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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

The Nigerian Job- What an absolutely phenomenal show!! Thank you very much for your reaction for this show's Pilot episode. I really loved watching it again with you. And I am so, so happy to see how much you really enjoyed this first episode as well. :) First... we are introduced to each of the characters, who are brought together by someone they don't know to be the bad guy, upon hiring them to steal another company's secret plans under false pretenses. Nate, or Nathan Ford is the team's mastermind, played by actor... Timothy Hutton. Sophie Devereaux is the team's grifter, played by Gina Bellman. Eliot Spencer is the team's hitter, played by actor... Christian Kane. Alec Hardison is the team's hacker, played by actor... Aldis Hodge, and Parker is the team's thief, played by actress... Beth Riesgraf. I love, love, love each one of these characters, each of whom are uniquely talented in their specific skillsets. And I absolutely love the main concept of this series now that the team has come together in the end in order to take down the real bad guys who try to hurt the innocent people too weak to fight against them legally. It's absolutely brilliant!!! I love each member of the team very much. They all share fantastic chemistry with one another and their actors play off of one another very well. However, I have to say that Hardison and Parker are definitely my favorite two members of the team just from this first episode alone, but also for a number of reasons that you will come to discover over time should you continue on with Leverage. Thank you so much, Mega! I hope there will be many more reactions for Leverage. I'm kind of sad that Fringe beat out this show, because I'm not a fan of Fringe myself, but of course I understand. I certainly hope you will come to continue watching Leverage some time in the future. I truly had so much fun watching your reaction for this Pilot. Thank you! Sincerely, Heidi

Josh Lomax

Really hope you stick with this show. Its one of my favorites and nobody else has done it, so you can "corner the market" so to speak


I have been so looking for someone to react to this or Liet to Me. I hope you continue it.

Hilery (CoupleCrazy)

Really hope you continue, nobody reacts to this highly underrated show.