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Aaaand it happened! :D

It's very silly, yes, but I still REGRET NOHING nor do I have any REGERTS

It was fun (except for the time when I tried optimizing it because the preview renders took like 7 minutes, where they normally take 1-4), and all the doggies in the pic are happy. C: And sometimes, you just have to drop everything and do something purely for fun, no matter if it makes sense or not. And I keep saying stuff like that. I NEED CHANGE OKAY?

Gotta make more characters. ._. And I mean MAKE, not just start them. ._.

Either way...



Enjoy! ;v;




Well, that did not take long! And it came out great! And the colors you chose were lovely. It makes me wonder what those two look like the rest of the way (I know I know! Not feasible! But I can dream!).

The Nubus

Really nice. But I'm also curious about the rest belonging to the legs. :)


Well, I can tell you what they look like! They're two tiny Jinjing-Yus with different textures. One is fully black, one is fully white. They're not even posed at all, beyond the legs. XD And they literally have no hair or other elements, because they weren't necessary, and I didn't plan to finish it when I started. XDDD IT IS A MESS Technically I COULD make them into separate characters, but I don't really see a point right now. Either way, I'm very glad you like it! :D


Mmm tastey feet <3 them smell good too ;3


Yay chocolate/caramel/peanut-butter background!! You did that on purpose. With all the feet licks! Good job with 04. It looks great in color. All those little quadpus legs! Prolly lil' Kebibi and lil' Jinjing-Yu. You don't need to make new characters, yet. You NEED to finish the ones you've made. You've got a lot of them. Start sharing the ones in the past here and let people see them, you've got like 4 that are needing some love. They really really really need love! I mean thats just me asking. Idk if anyone else shares my opinion. But there is one character that I really really wana see and have been so patiently waiting for the reveal. Unless you've changed the name, it starts with an "A". *no spoilers*


Hah, no, the colors actually just happened to be the only ones I liked, out of the several attempts I've tackled. XD But hey, I don't mind some accidental artsiness! XDD And holy crap, I totally forgot to push the "A" thing live here! D: I shall do that within a few days! THANKS FOR REMINDING ME! ;A;


Heh - alternative title "The dangers of teaching Jinjing shrinking and cloning spells..." Looks like she's very much enjoying herself though (and who can blame her!? - Kebibi feets are just SOOOO nice).


*SNRK* That's not Kebibi tho! Notice the size difference! I literally just used the tiny Jinjing-Yu model and retextured it twice. XD Tiny tiny pawsies. ;U; Not necessarily young tho, no worries; maybe that's a chihuahua and a miniature pinscher! C: ...That's actually not a bad idea. 9.9 *considers*