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Lets start the final month of the year off with some early Christmas presents. A few of you have been asking, here are the quads!

Regardless of what products or forms they feature in, Ray Arrastia has wanted the two main unseen quads redesigned. The Rec Guides finally presented a perfect opportunity for them, along with the trickle of Clan IIC mechs you've been seeing roll through.

The Scorpion already featured in Rec Guide #19, and you'll want to keep you eyes open for the next release :)

Harri Kallio was put in charge of redesigning both with mine and Ray's oversight.
Alan Blackwell sculpted the Scorpion, while Eliza Gibbs handled the Goliath.

Also yes, we do have a cool solution for basing the Scorpion when the day comes to give it a mini.

Do you like these more oldschool looks? Or would you prefer a more modernized job?




That's pretty good work (says the guy who hates quads...)


Great Job on the Scorpion. This was always an ugly design and improved really now. The Goliath...i think it is too oldschool and i liked the head the reseen had. But will buy both when they will be released.


I like these but would also give it a touch more modern look.


Very cool, some great work from the team there. I do like how closely they resemble the originals, and I look forward to seeing how that Scorpion is going to be mounted on a standard size hex base :P


That are so good news! Thank you very much!


Love the Scorpion, but personally, I think the Goliaths legs could have been a little less beefy than what they are now. Other than that I have no complaints.


Love em both. I cant wait for any news regarding the minis. That said, i liked the "elephant head" approach of the phoenix goliath. The sideskirts on the goliath are gold, cause i have modded a goliath mini almost the same. The ppc barrel does look a bit like its a heavy ppc though.


Very nice massive improvement to the orginals


Quad squad! My only wish isn't really in the design, but the pose. The Goliath just looks awkward with both forward legs having locked knees like that. Putting at least a bit of bend in even a single leg would take that mech from great to knocking it out of the park.


They both look great!


I have an unreasonable love for the original Goliath and have always really loathed the PP Goliath. I'm really excited for this new Classic.


Absolutely love them both, and keep up the good work with the mix of Old School with a dash of new. These warm my rusty old grognard heart, and I can't wait for the minis!

Andrew Bethards

I think they are very fine, good classic looks but modernized.

Andrew Bethards

The Scorpion needs to be mounted to its hex the same way the Shilone is mounted to its hex.


The circle is now complete! I love them!


I love the thickness of the Scorpion. I would have liked to have seen it fit inside the hex base. Same goes for the Goliath. What I do love, are the missile launchers on both mechs. The old versions especially the Goliath the LRM racks looked like they were just dropped or glued onto the mech, now not so much. The launchers look like they should be there. Also on the Scorpion I bet the Mechwarrior is now very happy that they can actually see out of the mech! The view port... which was worse than the Thunderbolt can now be actually painted opposed to the "slit" on the old metal mini. Cant wait to purchase both mechs, or the pack they may come in.


Never really been a fan of quads. I largely ignore their existence, in fact. But these are good redesigns, all the same.


Love them both, especially the Goliath!


Also, to answer your question, yes.... modernizing the oldshcool designs is definitely working. MWO designs are great, but they lack the true Battletech feel, a lot of the time, and going too far with trying to make them look MORE modern would be a mistake here, too. Your team is doing right by all of us. Keep up the good work.


I love these! I want these!


Yes! Both look great! I would have voted to keep the legs longer on the Goliath, but happy with the result regardless.


there has never been a good Scorpion mech until the 3085 iteration, which was DAMNED Good. This New Seen sculpt gives a proper progenitor/companion to it. as far as the Goliath. I like what was done for the most part. you kept the Sauropod look that was most important to the design. I am a sucker for the Phoenix art though, particularly the lower slung head. just a preference, not a detraction.


I want a battalion of Goliaths!


Are these part of the next @BarnesandNoble Exclusive Lance/Pack?




Love 'em both!


