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This show had money, but they do things properly tough. Everything regarding special effects is very settle and they keep it realistic. So you will never see here gimmicky transformations, that after few years look so outdated, like for example the "monsters" in Buffy the vampire, now they look so fake and kind of ridiculous, or like the werewolf transformation in Teen Wolf, terribly cheap. That is one of the reasons why TVD popularity hasn't gone down, they cleverly never went over the top and when they have to show supernatural they do it very well, in a way that will never become outdated, you'll see. TVD season by season gets better and better.

Mariela Oquendo Rodríguez

Bonnie is so insufferable this season specially the first half!!!! Stefan and Caroline scenes are everything ❤️

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Caroline pushed Matt into dumping her, for his own protection. she doesn't trust herself around him, so she had to. Bonnie is my second favourite character in the entire show. but I agree.. she's kinda annoying this first part of the season, for sure!


I would rather have no effects than bad effects so I appreciate the direction the show took.


I really liked Bonnie for most of season 1 but she is insufferable so far in season 2. Glad to know she gets better.


Hey - I minored in anthropology and now work in IT, too.