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You understand the show perfectly. This is not a teen drama at all, it’s a very adult show, exceptionally psychologically deep. The writers have a great understanding of psychology and human nature and they load the characters with dept. Before the show aired, they had 4 seasons already written, plus they had the books. So not only they had most of the lore and this universe established, but they established the characters back story, how they grow up, what kind of family they grown up in, what kind of life they lead, what were their early life events and traumas, and equipped the main characters with a psychological profile, so that every action and reaction would be consistent with their back stories, with their life, with who they are, very much like real human being, and the motivations that drives them would be grounded. So whom ever lived a bit of life, had experience some good and bad stuff, know that things they talk about to be real. That is why kids don’t understand the show, they cannot possibly understand all the psychological implications of most life events presented here, because they don’t have the experience, yet. Elena’s lost her parents at 17, way too young, and the fact that they died because they went to pick her up, made her feel guilty, she has also survivor guilt, been the only survivor, that makes her care very little for her life, she is almost a death seeker. The loss of her parents at such young age, made her feel insecure, vulnerable, unprotected, that is why she fell in love with Stefan because he made her feel, protected and the notion that he is immortal, would give her that sense of security and continuity she lost when her parents died. Stefan grow up as a golden boy the young of the family, the spoilt one, the one that didn’t have the pressure of being, the first born, the name carrier, like Damon had. He never experience the war, or any hardship, he never had challenges he had to prove himself with. So when he became a vampire, he was an immature very sheltered young adult, he wasn’t ready for what being a vampire requires, control, restrain, facing the inner beast and tame it. He wasn’t equipped, like Damon was. The contrast from being the golden boy and the beast is what makes Stefan so unbalanced, he doesn’t what to accept he is a vampire, he wants to the human he was the golden boy of the family, and by repressing his dark side, he hasn’t learn to control it and whenever it would comes out, as any in any repressed person, it comes out with a blast as an incontrollable urge, he isn’t familiar with and cannot control. The fact that his teacher was Lexi didn’t help the situation, she meant well, but she was like him self-righteous and haughty, way to confident in effectiveness of her methods, that consisted only in bring back Stefan from the dark side, but never addressing the problem at the root. Damon on the other hand, had experienced all before becoming a vampire, much will be explained in later seasons, and we know that he had a bad reputation in his family, he was the disappointment of his father, the rebel, dating people his father didn’t approve of, but secretly craving for his affection and approval by going into a war he didn’t believed in, just to please him. Damon faced the horror of the war. So when he became a vampire, he knew already the dark side of things, he faced his dark side already, so he knew how to control it. The fact that he had Sage as teacher that is the opposite of Lexi, a self indulgent vampire, using her power to full extent, exploiting it for her own pleasure with no feelings of remorse for her victims, gave Damon another prospective, regarding his miserable life he was forced into, a consideration that his life as a vampire could be fan. He embraced the beast and tamed it, and he knows how to use it, for his and everybody’s advantage. That is the back story so far, what motivate them, why they react to events differently. What the writers explore is actually very real, the fantasy is a good platform, to make the characters going through lots of things, events, and traumas that a normal reality based show wouldn’t allow you to explore. It’s a channel to have a deep insight to very real human problems, straggles, psychological problems, etc. questioning certain aspects of life, making this show extremely profound and elevating it to a very artistic and poetic level that is rarely seen.

Catherine Noble

The main attraction in this show for me is the relationship between Damon and Stefan. For the target audience of teens or young twenties, it will be the triangle between Damon, Stefan and Elena. For me, that just gets in the way of the relationship between the two brothers! That's why I watch this show again and again! :-)


I finally got to watch your reaction (had a crazy weekend and only just now found the time). And as always your theories and musings and your understanding of the show - it's so delightful and fun to watch! Whenever I am stressed or depressed I just watch your tvd reactions - they never fail to cheer me up!