggle makes it more fun for the play. I hope you enjoy getting your mind twisted and becoming one with the symbiote.

Video: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/0ld302gphr25m7h8gvt9t/Sissy-Symbiote.mp4?rlkey=9av2olocb40t9ysm1582pgwui&dl=0 



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