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No offence. But if you bump this show to an 8 because of the short run and nr of episodes, maybe you will consider this one as a third show :)) since you could binge, record and post it to patreon in 2 days. Only 10 episodes. And if you want it on YouTube you can upload it when you have time. And do 3 shows instead haha.

Celia Fox

Oh oh Rush! Yes! I thought (with lots of hindsight- that this was a very good audition/preparation (accent not withstanding) for Lucifer! If you follow this through its one and only season, I will enjoy following you and your reactions to it. I have not heard anyone else's reactions to this so I am excited and hopeful that you will continue it and find out where it is going. I know Tom Ellis was saddened when it didn't get picked up for the second season but maybe if it had we wouldn't have gotten such a fantastic character for Lucifer!

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Pilot- Thank you so much for your fun reaction to this third Pilot of a fantastic show!!! I really love this show and I am so sad that Rush only lasted ten episodes. Tom Ellis is phenomenal as Doctor William P. Rush, just as he's phenomenal in the role of Lucifer too. It's clear why those who asked Tom to play Lucifer had done so. And while there are many similarities between these two characters, there are also many differences too. I'm so happy that over time, you came to notice this for yourself too. Rush is a strong character with many conflictions. And you can see as such in his facial expressions in spite of him fighting to keep up with the façade that he doesn't care about anyone but himself, just like we see from Lucifer as well. Which is a big reason why I love his character so much. Tom Ellis truly excels with showing emotions... a quality that is only seen in the best of actors in films and on TV. A quality that I absolutely look for in the characters when I begin watching a new show. If I can't see said quality within any of a show's main characters by the end of their Pilot episodes, it takes a lot for me to maintain any interest in them. Tom Ellis succeeded in grabbing my attention immediately. :) One of my favorite things that I love about this episode is seeing that Rush really does actually care about people in spite of him trying to make everyone around him think otherwise. Those he cares about most, as well as the people he treats. We see this with both his assistant, Eve, and his best friend, Dr. Alex Burke, as well as with his patients when he goes above and beyond to save them. With Eve, there's a continuing storyline briefly touched upon in this episode when they're in the hospital waiting for word on the young woman beaten up by the scumbag baseball player, revealing that Rush had grown to care about her even back then and did something more for her other than simply hiring her to come be his assistant. And this storyline between Rush and Eve is actually my favorite storyline throughout the whole show. It's really good. I really love their friendship and their banter. With Alex, we see how much he cares about him when protects his friend from the gang members in spite of Rush putting Alex in danger in the first place. I think we can see in his eyes that he hates having to call his friend for help, but more so... we also see how protective Rush becomes when the gang threaten him as they point a gun and nearly force him to stay. And Eve and Alex seem to be able to see through his façade and they know otherwise, which is why they can tolerate Rush's crazy antics and genuinely care about him too. If they didn't... there's no way Rush would be their friend for long. And then... we also see genuine care Rush shows for his patients too, especially in regards to the young woman he saves from the baseball player. In the end, Rush protects her from ever being hurt by him again when he suddenly snaps and beats him over and over with his own baseball bat. Then, he's also shown sitting by her bedside in the hospital, waiting for her to wake up in order to make sure that she will be okay. Even though Rush tells Eve that he hates hospitals for reasons yet to be revealed. Rush even gives a random stranger he thinks is homeless some money outside of the hospital when he leaves. Granted... he immediately takes his money back when the guy confusingly exclaims he's not homeless, but the thought was there. And as for Sarah, the woman Rush is clearly in love with... he is very different when he's around her. However, his drug and drinking addictions often gets in his way of truly being with her because he's very reckless, and from the brief flashbacks we see when he begins to freak out or act strangely like he's been affected by the drugs he's been taking, we see that he had really scared her enough to make her choose to leave him after a four year relationship. Plus... it's implied that Rush must have often chosen work over staying with her. Probably more often than she liked. I feel really badly for him when she tells him off in the end, even though he deserves it. Yes... Rush needed to take the call that called him away to save the life of a patient in dire need of his services, and he did so because he felt strongly obligated to do so, especially because Manny... his drug dealing friend, had been the one to call him and was also in danger. He most likely would have gotten killed had Rush refused to help him and the gang member who had been shot. I just really love seeing the conflicts we see this character struggle with. Between his addictions to drugs and alcohol, always putting his life in danger by treating the patients he does, to always trying to keep up his façade of not caring while trying not to reveal how he really feels. And there is a lot of good to come in the episodes ahead that help to really develop each of these characters. I also really like the format of this show. While it seems like a procedural at times, each episode gives us multiple patients that Rush treats, which is quite different from any other doctor/hospital shows I have ever seen. Granted... I haven't watched too many because very few of them have interesting characters that stand out to me. Rush and House M.D. starring Hugh Laurie are the rare exceptions. Overall... I really love this show and I am excited to see your continued reactions for it! This show was absolutely wronged by those in charge of cancelling shows that might not get the best ratings at the time of their airings, when Rush was cancelled after only ten episodes, especially upon being cancelled after such a cliffhanger that this show ends on. And since Rush has been cancelled, it's only drawn more people to watch it. Thank you very much once more for your reaction to this Pilot, Clint! Until your continued reactions... Sincerely, Heidi