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Ohhhh, something to look forward to tomorrow! Can't wait to watch it :)


Another great reaction! I loved this episode so much, and yes isn't it both awesome and strange how awesome the actress is that is playing Rebekah!? You do forget you're watching somebody totally different, she has done a fantastic job in capturing her essence. This was just such a great episode. I'm so excited for the next reaction. I was just randomly thinking this episode watching Hayley and Marcel interact that oh...Hayley is basically like Marcel's Aunt or could have been his step mum if she were interested in Klaus haha...and Davina pleading with Marcel - like dad please don't let them kill my boyfriend 😂. Great episode! Finn is a savage, I wanna punch him sometimes but he is an amazing character.


Nice christmas outfit, Clint. Very chic :) I finally found the time to watch this reaction- a bit later than I had hoped but oh well, it's been a crazy day. So this whole "locked in the compound" storyline isn't really my favourite, because it doesn't really do much to drive the plot forward. It's just mostly side characters looking hungry or pissed. Nothing more is happening. Well, at least we get some character growth or rather character backstory out of it next episode, so that's something. And next episode we get a reeeaally great Mikaelsons siblings scene, which I am excited for you to see, because it finally introduces you to the reason why I burned that particular design for Elijah into the wood (the one that you won in the giveaway :) ) Btw, I am so happy that you like the new actress who portrays Bex. And I totally agree, sometimes I watch her scenes and forget that this isn't actually "our" og Rebekah. She's just THIS good. And I promise you, she has great chemistry with the main cast, which is such an important thing. Klaus being mad at Kol and being dramatic af- I mean, I do kind of get where Klaus is coming from. They had a pretty, well let's call it "rocky" past. Kol was a troublemaker whose antics jeopardised his family because back then Mikael was always hot on their trail, and back then Klaus wasn't a Hybrid with almost unlimited power, so he didn't really stand a chance against Mikael. And well, Klaus' go to solution for literally everything was the dagger. So instead of, you know, just talking to Kol, he chose the more violent solution. And on top of that Klaus did kind of choose Marcel over Kol. So Kol had every right to be pissed at Klaus. And that feud between them just kept on going and going. They never really trusted each other. Kol always resenting Klaus for what he did to him and Klaus alwas thinking that Kol is a selfish, unreliable prick. But then at the end of last episode, and this is really important, they finally talked and it seemed like they had a truce. Klaus even trusted Kol enough to give him the white oak stake- and we all know how paranoid Klaus is. But he trusted Kol with it. ANd that was such a huge step in their realationship. And so of course Klaus gets mad and feels betrayed when he finds out that Kol played them. And another big factor is that it's Rebekah who Kol put in danger with his "prank". We all know how much Klaus loves her and how very (over)protective he is of her. And lastly, I think Jackson is a good guy but unfortunately not a very interesting character lol. I am sure he'd be a great and loving husband. But let's be honest, no one in their right mind would choose him over Elijah if they had the power of choice. But I respect Hailey for putting her pack first. It's funny, I never really liked Hailey that much, but ever since you started to react to TO, talking so highly of her, I have begun to notice a shift in my opinion of her which almost never happens. I rarely get swayed by someone else's opinion (at least not when it comes to my preferences). But damn, I've been enjoying her scenes more and more and what's even more mindboggling- I've actually started to somewhat like Elijah/Hailey and let me tell you, I have been one of the biggest Hailijah ANTIs out there. Until very recently I've only- excusively- liked Hailey&Klaus scenes. Those were the only Hailey scenes I would watch. I always skipped the rest. So yeah, I am curious to see where Hailey is going to end up in my character ranking after watching all of your TO reactions. :D


Dani girl you wrote a whole essay here lol! Is the third paragraph a bit of a spoiler? Because he didn't seem to know for sure from his reaction.


I think Klaus was justified in being angry with Kol. Because it's not just about Rebekah it's about Hope, Rebekah was meant to join them (Elijah and Cami) back at the house, and she's supposed to be helping keeping her safe, so Kol doing his "prank" wasn't cool, not right now when there could be serious consequences, and Elijah is still not fully recovered mentally, and of course Rebekah is one of Klaus's favorite siblings. I thought the locked in the compound storyline was more about Finn than anything else, showing his power, his frustrations etc. Idk I liked this episode and found it to be interesting lol. Jackson - his storyline kinda pretty much revolves around Hayley, he's a good guy I like him, and he's important to the storyline in terms of the ceremony and their plan to increase the packs power. The thing with Elijah vs Jackson is that Jackson seems to be the kind of person who would put Hayley above anyone else, and that's why I think he's her better option. Not saying that Elijah wouldn't do everything that he could to protect her, but idk I just get the feeling that Hayley would always be second to his siblings.


Oh btw Clint I love your Christmas themed outfit!!! Santa Mega! Love it!


Hahaha yeah I tend to do that. I just have sooo many thoughts on TO and this is one of the few places I can share them :D do you mean the paragraph about the compound? Or something else? I try to not spoil anything for Clint, but sometimes I get a little... carried away and forget that he is watching for the first time and doesn't know everything we know lol. Maybe you can point me to the part you think may be spoilerish and I'll remove it :)


I love reading your thoughts, Loki. You're absolutely right, this episode and the compound storyline in particular reveals a lot about Finn and how he operates! And that's definitely the one aspect I like about it :) I think I agree with you when you say that Jackson is probably the better and safer choice for Hailey. Jackson is a good man and he really seems to love Hailey (though I do think Mega is right when he says that Jackson is in love with the IDEA of Hailey and their marriage. Because like he said, he loved her even before he met her. And I think it helps A LOT that she's absolutely stunning lol. But I do think that now he's actually falling in love with her and not just the idea of her. :) and I think you're right, in the end Elijah will always choose his family (mainly Klaus) and Jackson would definitely put Hailey first.


It’s after the Bex paragraph. We saw the name but we don’t know what it means yet.


I see what you mean. I don't really think it's a spoiler but I have removed it nonetheless just to be safe :)