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Thank you for giving us 2 TO reactions AND a TVD reaction, that was such a lovely surprise to wake up to! I still have to watch the TVD reaction- but you know me, of course I had to watch both TO reactions straight away :D I don't have much to say about the first episode- it was okay and I did like Klaus' little speech to Elijah when he tried to get him to wake up. And the Cami, Aiden, Josh, Marcel and Hayley team up to capture Finn was solid and of course I enjoyed all the Kol/Davina scenes. The second episode I personally like a lot. I like everything about it except the werewolf stuff, which I would usually skip, but of course I wanted to hear your commentary, so I didn't skip it this time around. :) I love seeing the effects his time as his mother's prisoner has on ELijah. He has something so dark about him now. There is this edge, this black abyss just lurking behind his eyes. Daniel portrays that so masterfully. And we FINALLY got to see my sweet, beautiful Rebekah again Oh how I've missed her! And she looks stunnning. "Motherhood" becomes her :) I know, I probably repeat myself at this point but I think the chemistry between the actors of the Mikaelson family is just fanatastic. They work so well together. It really feels like the most chaotic, messed up family and I always have such a great time watching their scenes together. Davina has balls. I respect her so much. She really played Klaus. The way she goaded him to attack. That was sooo good. And Klaus still being so cocky and confident even after Davina basically kicked his Hybrid ass- fantastic. Love their dynamic! I love how well you know this show and its characters. You immediately knew that Esther prepared Cami's body for Bex and not for herself. Esther defnitely chose wisely (weird brother-sister dynamics aside lol) because Klaus would never do anything to harm Camille. And also good catch that those birds probably weren't Esther's but Dahlia's. Like I said, you really know this show! :) Thanks again for those wonderful reactions. I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving, my friend.


It's lit - this show is lit is what the youngins would say nowadays lol. This episode was fantastic! Loved seeing Rebekah again. I do feel sorry for Finn at the end though, I can't begin to imagine how terrifying it must be to be locked into a coffin alive, absolutely traumatizing. I think Finn didn't deserve that, he's angry and honestly rightfully so.