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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Frequency- Yay!!! I'm so happy you loved this movie so much! It is one of my all time favorite movies, so thank you so much for watching and reacting to it for me Clint! Frequency not only has a phenomenal storyline from start to finish between the father and son while their lives are shown in two different time periods as they fight to save their family, but this movie also has so much heart. The relationship between father and son is beautiful and heartbreaking, as we see their struggles to not only survive the threat risen against their family, but also their struggle to right their wrongs that came from the consequences of them changing the past. And yes... there is definitely a price that they both pay in order to survive and come together again in the present time. Jim Caviezel plays John Sullivan and I absolutely love his performance. The emotion he shows in his character... he makes me cry in this movie. Not only is he phenomenal at showing just how desperate he is to save his father and mother, as well as the innocent women who died as a result of their actions in changing the past, but his emotion comes across every time he speaks with his father through the radio. Especially in the moment John is talking with his father after Frank survives the warehouse fire because his son saved his life. I love seeing the tears in John's eyes at the end of this scene, and hearing the breaking in his voice as he tells his father he loves him too once Frank tells him he loves him as well. Words that John hasn't heard for thirty years. It's so heartwarming. Jim Caviezel is my all time favorite actor, and has been since I first saw this movie many years ago, and then several movies with him since such as The Count of Monte Cristo and Angel Eyes, as well as Person of Interest too. I just love the strength, heart, and emotion Jim Caviezel brings to each of his characters. And he brings this kind of quality and strength into every character he plays. I just absolutely love him. :) Dennis Quaid is an amazing actor too. I love him as Frank Sullivan. I love Frank's drive to get to know his grown up son in the future, while fighting to protect his family in his own timeline as well. And all while also doing all he can to right their wrongs with his grown up son's help. In consequence of him doing so, Frank is later accused of being involved with the serial killer, or of being the killer himself, and is nearly killed a number of times. Yet Frank still fights to clear his name and brings justice for his family and the innocent women who had been killed because of their mistakes in changing their past. I can't imagine the emotional pain John must have felt from not only suddenly becoming bombarded by all the new memories he receives after they continue to change the past and having to live with new sets of memories in his mind, but also the pain that comes from having to wait by helplessly after he overhears his father fighting with Satch and his partner, then having to read that his father's been accused of being their killer. And Jim Caviezel truly brings out how John is feeling in every scene. It's heartbreaking. As for the overall storyline with John and Frank trying to take down the Nightingale... I love the combination of this story along with all of the family storyline. And I love, love, love the addition of the time elements crossing over and being altered as we see father and son fight to change the past and their future to save their family. The dynamic between Dennis Quaid and Jim Caviezel is phenomenal, and their father/son relationship between their characters is just beautiful. I am always in suspense throughout the whole movie, and the ending always makes me cry because I am just so excited and so happy it ends with Frank surviving, and killing... or at least hindering the serial killer cop in order to save his son in both timelines. And Frank calling his adult son Chief and saying he was still there as they hug... beautiful!!! Oh... and in answer to your confusion about the ending... The little boy shown when John lifts him up and holds him with his father is indeed John's son, and his former girlfriend, Sarah... is there in the end of the movie as well. She is seen standing with Julia, John's mother as she takes a picture of John and Frank holding their son. And she is also pregnant in this scene as well. We can only assume that by all of the events being changed upon John and Frank succeeding in saving their family, John grows up happily and without the emotional struggles we see him suffering from throughout this movie in consequence of both of his parents' deaths. And therefore, the ending shows us that he has most likely married Sarah and that they've had one child, with another child on the way. And I absolutely love seeing that while, yes... there are definitely consequences from John and Frank messing with the timelines and making all these changes, they also are able to find the happiness they deserve and are finally able to be together in the end. Just like John has desperately longed for his whole life. Julia Sullivan, young John, Gordo, young Gordo, Satch, and even the Nightingale... Jack Shepherd are all also great characters too. I really enjoy seeing the changes in their characters and in their lives that they're completely unaware of, every time John and Frank change something. Julia Sullivan is played by actress, Elizabeth Mitchell, who is a very talented actress that I love in a number of shows and movies I've seen with her in them. Oh... and I am so happy you were able to understand why the killer was able to kill ten women when the first changes occurred instead of just three like he originally did... because Julia (John's Mom and Frank's wife) saved Jack Shepherd's life in the hospital the night Frank went to visit her there after he survives the warehouse fire, when she wouldn't have been there to save the killer's life originally if Frank had died. Many people miss this, or don't understand the significance of this hospital scene, but bravo to you for catching it! And in consequence of the changes John and Frank make to everyone's lives, Jack also despicably kills his own mother who was also a nurse like Julia, after the original three women he had been killed, but changed his MO so that no one would look at him for the murders. John had spoken to both of Jack's parents earlier on in the beginning upon finding the bones nearby, before Frank's survival from the warehouse fire changed everything. This is how John knew where to come back to in order to try to find Jack and why he recognized Jack's picture when he got the information about the killer from his prints John took from the wallet, and why he came back to talk to them again only to discover the mother was now dead. Sadly, by them changing their own lives, it caused the killer's mother to lose her life too. I can only hope that by Frank and John fighting to stop the serial killer, all of the rest of the nine women previously to have been killed, including Jack's mother... were all saved. Sadly... John and Frank will have to live with the consequence of being unable to save the murder victim who Frank had been accused of killing. Also... the music throughout this movies is really good too, as well as very fitting not only for the time periods, but for the overall storylines throughout the movie. And I especially love the song played in the credits sung by Garth Brooks called, When You Come Back to Me Again. I don't know Garth Brooks' music all that well, but this is definitely one of his songs that I really do love. Next.. I love the scene when John has a moment to talk with his mother in the past, as well as himself and his long time best friend from childhood. I love seeing and hearing Julia assure John that her mother is surely proud of him and that she knows he loves her, then the moment when John pretends to be Santa Claus for his friend, Gordo so he can give him the best advice he could ever give him. In the beginning of this movie, Gordo states he regrets not buying stock in Yahoo, as in Yahoo.com. And because John remembered this, he tells young Gordo that yahoo is a magic word he needs to remember for a long time. And in so doing, we see in the end that Gordo's past has been altered upon seeing in the future that he now owns a fancy car with a license plate that says Yahoo, indicating he had actually bought the shares in the company that he didn't initially do, making him fairly wealthy. Brilliant!! And lastly... I just love seeing the changes made in John's future timeline and how they are shown to us. From seeing the changes through the new memories John suddenly becomes bombarded by inside the bar while out with his friends upon Frank listening to his son's pleas to go the opposite way in spite of his instincts telling him to go the other way, to seeing Jack's life and the house John has lived in his whole life suddenly change so drastically upon Frank and Julia, as well as little John all surviving their first attack by Jack Shepherd in their home, bring Frank to come home in the end so he can save his adult son's life from the same killer one final time, as he finally kills the monster who has terrorized their family for so, so long. The changes and special effects for each of these changes are marvelous. And I absolutely love this movie's creators' and writers' attentions to the details. Thank you very much again, my friend! I love this movie so much, and I truly enjoyed your reaction for it. It means a lot to me that you are continuing to love and create the reactions for the movies and the shows that I love too. I truly hope you'll like my next recommendation just as much and will continue to do so in the future too. I'm happy to keep making good recommendations. So, until next time... Be happy and stay healthy. And Happy New Year!!!! :) Sincerely, Heidi


Thank you for opening my eyes to this wonderful movie. It was amazing to see a father and son go through so much to save not only their family but to set things right. I look forward to your next suggestion. :)