Oh, I really like these a lot. The old-school style really does it for me. That scorpion would actually eliminate the need for me to hunt down more unseen ones. The Goliath finally gives me an alternative on the table I don't loath and I think it will grow on me in time.


Классный редизайн! Сразу видно, проделана огромная работа профессионалов!


Like the Scorpion even more now than the earlier pics....and loving that Goliath. I definitely want one when the time comes.


I'm totally in love with this Scorpion. It's my favorite of the unseen designs and this one's perfect. The Goliath's chunkiness will take some getting used to because the original was the skinniest thing ever. These legs maintain continuity with the Dark Age design, so they make sense - it's just a big change. I'm very happy that it still has a Panther hull, the "2nd hull" now has a clear purpose, the turret's back... I'm happy. I was waiting for a Dougram-like version of the Goliath and you guys have delivered (well, not physically, but you know).


Can you give us a render we can share? There's a member of my local group who uses quads religiously who would lose his mind if he saw these beautiful machines


Surely you mean "Are these part of the next Battletech Kickstarter" ?


Quick question for the Goliath, does it have the machine guns mounted underneath?


I assume they're in the blisters on the torso/hull's front fascia.


I love love love them


I love that the Goliath is chunkier now, and though I think its Project Phoenix redesign was really solid, I do appreciate that this one looks like the original version. We can have both, for sure. The Scorpion I've never really cared about much, and I still kinda don't, but it does look good!


No, looks like the MGs are the two little orbs on the plating beneath the cockpit window


I also like the forward head of the phoenix version. Surprizingly the PPC on this is smaller than the PPCs on the Warhammer IIC that it shares tonnage with.


It's a compromise to not quite lock the front legs into being regular or reverse kneed. Some wanted reverse, some wanted regular. An elephant keeps the front knees locked whenever possible.


It can be seen that the scorpion could fit with the right pose, but I vowed to not compromise the coolness of the pose just to fit a base, we've seen how that goes in the past. Players will have a good mounting option, or be able to leave it off the base.


Be happy, at one point they were even shorter haha, this was the "long" version I pushed it towards.


If you see them in person feel free to show it to them from your phone or however. You could also encourage them to lose $2 a month to my page haha.


I have been waiting for this post since CGL first started rolling out the classic 'mech redesigns, and it does not disappoint! If I were to make one more wish it would be to see this Goliath art posed with slightly more dynamic front legs. From this angle, they seem kind of stiffly planted in comparison to the rear legs.


I’ve never been a fan of the quad’s. These are much improved like everything else that has been done by you and the team. Keep up the great work!


Great work! I love these designs that capture the classic look, and where they need to reconcile with a more modern look to make a great model! Especially with all those 3025 designs.


Never been a fan of the Goliath, but this update does it justice. The Scorpion has always been "cool-looking" with the original art and I appreciate this update. Too bad the lore for the Scorpion suggests it's a four-legged steaming pile. They've always been very effective when I've encountered or used them. Well done on both.


Behemoth looks solid, but the Scorpion doesn't do it for me. Just doesn't look like a battletech design to me.


I love the Goliath. The Scorpion....it's good, but I think something more like what Matt Plot did is better


The Goliath looks pretty good. It fits with the new aesthetic though it loses the AT-AT vibe of the original unfortunately. The Scorpion - hmm - honestly I'm not digging it much at all. It looks too much like a weird frog here, or perhaps an automobile with fat legs. The skinnier "scorpion"-like legs of the original art from TR3025 still look way better and evoked classic movies like Robot Jox 2. I think this is worse than the Phoenix redesign honestly, if that's even possible.


I kept my touch light on these, or I would have modernized them a lot more. I like what Plog has done with them lately.


Both have a nice feel. I like that the scorpions cockpit has a Thunderbolt feel to it. The Golith in my opinion should have one of the front legs with a bend in it instead of the back leg. It would help show more motion as if it's stepping forward. The Goliath's head has somewhat of a Highlander feel to it. They both have just enough modern influences.