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Sorry for the quiet end to last month. Almost done crunching out some special items.
Here's one some of you will have seen before in the wild.
The call came in for a Gunslinger redesign and I'd seen a few fan pieces floating around. I got in contact with Jayden Morris about using his as a starting point, then worked him through a few edits.

I think this does a good job of taking the old goofy mech and keeping it very recognizable while also making it look cool. Only goofy element left is the innate decapitated head look.

You can find Jayden's work at www.deviantart.com/user000000000001/gallery




I'd love to see more of his Mechs used for art. His Lobo and Dragonfire are super dope.


The art from 3055U had very few issues, and the record sheet was damn near perfect. it’s just the mini that was garbage. It is still a good job taking this and updating the smooth Star league curves to something more akin to the rest of the universe. I approve


The gauss rifles remind me a little of the rocket launcher from quake 3


Looks good I hope the model looks the same!


Whooooa, this update makes it look like a BEAST. Love it.


Looks great! P.S. Hope your crunch has been manageable. As much as I appreciate your work, your physical/mental health is most important. So that you can keep making us mechies long into the future! MWAHAHA. Seriously though, take it easy. Battletech is the best but not worth killing yourself over. Almost, but not quite.


Looks like it's armed with Quake 2's railguns. Nice.


Sometimes it's less of an overtime style crunch, and more the ability to do a simple task quickly over and over. The last two months have involved more monotany than usual, and the general pipeline for these minis is already very routine stuff. So I haven't been working too many hours, more that I'm not as motivated to do even more Battletech renderings/posts at the end of the week haha.


Perfectly understandable. Just know that every work you do is appreciated by us, even though we may quibble with the details and choices, everything you do brings us unique joy even though it may seem very repetitive at the time.

James Abbot-Cole

A missed opportunity to use Colt Single Action Armies.


I don’t know why, but for some reason the torso-mounted lasers surrounding the head just doesn’t do anything for me. Still, twin gauss rifles; what’s not to like about that?


Who doesn't want limited visibility and to have your glass tint way down every time you fire? :D


Looks fantastic. Though I do hate to ask one question regarding a model from the same book... Any chance we'll see the Grand Titan anytime soon? :)


Since we're seeing a lot of Merc stuff this year, any chance of the Merlin? Some of the community models for it look pretty good and I'd love to see what you can do with it.