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Hey everyone, I just want to thank you all for your patience during the holidays and everything. But I'm happy to say it is nice to be back home where I can relax without feeling out of place. I know I do this for fun but I get this odd feeling when I don't have a project in the work like I'm going to upset people, content creation is really weird like that. But I'm happy to say I'm now working on the next project. 

I'll be working on this project over the next week to two. But you all deserve to see what I'm up to. 

'After getting home and being saved earlier that day from some superhero, you decide to release some built up stress. Unknowing to you you picked up a hitch-hiker that attaches itself to your cock partway through your session. It drink up your cum and starts to grow. You then start to hear it's voice in your head. It say "We have found a new host". 




Hope you enjoyed your holidays and had a nice start of the year. The idea for the project/video sounds interesting, I am curious to see how it turns out.


I'm really looking out for it. I love some good old corruption story