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We all know that if you think about the weakest point in my art, the first thing that pops up is the hair. I'm not hiding that I hate it too. And the hatred has built up to a point where I just had to desperately plunge into the deepest water I knew. The image above is the result of that deadly leap of faith.

I survived, but I'm still struggling with swimming up to the surface, and I'm drowning a bit, but I can see the sunlight. Maybe I'll reach it eventually. For now, I feel VICTORIOUSSS!!! :D

Celebrate this success with me by staring at it up close for a full minute! But first, a couple of facts:

  • I wanted to give her hair a bit of a highland cow look. I hope it shows! :D
  • There are some imperfections, like some hairs clipping into/out of ears or horns. I'll try to fix that, but I'll deem it a minor flaw if I fail. XD Like I said, I'm still not good at this technique! Baby steps. Still, if you compare this to what I did so far, it's LITERALLY PERFECT *maniacal laughter*
  • This kind of hair grabs ALL the RAM (and GODDAMN is it unstable, hopefully because 8 GB isn't enough, and 32 GB will be), so I most likely won't be using it practically until I upgrade my computer (about a month left til that, and I won't finish Hjalta in that time anyway). So while that's not happening, I shall practice hair some more!
  • I'm planning to translate all my characters' hair into this awesomeness. But I'm pretty sure Jinjing-Yu will be a nightmare. ;-; Contrarily to that, however, Anza characters should be a breeze (more or less). It will happen, probably sometime this year! :D In fact, I've already experimented on Kebibi! Old Kebibi hair, and new Kebibi hair! SEEEEE?
  • And while I have your attention, you'll be happy to know that proper hair isn't the only new thing I've been learning recently. C: But I won't tell you what those are - instead, I'll show you pics once they're done! I'll just add that I'm doing it all because of the impending computer upgrade (my current one doesn't handle this stuff very well), SO YOU ARE THE DIRECT REASON WHY MY EVOLUTION AS AN ARTIST IS HAPPENING - THANK YOU SO MUCH YOU ARE MAKING ME A VERY HAPPY EGGPLANT ;U;

Now I can finally get to texturing the cow. C:

After making her eyelashes, and eyebrows if applicable. ._.

FUN FACT: there are exactly 120,000 hairs in this picture.

And now, may we celebrate this moment of victory with the aforementioned minute of staring at this glorious picture of an unfinished anthropomorphic cow character with surprisingly realistic hair.




It is definitely an improvement! Very exciting stuff! So cool to see things behind the scenes like this.


I'm very glad you're having fun. C: Thanks! *continues to work hard on her* P.S. I've added eyelashes and eyebrows today, but looks like I'll have to get rid of the latter - her hairline is pretty low, and the eyebrows literally grow from under the hair. XD So that's one decision made by accident, haha!


What how'd I miss this? The highland cow look --> *clicks image* "That's a great looking cow". I approve! RAM is very important! 32 GB is necessary for super duper large projects like what you do. I know almost nothing about computers, but I know that 8 isn't enough. *Looks at old kebibi hair* --> *Looks at new kebibi hair* "WOW!" I approve! I enjoy these improvements! I love this project! Keep being amazing!


YAY, excellent! I will still be working on Hjalta's hair. I mean I already have, and it's looking a bit better, HAH, but I want MOAR! :D Also added the eyelashes. Don't yet have a pic to show tho.


Eeee! I love the hair! That's a really cute, wild looking 'do for her. :) Heh, that's funny that you know the actual hair count. XD


YAY! I'm still working on it though. In fact, it looks a little different already! Not really worty of an update, but I'll be working on it some more, so maybe soon. C: Also she has eyelashes too! So pretty. ;U; In related news, I'm feeling more and more confideent with this technique. :D *keeps practicing*