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That's better Mega, way more reflection in the opening. I don't have to agree, but it's nicer to hear than a dismissive stance. Personally, just my opinion, but I think you have over romanticised the collective writing for the whole show, because you were enjoying it. Now you aren't as much, the cracks are way more visible. But I'll agree however that, that balance has taken a significant shift this season. There is an abundance of space filling foam in this space soap opera, than there has ever been. The obvious and pretty well sign posted bad character decisions are about the same as they have always been for me. A lot of our high achieving performances from the more established characters are interlaced with the usual 'mundane' supporting roles. I've always thought that B5 has been pretty guilty of a ham and cheese toastie approach. It's just the bread has been getting progressively thinner as we have gone along. 😉


No one in my family (during the first airing) much cared for this whole telepath arc in the first half of the season..And I still don't much care for it, but at least it brings Bester around more..