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Luke Nevill-Bond

Remember that when Peter found out when he was from the other world he mentioned "That's why my mother killed herself wasn't it?" to Walter so his mother beginning to drink because of the lying is right on point. We love continuity. 🙂 But that scene when Olivia was telling Walter that her father was hitting her just broke my heart. I always get emotional at those types of scenes in any show. 😢


What's he gonna say when he finds out how Walternate finds out where Peter is.... "Holy poop on a stick!" 🤣 When Olivia crossed over running to Walter's office in Jacksonville, but ended up in Walternate's office in Jacksonville. This happened because she was afraid to go back home. As a particular emotional fear triggers her abilities, this will be why she wouldn't likely see Peter glimmer and generally still doesn't. I totally get why you wanted it to happen though for a cool moment. I think they had something better planned for us with what we got in that reveal. As these skills only happen under specific circumstances. This feels like a clever writing choice, to prevent Olivia from becoming some kind of superpowered character dropping skills at every opportunity. As cool as that would be. I think it might have developed into a different kind of show had they taken that route.